At this meeting, Bob Coppedge will be talking about making movies. We'll be discussing hardware, both on the camera and the PC, as well as demonstrating some of the editing software available to you George Lucas wannabes.
What kind of camera? Tape? Disc? What's the best brand? What about audio? And then once it's recorded, what do you do with it? We will take a look at some of the software available, like Microsoft Movie and others. Are there any websites that help with reviews and/or help?
Then are there any sites you can use to share your masterpiece? Like Google Video, iTunes, Download.Com?
The following paragraph is in the 5/11/06 PD. A tour of the water works would be an important infrastructure review I recommend - particularly in light of discussion of Mayor Jackson regarding taking over suburban water systems in exchange for an amorphous regional mutual city and town non poaching of businesses promise.
Benefit Native Plant Sale at the Nature Center at Shake Lakes, including Columbine, Milkweed, Butterflyweed, Asters, False Indigo, Wild Sienna, Turtlehead, Coneflowers, Joe Pye Weed, Bottle Gentian, Wild Iris, Blazing Star, Cardinal Flower, Lobelia, Foxglove Penstemon, Obedient Plant, Stonecrop, Royal Catchfly, Fire Pink, Goldenrod and Blue Vervain.