Vince Labbe - more of what Cleveland Really needs
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 10/17/2009 - 18:42.

The fellow holding the board is Vince Labbe. He wears wet suit gloves in the October Lake Erie water but not a hat. He said once he's in the water he doesn't think about it. (probably because of hypothermia!)
Anyway, I met him this afternoon at Edgwater Park in Cleveland, Ohio.
In our conversation I learned that Mr. Labbe was involved with a surfing movie, named OUT OF PLACE (get it stupid - surfing is out of place on the Great Lakes!) which won some New York Film Festival award.
I believe that Vince and his compatriots in the freezing lake are integral to the salvation of Cleveland and NEO. Not any of the issues 1,2,3,4,5,or Mason's 6.
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Surf's Up Watercam with Canary Vince?
I bet this man has seen and swam in more disgusting stuff than nearly anyone alive - I'd love to see a journal or webcam of gross stuff in Lake Erie... and environmental monitors attached to his surfboard... especially after a rain, when surf is up to the toilet bowl on our great Blue Lake.
I'd love to see his medical records in a few years.
I really wonder if it is safe to spend so much time in Lake Erie water at all. I definitely keep my kids out!
I do not encourage anyone to go in.
Is Labbe an activist for bettering our community... bettering the lake?
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Heavy metal contamination can get in the food chain, its not washing up in the tide. Its a real threat in the ecosystem but not at the beach for swimmers. More about eating a fish thats been foraging at the bottom of the lake.
The run off from agriculture is mostly nitrates and is threatening because it throws off the balance of the lake, not threatening at the beach.
The restriction and regulations that exit are real and we do have issues with air quality but the water not as much, its been getting better not worse.
The warnings at the beach are related to bacteria not hazardous waste. They have spent million to control out fall are we still seeing tampon applicators and condoms?
FYI….only thing that you should flush is Poop and pee! NOTHING ELSE!
I am under the impression that facilities that process chemicals are getting away from central processing of it, its being processed on site. I personally think that facilities that have or work with hazards should not be connected to storm the sewers. Guess thats why I keep going on about having centralized industrial areas. While some Urban Studies graduate goes on about how having it all in one place is best…why again?
That little industrial area within Detroit Shoreway, which they think should be reinvigorated with industry! NO it should not its lake front and its better for other uses and it is tied into drains that more than likely lead to the beach! It also requires different power supplies and all the poles and transformers that come with that. Then semis and traffic and noise….hey its all part of the dynamics of urban life! DUMB and DUMBER and as in Detroit Shoreway teams with WIRENET.
Take out a map and draw some polygons, inside of those defined areas for industry then outside of them no industry, then begin the process of clustering them! Access and proximity to rail and interstate as criteria! Then address the rail that traverses the city. I absolutely am certain that we have as much as 300% to 500% more tracks then needed. Thats because the tracks are owned by different companies, they do not like to share tracks. Then the cities get paid property tax on the land, so they are not keen to consolidate them either. See how we are, then the bridges they are owned by the rail companies and sometimes they will sell the maintenance to the cities, which will give the bridges a lick and a promise and then spend the money on other things.
If we get industry clustered and offer them public works as in energy management and waste handling services and reasonable tax rates then hey we may be able to attract them back. We can even offer free trade zone for foreign companies to hold goods without taxing them. Then encourage them to set up their distribution centers here. We need jobs !
If we are really well managed and address issues with the highest of standards then everyone is interested….we just cannot let them do it all for profit, it needs to be done for the glory of it! That being recover the cost over time.
The nicest the cleanest the safest and the cheapest.
My god get it together before the fed turns off the printing presses?
It’s bacteria that’s an issue and subjectivity to infection, in the cold its not so active.
You want this water in your body?
I can see it now, on one of those gross-out reality shows... contestants must eat dog shit or drink Lake Erie water from Edgewater Park... all choose dog shit.
You want this water in your body? In your eyes - up your nose - in your mouth and down your throat? From our streets, sewers, and god knows where else to here.
I questions whether our water is becoming safer, as most of what we have contaminated our waters with still lurks there, and we flush more and new manmade elements into the water supply daily - it is now contaminated with pollutants that didn't exist a few years ago, about which we know very little, and do nothing to remove.
And, yes to condoms, tampons, and lots of dead wildlife, on my last visit to the Bleu Lakefront
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about the fish
All fish is contaminated with mercury, which is air borne. If your fish comes from the lake, a farm raised fish, or a wild caught fish from a pristine stream, it is contaminated with mercury.