Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 07/24/2010 - 03:54.
![Cleveland skyline illuminated by Progressive Field and lightning](
Cleveland skyline illuminated by Progressive Field and lightning
The world certainly looks very different depending on your perspective and enlightenment... like, when a bolt of lightning struck stormy Cleveland last night, overpowering all man threw at nature, for a flash... and a flood. If your perspective was from where the lightning struck, you were quite impacted and may even be dead. Sitting in Progressive Field, hoping to see some Indians play, you thought you were the light and saw only raindrops darkening your day.
![Cleveland skyline in storm with clouds illuminated by Progressive Field](
From a distance, maintaining perspective, an observer may see the light... capture it in time... and things look very different that way
![Cleveland skyline illuminated by lightening and Progressive Field](
A visual and conceptual preamble to analyses of darkness surrounding environmentalism in Northeast Ohio, and flashes of light we may find today...
![Cleveland skyline illuminated by lightening and Progressive Field](
earthquake warning per norm photos & other clouds other warnings
earthquake warning per norm photos & other clouds other warnings
yogi and guy
No doubt the earthquakes are coming
No doubt the earthquakes are coming
Disrupt IT
HEADERS-the book
Norm/Jeff--a well-known photographer has suggested that REALNEO should publish a book of the headers found here. It's too bad that we don't have an accurate chronology of these amazing images!
I'm shooting about 5 gigs a day right now
I'm shooting about 5 gigs of high res photos a day right now...
TBs of video
Hence bigbang... I have quite an accurate chronology of these amazing images, and it is far more voluminous than the realNEO technology can serve right now! When we get that right, they will all be there.
Disrupt IT
I love the first picture.
I love the first picture. Very dramatic and the colors are beautiful.