« March 02, 2006 - April 02, 2006 »
03 / 2
Start: 4:00 pm
End: 6:00 pm
Case Western Reserve University Department of Art History and Art and the Friends of Art History invite you to a presentation by the curators of an important contemporary art collection "Getting Art is Getting Informed: Art Education in a Corporate Environment" Kristin Rogers and H. Scott Westover, Art Education and Communications Manager and Curator The Progressive Art Collection Progressive Insurance Inc.
03 / 3
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm
3 artists: Amathin, Amy Casey, Liz Maugans, exhibition continues until April 1st. e.gordon gallery features contemporary art. Gallery Director is Elizabeth Davis, for info:, info [at] egordongallery [dot] com, ph. 216-795-0971,
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm
After three years, our final exhibition will explore Joseph Turkaly's willingness to return to previously visited themes but with an all new outlook and style. The show will feature many works from his private collection as well as photographs of his work. In addition, we will be exhibiting paintings by Andrew and Peter Turkaly, his two sons. for information:, tbt99 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net, ph. 216-721-1233
03 / 4
Start: 4:07 pm
A solo show of photographs by Steven Mastroianni, reception today, show continues through Friday April 14th call 216-621-1610 or go to
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 11:00 pm
03 / 5
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 11:59 pm
Don't want to miss out on the glamour and excitement of Oscar Night this year? You don't need to go to Hollywood, join the party at Windows on the River! Grazing dinner and cash bar, attire creative black tie, $65 in advance, $80 at the door or 10 tickets for $500,
03 / 6
03 / 7
Start: 4:00 pm
End: 6:00 pm
Pamela G. Smart is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Binghampton University. Her Specialties include the anthropology of art worlds, museum studies, cultural formations of modernity and post modernity, and gender studies. Her published works include the following:
Start: 4:00 pm
End: 6:00 pm
Join arts and cultural professionals from around the region to discuss Northeast Ohio’s economic future. The Cuyahoga County Cultural Roundtable is hosting a Voices and Choices Community Conversation.
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm
Trevor Elkins,Councilman, and the Newburgh Heights CDC will host Fletcher Miller of GEO for a presentation regarding the potential for wind energy in urban locations.
03 / 8
Start: 5:00 pm
End: 6:45 pm
03 / 9
Start: 8:30 am
End: 12:00 pm
The devastation of whole neighborhoods of New Orleans raised the most uncomfortable race and class issues inherent in our cities. This forum will explore the fundamental question: What does the exposure of deep-seated race and class issues and the ambivalent national response teach us about the value we place on our nation’s cities, the people who live there, and the public policies that helped to shape those cities?
Start: 4:00 pm
End: 6:00 pm
A lecture by Rachel Sternberg, Ph.D., Assitant Professor of Classics.
Educated 18th-century Europeans thought of ancient Athens as an enlightened age much like their own, where one could observe the intellectual and moral progress of the human mind. Did Thomas Jefferson and other Founders view Athens in the same way? If so, how did they construe the contradition between slavery and humane ideal in Athens - a contradition that they themselves faced in America? In 1788, the French numismatist Jean-Jaques Barthelemy published an eight volume work, The Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece, told from the point of view of an imaginary Scythian visiting Greece in the fourth century B.C. It was a huge success, comprising 40 editions, and Thomas Jefferson purchased a set for his library at Monticello. Anacharsis, then, allows us to explore the historical imagination of the Enlightenment through a work that crossed the Atlantic and shaped thinking in the New World as well as in the Old. This talk focuses on how Barthelemy dealt with Athenian slavery and judicial slave torture: his selection and handling of the ancient evidence for those institutions, and his attempt to reconcile them with the brilliance of Athens.
Start: 5:30 pm
End: 7:30 pm
CBB Open House - Thursday, March 9th - 5:30-7:30pm Mix and mingle with CBB Board Members, Flagship Program alumni, Flagship Program applicants and other Bridge Builders.
The Open House will give attendees a chance to talk with other CBBers, see what we do at CBB and to find out how to get involved with building leaders for our community's future.
Start: 5:30 pm
End: 8:00 pm
Prelude2Cinema And the Velvet Dog are holding Dark Wrap Six, a cast, crew and fan party for the TV Series "Out of Darkness." The party takes place March 9th from 5:30pm to 8pm and features free appetizers and a complimentary drink. To attend this free event, guest must RSVP online
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 8:00 pm
Meeting to discuss next steps for the sorely neglected Coast Guard building near Whiskey Is.
03 / 10
Start: 5:00 pm
A closing reception for The Persistence of Conscience: Textiles and Drawings 1979-2005, a retrospective of Lilian Tyrrel's works.
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm
"Don't Tell Your Head" and exhibition by Ben Kinsley & Steve Probert
Exhibition Opening 6-9 p.m. Soul by djay ICEBURG
Music at 9 p.m. by Ghostman/Sandman, Genders, GirlTalk
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm
Always a lot of interesting art to see. Some of my favorite galleries are Asterisk, Doubting Thomas and Pilgrim Church. Stay for diner and drinks after the art walk.
03 / 11
03 / 12
03 / 13
Start: 5:30 pm
End: 7:30 pm
03 / 14
03 / 15
Start: 5:00 pm
End: 6:45 pm
The Cleveland Memory Project: Virtual Networks to Cool Places
Date: Today! Wednesday, March 15 Time: 5:00 P.M. - 6:45 P.M. Place: Myers University, Chester Campus 3921 Chester Avenue, Cleveland, OH Map Link
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 10:00 pm
Wednesday, March 15 / 7pm The i's of March: CyberLounge and ArtCast Launch Party FREE and open to the public FREE parking for MOCA members
Join us as we celebrate the launch of our new CyberLounge, an interactive web-based extension to the exhibition, All Digital, now on view at MOCA through May 7, 2006. Designed as an on-site resource for museum visitors interested in broadening their understanding of digital art, the CyberLounge features downloadable interviews (ArtCasts) of the eight international artists featured in All Digital, links to other digital art exhibitions and websites, as well as related information on new media.
03 / 16
03 / 17
Start: 2:00 pm
St. Patrick's Day at A.J. Rocco's is a sight - people overflowing out the doors and across the patio - but that is nothing compared to what goes on inside... barkeeps and barbers raising over $100K for children's cancer research. As hard as it is to imagine, in a few hours scores of men and women will have their heads shaved in a bar, and people will pledge money to the St. Baldrick's foundation... lots of money.
Start: 5:00 pm
End: 8:00 pm
Generations: The School of Viktor Schreckengost 3/17 – 4/14/06 , Wed. - Fri 10-5 & Sat 12-4; ph. 216-721-9020
The Artists Archives is proud to take part in the exhibitions and celebrations commemorating the centennial of Viktor Schreckengost’s birth with an unusual show of original drawings and objects from the collection of the prominent Cleveland-based design firm Nottingham – Spirk. Schreckengost has been a seminal figure in his own right in contemporary American design since the 1930’s. As an educator he has impacted countless students, influencing three generations of commercial and industrial designers.
“The School of Viktor Schreckengost” explores one corner of that ever-widening sphere of influence, displaying a selection of Viktor’s original studies and objects designed for mass consumption, plus a selection of familiar objects created by seven of his former students – familiar because they have become part of our daily lives.
Opening Reception March 17, 2006 from 5-8pm. This event is free and open to the public, RSVP unnecessary but please feel free to call 216-721-9020 for further details. Please note that across the hall The Sculpture Center’s annual On a Pedastel show, 3/10 – 4/14/06 was selected this year by Viktor Schreckengost. Together the two exhibits offer a unique chance to glimpse the mind of one of the past century’s most celebrated designers. New hours, during exhibitions only: Wed. – Fri. 10am – 4pm, Sat. 12 – 4pm, admission free and open to public. Groups welcome: off-hour gallery tours can be arranged by appointment, if necessary. AAWR is an independent entity, self-sustaining through a fee charged to Archived Artists for storage space utilized. It is also supported through grants, contributions, and fundraising activities. Selections of Archived work are shown at various corporate locations throughout the region, thus another source of revenue is the fee charged for such corporate memberships.
03 / 18
Start: 11:00 am
End: 5:00 pm
Start: 4:00 pm
End: 6:00 pm
The master book seller and local legend offers his perspective in this talk at Loganberry Books.
$3. ph. 216-795-9800
03 / 19
Start: 1:00 pm
End: 4:00 pm
Cleveland IndieClub FREE Monthly Networking Meeting – March 19, 2006
The Cleveland IndieClub meets every month, free of charge, for those who have the passion for making movies using film or video (whether it is in acting, directing, producing, writing, lighting or any other skill) and are looking for others who have similar interests.
03 / 20
03 / 21
Start: 11:30 am
End: 1:30 pm

Join Steven Fong, the charter Dean of the Kent State College of Architecture and Environmental Design, for a March 21, 2006 Excellence Roundtable at their Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative (CUDC - Steven will share his vision on his college, CUDC, Cleveland, NEO, and urban and regional planning here - we shall discuss the future of planning NEO's future.
Start: 5:30 pm
End: 8:30 pm
Entrepreneurs for Sustainability (E4S) Connecting People, Planet and Prosperity
Design : Transform : Sustainability
Presenting Sponsor - Great Lakes Brewing Company
03 / 22
Start: 4:00 pm
End: 6:00 pm
Start: 5:30 pm
End: 7:30 pm
The FutureHeights 2006 Annual Meeting will feature a special showing of the new documentary Independent America: The Two Lane Search for Mom & Pop followed by a live presentation by award-winning filmmakers Heather Hughes and Hanson Hosein. Follow their 13,000 mile journey through 32 states (including a stop in Cleveland Heights) in search of "Independent America," a place populated by hardy souls fighting for the right to remain independent in a land populated by Big Box Stores and fast food chains.
03 / 23
Start: 4:00 pm
End: 6:00 pm
Start: 4:00 pm
End: 6:00 pm
03 / 24
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 10:00 pm
Start: 7:30 pm
Start: 03/24/2006 - 19:30
End: 03/26/2006 - 19:00
Matthew Barney's CREMASTER films are not on video or DVD, so this is a rare chance to see them.
Admission to each program is $8, Cinematheque members $5.
Friday, March 24, at 7:30 pm All-Request Weekend! Double Feature! CREMASTER 1 USA, 1995, Matthew Barney CREMASTER 2 USA, 1999, Matthew Barney Sculptor Matthew Barney's five Cremaster movies have become an art-world sensation. But few have seen the complete film cycle, named for the muscle that regulates the height of the testicles in the male body. Cremaster 1 is set in a hovering Goodyear blimp, where a woman arranges grapes into geometric patterns that a bevy of chorus girls re-create on a blue Astroturf football field below. Cremaster 2 is a mythopoeic western that encompasses executed Utah killer Gary Gilmore (Matthew Barney), legendary escape artist Harry Houdini (Norman Mailer), bees, cars, country dancing, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and stunning scenic vistas. Both 35mm. Total 120 min.
Saturday, March 25, at 7:00 pm All-Request Weekend! CREMASTER 3 USA, 2002, Matthew Barney The last-completed film in Matthew Barney's Cremaster cycle is the longest, grandest, and most accomplished. Shot in locations ranging from Ireland and Scotland to the Chrysler Building and the Guggenheim Museum, this surrealistic, dialogue-less epic embraces myth and history while offering up a series of visually staggering vignettes illustrating man's age-old proclivity to create and destroy. During the course of this inscrutable but fascinating "spaces" odyssey, Barney confronts Masons, chorus girls, punk rockers, a half-cheetah woman, and the architect of the Chrysler Building (played by artist Richard Serra). 35mm. 178 min.\n \nSunday, March 26, at 7:00 pm \nAll-Request Weekend! \nDouble Feature! \nCREMASTER 4 \nUSA, 1994, Matthew Barney \nCREMASTER 5 \nUSA, 1997, Matthew Barney \nPart 4 of Matthew Barney\'s Cremaster cycle is set on the Isle of Man,\nwhere a red-haired satyr (Barney) tap dances through the floor of a\nbuilding and into the sea, and rival motorcycle gangs race in opposite\ndirections around the island. Part 5 is a hypnotically strange and\nvisually stunning spectacle set in, around, and under a Budapest opera\nhouse, where a Queen (Ursula Andress), a Diva, a Magician, a Giant (all\nBarney), and some water sprites enact a bizarre ritual of sexual release.\nFellini would be proud! Both 35mm. Total 97 min.\n\n \n \n \n-- \nJohn Ewing \nDirector \nCleveland Institute of Art Cinematheque \n11141 East Boulevard \nCleveland, Ohio 44106 \nUSA \nTel 216 421 7450 \nFax 216 754 3632 \n \\nCleveland\'s alternative film theatre. Since 1986. \n \nDear Dept. of Art History, \n \nIf possible, please send this info to your faculty and students. Matthew\nBarney\'s CREMASTER films are not on video or DVD, so this is a rare\nchance to see them. \nAdmission to each program is $8, Cinematheque members $5. \nThanks, \nJohn Ewing \nCinematheque Director \n-------- Original Message -------- \nSubject: Matthew Barney\'s CREMASTER returns to Cinematheque \nDate: Tue, 07 Mar 2006 12:38:04 -0500 \nFrom: Timothy Harry\n tharry [at] gate [dot] cia [dot] edu\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"><tharry [at] gate [dot] cia [dot] edu>\n \nTo: undisclosed-recipients:; ",1] ); //-->
Sunday, March 26, at 7:00 pm All-Request Weekend! Double Feature! CREMASTER 4 USA, 1994, Matthew Barney CREMASTER 5 USA, 1997, Matthew Barney Part 4 of Matthew Barney's Cremaster cycle is set on the Isle of Man, where a red-haired satyr (Barney) tap dances through the floor of a building and into the sea, and rival motorcycle gangs race in opposite directions around the island. Part 5 is a hypnotically strange and visually stunning spectacle set in, around, and under a Budapest opera house, where a Queen (Ursula Andress), a Diva, a Magician, a Giant (all Barney), and some water sprites enact a bizarre ritual of sexual release. Fellini would be proud! Both 35mm. Total 97 min.
03 / 25
(all day)
Start: 03/24/2006 - 19:30
End: 03/26/2006 - 19:00
Matthew Barney's CREMASTER films are not on video or DVD, so this is a rare chance to see them.
Admission to each program is $8, Cinematheque members $5.
Friday, March 24, at 7:30 pm All-Request Weekend! Double Feature! CREMASTER 1 USA, 1995, Matthew Barney CREMASTER 2 USA, 1999, Matthew Barney Sculptor Matthew Barney's five Cremaster movies have become an art-world sensation. But few have seen the complete film cycle, named for the muscle that regulates the height of the testicles in the male body. Cremaster 1 is set in a hovering Goodyear blimp, where a woman arranges grapes into geometric patterns that a bevy of chorus girls re-create on a blue Astroturf football field below. Cremaster 2 is a mythopoeic western that encompasses executed Utah killer Gary Gilmore (Matthew Barney), legendary escape artist Harry Houdini (Norman Mailer), bees, cars, country dancing, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and stunning scenic vistas. Both 35mm. Total 120 min.
Saturday, March 25, at 7:00 pm All-Request Weekend! CREMASTER 3 USA, 2002, Matthew Barney The last-completed film in Matthew Barney's Cremaster cycle is the longest, grandest, and most accomplished. Shot in locations ranging from Ireland and Scotland to the Chrysler Building and the Guggenheim Museum, this surrealistic, dialogue-less epic embraces myth and history while offering up a series of visually staggering vignettes illustrating man's age-old proclivity to create and destroy. During the course of this inscrutable but fascinating "spaces" odyssey, Barney confronts Masons, chorus girls, punk rockers, a half-cheetah woman, and the architect of the Chrysler Building (played by artist Richard Serra). 35mm. 178 min.\n \nSunday, March 26, at 7:00 pm \nAll-Request Weekend! \nDouble Feature! \nCREMASTER 4 \nUSA, 1994, Matthew Barney \nCREMASTER 5 \nUSA, 1997, Matthew Barney \nPart 4 of Matthew Barney\'s Cremaster cycle is set on the Isle of Man,\nwhere a red-haired satyr (Barney) tap dances through the floor of a\nbuilding and into the sea, and rival motorcycle gangs race in opposite\ndirections around the island. Part 5 is a hypnotically strange and\nvisually stunning spectacle set in, around, and under a Budapest opera\nhouse, where a Queen (Ursula Andress), a Diva, a Magician, a Giant (all\nBarney), and some water sprites enact a bizarre ritual of sexual release.\nFellini would be proud! Both 35mm. Total 97 min.\n\n \n \n \n-- \nJohn Ewing \nDirector \nCleveland Institute of Art Cinematheque \n11141 East Boulevard \nCleveland, Ohio 44106 \nUSA \nTel 216 421 7450 \nFax 216 754 3632 \n \\nCleveland\'s alternative film theatre. Since 1986. \n \nDear Dept. of Art History, \n \nIf possible, please send this info to your faculty and students. Matthew\nBarney\'s CREMASTER films are not on video or DVD, so this is a rare\nchance to see them. \nAdmission to each program is $8, Cinematheque members $5. \nThanks, \nJohn Ewing \nCinematheque Director \n-------- Original Message -------- \nSubject: Matthew Barney\'s CREMASTER returns to Cinematheque \nDate: Tue, 07 Mar 2006 12:38:04 -0500 \nFrom: Timothy Harry\n tharry [at] gate [dot] cia [dot] edu\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"><tharry [at] gate [dot] cia [dot] edu>\n \nTo: undisclosed-recipients:; ",1] ); //-->
Sunday, March 26, at 7:00 pm All-Request Weekend! Double Feature! CREMASTER 4 USA, 1994, Matthew Barney CREMASTER 5 USA, 1997, Matthew Barney Part 4 of Matthew Barney's Cremaster cycle is set on the Isle of Man, where a red-haired satyr (Barney) tap dances through the floor of a building and into the sea, and rival motorcycle gangs race in opposite directions around the island. Part 5 is a hypnotically strange and visually stunning spectacle set in, around, and under a Budapest opera house, where a Queen (Ursula Andress), a Diva, a Magician, a Giant (all Barney), and some water sprites enact a bizarre ritual of sexual release. Fellini would be proud! Both 35mm. Total 97 min.
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm
03 / 26
End: 7:00 pm
Start: 03/24/2006 - 19:30
End: 03/26/2006 - 19:00
Matthew Barney's CREMASTER films are not on video or DVD, so this is a rare chance to see them.
Admission to each program is $8, Cinematheque members $5.
Friday, March 24, at 7:30 pm All-Request Weekend! Double Feature! CREMASTER 1 USA, 1995, Matthew Barney CREMASTER 2 USA, 1999, Matthew Barney Sculptor Matthew Barney's five Cremaster movies have become an art-world sensation. But few have seen the complete film cycle, named for the muscle that regulates the height of the testicles in the male body. Cremaster 1 is set in a hovering Goodyear blimp, where a woman arranges grapes into geometric patterns that a bevy of chorus girls re-create on a blue Astroturf football field below. Cremaster 2 is a mythopoeic western that encompasses executed Utah killer Gary Gilmore (Matthew Barney), legendary escape artist Harry Houdini (Norman Mailer), bees, cars, country dancing, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and stunning scenic vistas. Both 35mm. Total 120 min.
Saturday, March 25, at 7:00 pm All-Request Weekend! CREMASTER 3 USA, 2002, Matthew Barney The last-completed film in Matthew Barney's Cremaster cycle is the longest, grandest, and most accomplished. Shot in locations ranging from Ireland and Scotland to the Chrysler Building and the Guggenheim Museum, this surrealistic, dialogue-less epic embraces myth and history while offering up a series of visually staggering vignettes illustrating man's age-old proclivity to create and destroy. During the course of this inscrutable but fascinating "spaces" odyssey, Barney confronts Masons, chorus girls, punk rockers, a half-cheetah woman, and the architect of the Chrysler Building (played by artist Richard Serra). 35mm. 178 min.\n \nSunday, March 26, at 7:00 pm \nAll-Request Weekend! \nDouble Feature! \nCREMASTER 4 \nUSA, 1994, Matthew Barney \nCREMASTER 5 \nUSA, 1997, Matthew Barney \nPart 4 of Matthew Barney\'s Cremaster cycle is set on the Isle of Man,\nwhere a red-haired satyr (Barney) tap dances through the floor of a\nbuilding and into the sea, and rival motorcycle gangs race in opposite\ndirections around the island. Part 5 is a hypnotically strange and\nvisually stunning spectacle set in, around, and under a Budapest opera\nhouse, where a Queen (Ursula Andress), a Diva, a Magician, a Giant (all\nBarney), and some water sprites enact a bizarre ritual of sexual release.\nFellini would be proud! Both 35mm. Total 97 min.\n\n \n \n \n-- \nJohn Ewing \nDirector \nCleveland Institute of Art Cinematheque \n11141 East Boulevard \nCleveland, Ohio 44106 \nUSA \nTel 216 421 7450 \nFax 216 754 3632 \n \\nCleveland\'s alternative film theatre. Since 1986. \n \nDear Dept. of Art History, \n \nIf possible, please send this info to your faculty and students. Matthew\nBarney\'s CREMASTER films are not on video or DVD, so this is a rare\nchance to see them. \nAdmission to each program is $8, Cinematheque members $5. \nThanks, \nJohn Ewing \nCinematheque Director \n-------- Original Message -------- \nSubject: Matthew Barney\'s CREMASTER returns to Cinematheque \nDate: Tue, 07 Mar 2006 12:38:04 -0500 \nFrom: Timothy Harry\n tharry [at] gate [dot] cia [dot] edu\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"><tharry [at] gate [dot] cia [dot] edu>\n \nTo: undisclosed-recipients:; ",1] ); //-->
Sunday, March 26, at 7:00 pm All-Request Weekend! Double Feature! CREMASTER 4 USA, 1994, Matthew Barney CREMASTER 5 USA, 1997, Matthew Barney Part 4 of Matthew Barney's Cremaster cycle is set on the Isle of Man, where a red-haired satyr (Barney) tap dances through the floor of a building and into the sea, and rival motorcycle gangs race in opposite directions around the island. Part 5 is a hypnotically strange and visually stunning spectacle set in, around, and under a Budapest opera house, where a Queen (Ursula Andress), a Diva, a Magician, a Giant (all Barney), and some water sprites enact a bizarre ritual of sexual release. Fellini would be proud! Both 35mm. Total 97 min.
Start: 1:00 pm
End: 3:00 pm
The Organization of Chinese Americans of Greater Cleveland With funding from Charter One Bank is proud to presents Embracing the Hope and Understanding - Discrimination and Hate Crime Prevention Free Workshop Series (Cleveland, Ohio) Charter One Bank has awarded the Organization of Chinese Americans of Greater Cleveland to start 2006 with a series of workshops entitling Embracing the Hope and Understanding - Discrimination and Hate Crime Prevention Workshop Series that will be held monthly free to the public. The purpose of this project is to conduct community based services to address discrimination and hate crime related issues for Asian Americans and to develop innovative responses to help the needs within the community. Chinese/English assistant and refreshments will be available at each workshop.
Second workshop has been scheduled for Sunday, March 26 2006 with the topic of Hate Crime and Discrimination for Asian Americans in the Greater Cleveland area. Moderated by OCAGC VP of Administration, Mr. Ray C. S. Chan.
Start: 2:00 pm
End: 5:00 pm
03 / 27
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 7:00 pm
Laura Paglin, Producer/Director

Monday, March 27th, 2006 at 6:00 PM In the Rotunda of Cleveland City Hall
No Umbrella – An Election Day In The City is about getting the vote out in Cleveland during the 2004 General Election and stars Fannie Lewis, Cleveland City Councilwoman for Ward 7. It premiered at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah this past January and sold out at its Cleveland debut on Wednesday at the International Film Festival. Mayor Jackson’s Arts & Culture Initiative will show the entire short documentary in the Rotunda before the Cleveland City Council meeting.
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm
Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards, co-authors of “Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future,” will speak at Case on March 27 at 7 p.m. in the 1914 Lounge, Thwing Center. The topic of their lecture will be “Can I Be a Feminist and …Shave, Love My Boyfriend, Make Money, Get Married, Be Pro-Life?” A book-signing will follow the lecture.
03 / 28
Start: 11:30 am
End: 1:30 pm
Please come together at the Charter One Global Enterprise Center for a very special Excellence Roundtable with a specific purpose - Closing Constant Systems.
For this proactive lunchtime discussion, Constant Systems' Aiden Audouy and Diane Brown will demonstrate their technology and explore with us the factors influencing whether their company will locate valuable business operations in NEO, or Research Triangle. By being at this Roundtable, you can help them determine NEO is the best location in the nation and prove that to their CEO.
Start: 8:00 pm
End: 11:00 pm
03 / 29
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm
Remembering Edris Eckhardt: Personal Reminiscences, with Author Ruth Dancyger, curator/friend Joseph Kisvardi, friend Frederick Tyler & artist/student Mary Wawyrtko, moderated by William Busta. This program is part of the exhibition Edris Eckhardt: Visionary and Innovator in American Studio Ceramics and Glass, February 18, 2006-April 15, 2006, For the first time, the ground breaking work of studio glass artist Edris Eckhardt will be on display. Eckhardt, who initially gained attention during the Works Progress Administration era for her work in ceramics, pioneered in rediscovering ancient Egyptian glass-making techniques and in creating innovative works combining glass and metal. Curators: Henry Adams and Joseph Kisvardi
03 / 30
Start: 4:00 pm
Ori Z. Soltes, Goldman Professorial Lecturer in Theology and Fine Arts, Georgetown University, will compare and contrast the two key Spring holidays in Jewish tradition. He will address history, myth, theology and art in the narrative context of both festivals, the importance of each in shaping Judaism and Jewish identity, and the reflection of these issues in the rich visual traditions of the Haggadah and the Megillat Esther.
Start: 4:00 pm
End: 6:00 pm
Nelson Goodman, one of the 20th century's foremost philosophers, believed in the cognitive nature of art and viewed the arts as partners with the sciences. Pictures, the performing arts, and architecture shape our understanding just as mathematics and the sciences do. In his lecture, Ivan Gaskell will provide insights on Nelson's question, "When is art?"
03 / 31
Start: 5:00 pm
End: 7:30 pm
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm
RSVP: 216-664-9600 or to christy [at] reddotproject [dot] org
As part of this Grand Opening, we will be offering memberships to RED DOT Project at a variety of support levels. In keeping with our mission of providing sales opportunities to our members, all memberships will include a work of art by one of our member artists with the standard commission paid to the artist.
04 / 1
04 / 2
Start: 2:00 pm
End: 5:00 pm
Public Presentation and Discussion of MoCA Short-Listed Architecture Firms
Sunday, April 2, 2-5pm Weatherhead School of Management Peter B. Lewis Building, Conference Room 04
