Bad Credit Dream - cleveland's schizoid.
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 09/18/2009 - 21:55.

Bad credit $99 down. I am parsing the big picture about cleveland.
Houston, we have a in the wonderful direct early autumn afternoon sunlight, the mural was brilliant, and the Bad Credit sign stuck in the corner weeds was instrumental in getting me to turn around to figure out the Cleveland equation ....history repeates itself. What is Cleveland?
An earlier report about this mural is here on Realneo
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bad credit
these signs are all over my neighborhood. Maybe removing them is a type of litter cleanup.
Question about your photos: your photos always work fine but sometimes photos by others slowly download bringing my computer almost to a halt. I see that your postings have an attachment, and I am wondering if that is the difference. Sometimes the downloads are so slow that I have to just close out the site.
Keep images below about 100kilo bites
Hello Dwebb, Check out the file sizes of the images that load slowly.. I'll bet they are large (1 meg plus). This slows down the loading.. One of the obtuse things about this spectacular internet is that everything that is loaded must be crippled first. Video's are converted to Flash. Images must be stripped to the basic digits. All that vibrant detail which you captured? Throw it out, flush it down, cuz your connection will choke on it. The dream bike bad credit image is 128 kbs.
btw, thanks for opening your community garden to the bike tour. Impressive. And the tea was cool. (I have some images I will post eventually)
best, jeffb
bike tour
JeffB, the bike tour group was absolutly the most fun group that we had come through over the summer. You know how it goes, one tourist, two toursit, then suddenly an amazing group of bicyclist come through and are energetic, fun, inquistive and even liked the edible weed salad. We are hoping for a repeat. Put us on your list for sure.