Cleveland NORML February Meeting!
Submitted by Cleveland_NORML on Fri, 02/04/2011 - 23:01.

Cleveland NORML, the National Organization for the reform of marijuana laws, will be meeting at Sidetracks Cafe on February 5th from 4 to 6pm to host our open meeting. We welcome members and non-members alike!
Join us in our fight to reform marijuana laws in Ohio and advocate for safe, compassionate access to marijuana for all patients. The legalization of industrial hemp for all of America's farmers is also a key focus of Cleveland NORML's mission and we welcome everyone in the agricultural community to join.
Sidetracks Cafe
13429 Lakewood Heights Blvd
Cleveland, OH
I'm a member and I'll be there
I'm a member and I'll be there
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Report from the February NORML Meeting
Report from the February NORML Meeting
Cleveland NORML was #1 in the world and intends to be #1 again. Members are asked to encourage their friends to attend an upcoming NORML meeting and to promote the organization.
The next NORML Monthly meeting will be at Lakewood Public Library - I believe they are always first Saturday of the month - the event will post here on realNEO
The first Saturday of May - at High Noon, organizing at PUBLIC SQUARE - Cleveland NORML will hold their annual Peace March to focus attention on decriminalizing marijuana - last year's march attracted over 500 participants - other like-hearted organizations are encouraged to collaborate with NORML on this march... and they are planning some great music for at the conclusion... they need help with planning and staging the event and may be contacted at
Just in the past few months that I have been involved with Cleveland NORML, I've seen a real growth in momentum... there is a groundswell moving forward.
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Businesses leaving Cleveland to grow cannabis economy elsewhere
I went to the NORML meeting yesterday and one topic that came up in several conversations was local business owners taking their money and leaving Ohio to start MMJ businesses elsewhere... I'm finding there is quite a network of Cleveland x-pats in Denver. It seems some have done this to profit - some for health reasons, to be in a legal MMJ state - and the fact is our laws here are forcing away people, wealth and investment in the local economy, and shall until WE are reformed. I'll be working on analyzing the extent of those numbers, which I am certain are huge.
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here's one for you Norm - Hillary Clinton Says U.S. Can’t Legali
Hillary Clinton Says U.S. Can’t Legalize Drugs Because There is “Too Much Money in It” :
QUESTION: In Mexico, there are those who propose not keeping going with this battle and legalize drug trafficking and consumption. What is your opinion?
SECRETARY CLINTON: I don't think that will work. I mean, I hear the same debate. I hear it in my country. It is not likely to work. There is just too much money in it, and I don't think that – you can legalize small amounts for possession, but those who are making so much money selling, they have to be stopped. They can’t be given an even easier road to take, because they will then find it in their interest to addict even more young people. Mexico didn’t have much of a drug problem before the last 10 years, and you want to keep it that way. So you don’t want to give any excuse to the drug traffickers to be able legally to addict young people.
interview here....
DemocracyNow! reports:
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has drawn criticism from drug legalization advocates regarding comments she made during a Mexican news interview. Clinton argued the United States cannot legalize drugs because there is “too much money in it.” Clinton went on to say, “You can legalize small amounts for possession, but those who are making so much money selling, they have to be stopped.” Clinton suggested legalization would give traffickers an easier road to take because they would find it in their interest to addict minors. Critics contend Clinton has misunderstood fundamental problems of illegal drug trade—in particular, the concept that a great deal of money is made selling illegal drugs precisely because they are illegal. Clinton’s comments came in an interview focusing on Mexican President Felipe Calderón’s drug war, which, since its inception in 2006, has cost an estimated 34,000 lives, including more than 1,000 minors.
I'm not a fan of either Clinton...
I'm not a fan of either Clinton... don't think much of their intellects or accomplishments. So, I expect stupidity from the old bat.
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