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TY Chris Warren, Brian Cummins, Aldis USA, First Interstate and Mitch Schneider -Reimagined W. 25th Pearl Metrohealth CorridorSubmitted by lmcshane on Wed, 09/10/2014 - 09:31.
Former Economic Director for City of Cleveland Chris Warren deserves the accolades for our lovely reimagined parking lot in historic Brooklyn Centre. Kudos, too, to Aldis USA, Brian Cummins et. al on council who facilitated deal with First Interstate Steelyard's Mitch Schneider to move the store - OFF three major bus routes - to the #81 route- because our SENIORS and families with kids are not wimps - they like to walk and take two buses to get FOOD. Oh, and I would be remiss if I did not thank Mayor Frank Jackson - putting residents first!! Taking care of our own!!!
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What's GOOD for you and your family's health??
Please let Metrohealth know :
Steelyard Commons
is the best
'70s revisited -Slavic Village 2
My thoughts exactly ... hah!
YMCA building listed - last sale 125,00
YMCA building listed
Coral Group controls useless SCFBC under Detroit Shoreway
Here in Brooklyn Centre - we have no communication from our useless council reps Brian Cummins and Anthony Brancatelli and our useless CDC, Stockyard Clark-Fulton Brooklyn Centre, created by Brian Cummins because he couldn't work with Kevin Kelley at the CDC that spawned his political career, Old Brooklyn CDC. SCFBC is baby mob op under mega-taxpayer-millions-funded and staff-heavy CDC Detroit Shoreway-where young people get fed into the political machine (example one employee at SCFBC benefitted by getting a house for $3,000 next to Washington Park and the list goes on... the loyalty program).
The history of power plays in our neighborhood alll goes back to Rokakis, who revels in his service to his devil masters, developers like Rubin at Coral Group and the Ratners at Forest City. Brian Cummins is following the playbook by attempting to cultivate his master, the Stark Group. We all lose and developers suck the life out of our neighborhood. (History of power play in Tremont all goes back to Frangos - but that's a whole other story).
mr baran
our apologies. the conditions you describe are not acceptable. we will have a team at brooklyn centre today to address this.
peter rubin
the coral company
13219 shaker square
cleveland ohio 44120
plr [at] thecoralcompany [dot] com" ymailto="mailto:plr [at] thecoralcompany [dot] com" target="_blank" href="mailto:plr [at] thecoralcompany [dot] com" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-decoration: underline; color: rgb(25, 106, 212); outline: none; background: transparent;">plr [at] thecoralcompany [dot] com
Listen. Understand. Lead.
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2014 12:16 AM
To: Peter Rubin;
Subject: Re: Brooklyn Centre Shopping Plaza
Dear Mr. Rubin:
I have communicated with you concerning issues relating to the Brooklyn Centre Shopping Plaza in the past, and it does not give me any pleasure in once again having to write to you further.
This Shopping Center is a concern for all living in this general area. Few businesses remain in this Shopping Plaza. Much of the blame must fall upon the Coral Company because of its desire to create an unfavorable atmosphere with the poor general maintenance and care of the exterior of this Shopping Plaza. Such neglect does little in any positive efforts to draw new possible businesses into this Shopping Plaza.
Yesterday, December 4, 2014, I visited the local CVS Drug Store. This drug store is one of the last original primary stores of business located in this plaza. Once again, I was shocked at how little effort is given by the Coral Company in the proper required maintenance of this Shopping Plaza. Litter and recent seasonal leaves have blown into and along the parking area entrance walkways of the few remaining stores of business. Plus such wet leaves along the walkways create a possible liability for the Coral Company. If some person using the Plaza walkway were to fall and be injured because of these leaves.
Little care is given to the general maintenance of this Shopping Center by the Coral Company.
Mr. Rubin, as President and CEO of the Coral Company. I wish to ask. Who is the responsible party of the Coral Company for the general maintenance of the exterior of this Shopping Plaza? Have they viewed this Shopping Plaza recently? Is this poor care and maintenance the general policy of the Coral Company? Are all company properties maintained in this same general way?
I further ask, and call upon the Coral Company for immediate attention and action concerning this and other issues concerning the Brooklyn Center Shopping Plaza.
I have included a cc to the local Council Representatives and other Active Members of this community. I invite them to review this issue and ask that they as well contact the Coral Company relating to the issues of our local Brooklyn Centre Shopping Plaza.
John Baran
Matt Zone announces Anchor Food Store for Edgewater-Clifton
Over the course of the past several months, many individuals have commented on this page, and others social media outlets, about what is going on (or lack thereof) with the W.117th development. The project is moving forward. We have been in very intense negotiations with a new anchor tenant since Giant Eagle pulled out of the project last November 2014. My office was instrumental in luring a new high quality grocer based out of Bolder, Colorado, as the new anchor tenant for this project. Immediately after the news was official that GE was not moving forward we began to look for a new anchor.
I’m pleased to announce that Lucky’s Market will be the new anchor tenant of the W.117th development. They are a perfect fit for our neighborhood. Their Values aligned with ours. They have a strong focus on local and healthy food eating options. The owner of Lucky’s started Wild Oats back in the day, and later sold that business to Whole Foods. The owner was also a partner in the Whole Foods grocer, and later sold his interest, and started a new brand, Lucky’s. He is well capitalized and this is a solid project.
Lucky’s currently has 11 stores. They are expanding very rapidly and have one store in Columbus, OH. The difference between the Clifton site and all of their existing stores is that this is their first new construction project. All other Lucky’s stores are retrofits of existing buildings. We are currently working through designs issues with them. The city has been in close contact with all parties involved in this project, including Andrew Brickman on the residential development, and the Carnegie Company on the commercial development. Lucky’s is very excited to enter the Cleveland market.
I know that there are a number of people who doubt that this project will happen. We only have one opportunity to get this project right and I’m not going to substitute speed for quality. This is too important of a project and our neighborhood should not settle for anything less.
Lucky’s has agreed to explore a second floor and some outdoor seating / indoor seasonal seating. They have also agreed to move the transformer off Clifton Blvd. and locate it behind the store, unlike what GE was planning on doing. The exterior of the Lucky’s building will have similar elements of what the GE project proposed.
Lucky’s will be presenting before Cudell’s local design review committee at the end of this month. The city and Cudell, Inc. have shared with Lucky’s the community’s expectations and aspirations for what the building should look like.
Now that the anchor tenant has been resolved, this summer the deconstruction of the 5th Church will begin, as will the foundation work for both commercial projects along Clifton. The residential along Lake will happen later this year or early 2016.
Soon we should have elevations for the new Lucky’s Market, and I will share them with the community before construction begins. I’m hopeful to have a large community meeting in early May. This meeting will discuss the construction of the lakefront plan, with anticipated construction to begin in mid-to-late May 2015. I’m also hopeful to share at this same meeting the new plans and timeline for the W.117th project. More to follow…..
Tremont "MAY" get a food market
Northeast Ohio continues to spiral downward - and, beware - poverty dollars may be coming to a suburb near you, too. The drug of choice - federal dollars. You see, without poverty - Cleveland Council folks can not depend on their CDBG monies that they divide among the Community Development Corporations, where they can groom their political loyalists.
The Old Brooklyn and Brooklyn Centre neighborhoods were represented by one CDC until Brian Cummins had an organizational war with Kevin Kelley - Brooklyn Centre boundaries allowed Old Brooklyn to capitalize on poverty dollars - but now that line has been redrawn to include Slavic Village since Brancatelli is partnered with Kevin Kelley to support Old Brooklyn Development Corp.
The shifting populations dependent on federal programs will always include the high end townhouses and then some pocket of folks deemed "pitiful" enough to qualify for the federal CDBG funds. Over here in my neighborhood - BROOKLYN CENTRE - we had everything, but the councilman, Brian Cummins, and his acolytes, Darren and Johanna Hamm - decided that we needed the "food desert" designation - so every effort has been made to qualify the neighborhood, including fake orchard and pulling Aldis from Pearl Rd. corridor - which was within walking distance of a senior housing complex and on 3 major bus lines - and relocating to Steelyard Commons.
So, I say beware - because this is the only game these political reps know how to play and it is time to sweep them out of office.