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Fuck you pay me - HENRY SENYAK G.F.Y. (HENRY & FIRE FIGHTERS ETC. HEROES - HELP US SURVIVE THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE = THIS VIDEOSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 07/04/2014 - 14:23.
Published on Jul 3, 2014 Erba appropriately delivers flying FUCK YOU to the face of local arts smasher Henry Senyak. Beachland Ballroom, Cleveland Ohio 7-2-14 with Jello Biafra, Negative Approach. This show was fun as shit
U.S. States Most And Least Likely To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse
Given the growing frequency with which zombies appear in movies, TV shows, and your worst nightmares, it’s inevitable the zombie apocalypse will soon be upon us. When it comes to surviving this inevitable showdown with the undead, location is everything. Do you live in a state populated with zealous zombie fighters capable of beating back hordes of brain-hungry walking dead? Estately answered this question with its Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Rankings, which were determined using the 11 metrics below that measure fighting ability, knowledge of zombies, physical fitness, and access to weapons…
Below is a complete ranking of the 50 states based on zombie apocalypse preparedness. Those at the top are the most likely to survive and those at the bottom are the least likely to. Scores are per capita rankings for each category.
From the rankings, we discovered these surprising truths…
![]() 1st—ALASKA In a state where residents run from bears and moose, they will not be scared of slow-moving corpses. Alaska is packed with military personnel and veterans, and they’re only a fraction of the well-armed Alaskans prepared to shoot zombies from a moving snowmobile. 2nd—WYOMING No other state has a shared love of zombie movies and guns like Wyoming. While New Yorkers are having their brains eaten in cafes and elevators, the fine people of Wyoming will be sitting on the front porch with a shotgun enjoying a prolonged zombie hunting season. 3rd—COLORADO Coloradans are well known to be among the most physically fit in the country so when zombies start crawling out of their graves, most of the state’s residents will be miles away, easily jogging up a 10,000-foot mountain. 4th—IDAHO If a horde of zombies stumbles into Lewiston, Idaho they’re going to have their hands full. Idahoans are physically active, heavily armed, and are hard to catch because they’re oddly really into parkour. 5th—NEW MEXICO This state knows its zombie facts (from movies and TV shows), but it’s also full of triathletes and martial enthusiasts. Not only can residents escape from zombies by running, swimming, or biking, but they can also turn around and dole out some beat downs like the ninja assassins they are. 6th—MONTANA The state’s residents previously prepared to face the zombie apocalypse, but that was because pranksters hacked into a TV station’s EAS and broadcasted a message that the zombie apocalypse had begun. Had that not been a test, those zombies would have experienced the full wrath of Montana’s arsenal because that state is heavily armed. 7th—ARIZONA Home to both the Department of Zombie Defense and the Arizona Zombie Defense Force. The state of Arizona trains for the zombie apocalypse with zombie walks, a Zombie Night at an Arizona Diamondbacks game, and much more. 8th—NEVADA Las Vegas is home to the Zombie Apocalypse Store, so it’ll be easy to buy supplies to fend off the walking dead. Cities around the state are already prepping with zombie pub crawls, a state run zombie prevention site, and more. 9th—NEW HAMPSHIRE New Yorkers fleeing a zombie apocalypse will drive up real estate prices when the move to the Granite State, the most prepared in the Northeast. 10th—WISCONSIN Should the zombies enter an office building in Wisconsin, they’ll face a large number of people prepared to shoot zombies in confined areas because Wisconsin is home to the most laser tag enthusiasts per capita in America. Wisconsin is awesome.
PROFILE OF 10 STATES THAT WILL DEFINITELY NOT SURVIVE A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE![]() 42nd—MASSACHUSETTS Despite being physically fit, residents of Massachusetts are almost completely lacking in knowledge of zombies. Ignorance is not bliss, it’s very costly in a zombie apocalypse. 43rd—TENNESSEE The Tennessee Zombie Response Unit has its work cut out for it because the rest of state is ill prepared to battle the undead. Tennesseans should abandon their company softball teams and form paintball teams instead. 44th—LOUISIANA For Louisiana, the downside of letting the good times roll is it makes it very difficult outrun the living dead. Lack of physical fitness and limited knowledge of zombies dooms the great state of Louisiana… once it runs out of ammunition. 45th—ALABAMA Here’s a plan—Alabama confronts its obesity by training for the Alabama Biathalon. It’s a variation of the winter sport, but instead of cross-country skiing you just run around the woods with a gun shooting at everything. It’s like hunting season, but you can’t bring a 24-pack of beer. 46th—CONNECTICUT Residents of Connecticut should either begin playing laser tag or start seasoning themselves because if the zombie apocalypse started today they’d get eaten up as appetizers. 47th—GEORGIA Even though The Walking Dead is set in Georgia, residents there have little interest in zombies. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, the undead will discover Georgia brains are as sweet as Georgia peaches. 48th—NEW YORK If there were New York travel brochure for zombies it would tout the state’s lack of veterans, limited enthusiasm for survival skills, and scarcity of firearms. 49th—DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Our nation’s capital has almost no knowledge of zombies, martial arts, or firearm ownership. It’s going to be an all-you-can-eat brain buffet for the zombies. 50th—MISSISSIPPI M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-Die. Everybody is going to die. From zombies. 51st—NEW JERSEY If the zombie apocalypse began today, and you live in New Jersey, the odds are 100% that you’ve already been bitten and have become a zombie, unless you took a course from New Jersey’s own Zombie Survival Course. It’s real, and it could definitely save your life… even though they criticized our article. Watch this video. by Ryan Nickum We recommend you to read the free eBook we have to offer on our website, Beyond Collapse. Beyond Collapse is an extensive guide, covering everything from why we should prepare, how a collapse may happen, what civilization may look like in its aftermath, and what steps you can take to not only prepare ahead of time, but how you’ll survive and thrive during the reconstruction and rebuilding that follow. Download Beyond Collapse here and subscribe to our newsletter . Other useful resources: Blackout USA (EMP survival and preparedness) Conquering the coming collapse (Financial advice and preparedness ) Liberty Generator (Build and make your own energy source) Backyard Liberty (Easy and cheap DIY Aquaponic system to grow your organic and living food bank) anti-speciesism - Quest, ministries - gofundme - please donate
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Independence Day ...Save US!
nice...TY Guy - You and Henry are my heroes :) REAL Americans ...NOT zombies :)
Heroin or Crack?????????
The 'art' people's brain on drugs. Actually, it or should I say he, is a band member named Erba- Tony Erba I assume.
Judging by his jacked up behavior, I believe he is on some heavy drugs, possibly heroin or crack-maybe both.
It could be that he is jacked up on all of the free booze from Loren Naji's art gallery.
He probably played in his little band while sucking down free booze in Loren Naji's illegal art gallery.
Little wonder Henry Senyak has worked so hard to close down this shit.
The lunatic's motto:
We should make a YouTube video titled, "FUCK YOU, Loren Naji".
Naji is NOT above the law and can't do as he pleases.
The biggest 'FUCK YOU' actually goes to Loren Naji.
FUCK YOU for abusing tax dollars on this so called art.
FUCK YOU for placing the public at risk by blocking fire exits and turning off the lights in your building while the band was playing.
How can you have a FUCKING art show with all of the lights off?
FUCK YOU for not getting an occupany permit.
FUCK YOU for not applying for legal permits AFTER taking public dollars.
FUCK YOU for associating with such trash.
FUCK YOU for abusing the typical glass of wine or bottle of beer and offering a basic drunken free for all.
FUCK YOU for disrupting the neighborhood.
FUCK YOU for thinking you can open a nightclub with liquor and not pay thousands of dollars for a liquor permit.
FUCK YOU for having live music without obtaining the permit.
FUCK YOU for causing the art community undue stress because you got carried away and was creating a free for all at your so called drunken art shows.
How much FUCKING money have you taken from taxpayers for the West 25th art shit and the Waterloo art shit?
How much money did the FUCKING art bus cost taxpayers?
How much money will the 'free ride' FUCKING art bus cost taxpayers?
How much money have taxpayers invested in your FUCKING spaceship?
When you were charged with soliciting, were you FUCKING soliciting sex from prostitutes?
Loren Naji was quoted as saying the West 25th Street area was a shit hole prior to him purchasing his property.
The reason this area is and was a shit hole is because people like Loren Naji driving in from the suburbs soliciting:
Brain Damage = Zombies
Heavy Metal ‘Headbanging’ Causes Brain Damage — At Least In One Motorhead Fan
Decades after hirsute heavy metal bands like Led Zeppelin, Ozzy Osbourne, andBlack Sabbath brought “headbanging” into the cultural zeitgeist, at least one aging fan has suffered brain damage from the “violent and rhythmic” head movement while attending a Motorhead concert this year.