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Plain Dealer machinations again...Please BELIEVE!!Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 10/23/2013 - 03:18.
Plain Dealer editorial choices for council are again - a joke. I can't wait to read their "endorsement" for Sweeney. What creative spin will they use this time??? Sickening.
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PD endorsement = UNREAL
Of the PD editorial board members, all but Chris Evans, live outside the City of Cleveland. This, of course, gives them the mighty right to dictate our vote. I am sickened by this endorsement, but not surprised
Cummins Abuses Franking Privilege -Vote Kazy
In the final weekend before the November elections - Brian Cummins finally puts out a trifling and pathetic newsletter to residents.
I have campaigned and I can only do so much. If our electorate is so dumb, so anesthetized to being treated like crap - then you all deserve the same old sh#%t. Vote for the incumbents...we are doomed to the same.