What do you know about "The E. C."?
Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 14:22.
East Cleveland does not have a historical society like Westlake or a popular annual home tour like Ohio City, but it should. So for now, I am founding the online East Cleveland Historical Society on Realneo. Please feel free to join. There is no membership fee. Membership only requires that you share your knowledge and research.

Portrait of John D. Rockefeller
by John Singer Sargent
If you visit the City of East Cleveland website you will learn that East Cleveland was the home of John D. Rockefeller, the worlds first billionaire. But there is so much more fascinating history to learn. I will be posting the highlights of my research regularly.
This is great Evelyn-- East Cleveland Public Library and East Cleveland Theater (across from the library) are a great place to start centralizing efforts of the historical society. If you get a chance, see a production at the theatre. Like all local theaters, it is a labor of love and there is never enough love.