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Planning for West 25th Corridor - Citizen Input neededSubmitted by lmcshane on Wed, 09/17/2014 - 18:02.
Cleveland Neighborhood Progress has re-convened a stakeholder group for the West 25th/Pearl Road Corridor Initiative. This comes in response to two important developments: (1) the announcement of the MetroHealth Campus Transformation and (2) the commitment of resources from Enterprise Community Partners to support a W. 25th Transit Oriented Development Study for the portion of the road stretching from the lake at the northernmost end to Downtown Old Brooklyn on the south end. The intention is to continue to move this corridor initiative forward, using the Greater University Circle initiative as a meaningful local precedent for how to take this kind of work into a development/implementation phase. Cleveland Neighborhood Progress will hold two charrettes that are open to the public. The first one will be on September 16 (6:00 - 8:30 p.m. at Saint Wendelin Catholic Church, 2281 Columbus Rd., Cleveland) and the second one will be on October 16, also at Saint Wendelin*. For more information, contact Zoe Mueller at zmueller [at] clevelandnp [dot] org. (Photo: St. Wendelin Parish Hall) *Next meeting has been changed to Great Lakes Brewery Tasting Room (see photo above). Note: attached images may be used by anyone who wants to promote these meetings - creative commons.
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Summary -St. Wendelin's 9/16 -Next Mtg Thurs 10/16
(Photo: Historic Third Church of Christ - now home to vibrant Hispanic Congregation)
West 25th is subject to another study to determine transit and housing needs. Brooklyn Centre and Old Brooklyn have been subject of federal Transportation for Liveable Communities Initiative through NOACA (though no action taken). Ohio City Development Corporation and Neighborhood Progress Inc. applied and received funding from the Enterprise Foundation to conduct these neighborhood meetings.
(Photo: Pearl looking South - Riverside Cemetery/Mapledale Ave.-maintenance is an issue throughout corridor)
I learned of the first meeting secondhand through Twitter and was reminded of the second meeting through a Cleveland Restoration Society newsletter. As a local resident, I can not say that the public input process has been widely advertised. I arrived at the second meeting at 7:30, after I got off work. The process involved break-out sessions to address transit, housing, services, workforce, recreation, education, and commercial (I believe there were eight tables w/maps - help?) nodes. Groups were asked to address strengths and challenges in the corridor and then broke out to summarize their results. I encourage everyone who can make these meetings to attend - though I am not sure how the information will be summarized and presented. **THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE HELD AT GREAT LAKES BREWERY TASTING ROOM 6-8:30 p.m.
For more information, contact Wayne Mortensen, Director of Design and Development at 216.453.1443 or wmortensen [at] clevelandnp [dot] org There is a great need for resident representation.
***I also encourage residents to provide input on the Metrohealth expansion that has prompted these forums - at
(I love that area south of Denison, where Councilman Cummins' assistant Johanna Hamm/and her husband and SCBC employee Adam Stadler, who supposedly excels at managing commercial development ala Rubin Coral Group Plaza, both live (he recently bought a house) -is listed as STABILITY in this housing sheet from W. 25th planning session)
West 25th - La Villa Hispana!!
Study result will most likely be rehash of 2009 plan -See NOACA Liveable Communities
Also - Clark Metro had contentious history with W. 25th plan commissioned with Arkinetics Architecture Firm under Santiago with shady Abe Bruckman as part of the package:
Who knows if Arkinetics ever got paid?? La Villa Hispana is Cummins rehash of Santiago's International Village. Great minds. Who wants to live near demo'd home of Ariel Castro ?!!!
Prime development site in between Ohio City & Metrohealth Campus at West 25th and I-90 (just west of I-71). Shovel ready, I-90 visible. Potential civic incentives available! PPN's: 008-01-024,008-01-023, 008-01-022, 008-01-021, 008-01-020, 008-01-019, 008-01-017, 008-01-037, 008-01-036, 008-01-035, 008-01-034
Plans for more Plans! State Rt 42 aka Pearl aka W. 25th