Do You Trust Politician and Media Accounts of Supposed Death-bed Appointment By Councilwoman Fannie Lewis of Her Successor?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 09:00.
I distrust local politicians and the mainstream media enough that I don't believe anything they say any more... CON!
69% (20 votes)
Politics and the media are corrupt. The endorsement isn't in writing, so it is hearsay. I don't believe what I'm hearing!
17% (5 votes)
I still have faith in our political process and media, and the Lewis Succession Plan sounds good to me. No problems!
10% (3 votes)
Society must trust politicians and journalists, and the Cleveland Foundation is involved. They wouldn't all lie about this!
3% (1 vote)
Total votes: 29