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What families need to be banned from economic development funding in the future? Who have taken more than their fair share?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 09/20/2010 - 17:57.
As the name Coyne has surfaced in the corruption meltdown that has put the freeze on Northeast Ohio - Strongsville City Councilman Patrick Coyne placed on paid leave from job at coroner's office - I googled Coyne Ohio Politics and found an interesting posting on Third Base Politics on Coyne and Mid-Town development, that has been truly shitty... in this case connecting failed Ohio Governor Strickland and his failed Jobs Czar Lee Fisher with a Coyne doing big fundraising and paying-off for Strickland and Fisher leading to a Coyne getting big state grant funding - SAME COYNES? What families need to be banned from economic development funding in the future? Who have taken more than their fair share, the wrong ways?
But a review of a few contributions showed some interesting findings. I looked at the state and federal contributions from Alfred, Patty, Katherine, Ethan, and Greg Geis; as well as Ann and Terry Coyne - all are involved with the grant-winning company or family members.
And what did Geis and Coyne get? 17% of their project is paid for by a state grant, as well as "a $10.7 million federal, low-interest loan administered by the city of Cleveland; a $240,000 forgivable loan from a city program for vacant properties; and about $4 million in equity created through the sale of New Markets Tax Credits." Oh, and let's not forget "priority status for future state grants and loans." If nothing else, this sure doesn't look good. It's this perception of impropriety that makes voters more and more cynical. I'm going to hope for some clarification from the Fisher and Strickland campaigns, but I won't hold my breath.
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