Sanctioned RACISM !- Restrictive Covenants to keep "New Americans" renting from SCFBC the fake CDC's "Favorite" developers!

Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 06/28/2015 - 12:54.
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Restrictive Covenants! Now they are OKAY!! For Refugees ONLY!!!

See :  I expect most of my comments to be deleted...


 "These properties will then be marketed to a group of pre-screened investors with a sales price of $5,000. A subsidy of $30,000 from the City of Cleveland is being requested to aid with the rehabilitation. Upon completion of the rehabilitation, investors will be required to rent to refugees through a restrictive covenant. Through the collaborative effort of the Stockyard, Clark-Fulton & Brooklyn Centre Community Development Office and its partners, wrap around services will be provided to both investors and refugees to provide support to both parties."

Above statement found in flyer sent out by the CDC - SCFBC satellite of Detroit Shoreway mega CDC -intentionally structured WITH NO VOTING Board members!!


RESTRICTIVE Covenants - WHITES ONLY = BAAAAAADDD!!!  RESTRICTIVE Covenants - Refugees ONLY!! = SuperDuper!!!



@TedTedman I am not anonymous.  Here's a takeaway: 


"In most cases, the refugees are on their own in four months, 120 days after arrival," said Tom Mrosko, director of refugee resettlement for Catholic Charities.


The point being - "New Americans" don't want to live on government subsidy for their whole lives.  They will reject this idiot social engineering.  Credit to Catholic Charities for their ability to resettle refugees from African continent. They get vouchers for Catholic Schools and the kids are not traumatized by CMSD k-8 madness.  They integrate quickly and find success - more than likely in a suburb, not in City of Cleveland, where they can get away from pervasive gangland mentality.

Mrosko, of Catholic Charities, is approaching the concept with a mix of hope and caution.

"Like anything," he said, "you need to build a solid infrastructure so that people have a good landing when they get here, from housing to schools to transportation to health care. We need to make sure that we provide the best care to these individuals who have been through a lot."



"Like anything," he said, "you need to build a solid infrastructure so that people have a good landing when they get here, from housing to schools to transportation to health care. We need to make sure that we provide the best care to these individuals who have been through a lot, to help them succeed."


Sadly, the Clark-Fulton-Stockyards area was predominantly Czech at one time. There were streetcars on Clark Ave. bringing vitality and transportation needed to get workers to the mills and they could walk to Stockyard Meat packaging jobs.  We don't have the same type of settlement of "New Americans."  But, there is growing discontent with "New Americans" as their kids lose traditional ways and customs.  I have seen families from Liberia move to Iowa, because the colony of residents there included village elders.  America struggles with this identity issue.  Sadly, this "dream" -dual identity mother country and America- is almost impossible to achieve