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« Tuesday November 16, 2004 »
Start: 6:30 am

CrainTech Breakfast:

"How NOT to be a Target of Opportunity- Information
Security and You"

Start: 7:00 am

Meet the Champions

Come hear the Civic Innovation Lab's newest
champions share their exciting initiatives and how they will contribute
to economic development in Greater Cleveland! Learn why these champions
received mentorship and funding!

The champions are:
* Erin Johnson, Founder, BackTalk Magazine
* Terry Travis, President,
* Randy McShepard, Tim Goler and Marc Batson, co-Founders, Policy Bridge

This event is FREE, but you MUST REGISTER!
Send an email with "Register" in the subject line to info [at] civicinnovationlab [dot] org.
Please include your name and company.

Start: 10:30 am

"LIVEWire Forums," Tuesday, 11-16-04, 11:30AM-1:00PM, Peter
B. Lewis Building, Room 103. REI hosted regional
networking forums to connect students with each other and business.
 Speaker: Amin Varghai, CSU Student Chapter,
Northeast Ohio Software Association (NEOSA) talking about what's up for
students in the technology industry in NEO and what we need to be paying
attention to. Pizza and soda provided. Read more:

Start: 11:00 am

Update on US Export Controls

Start Date: 11/16/2004  One
Day Event

Start: 3:00 pm

"International Student Networks: Doors to a Global Marketplace"
Sponsored by: The Center for Regional Economic Issues (REI)

Start: 4:30 pm

the Champions of Sustainability

November 16, 2004

- 6:15 P.M. Networking
6:15 - 7:30 P.M. Presentation
7:30 - 8:00 P.M. Networking

Lakes Brewing Company
- Tasting Room (entrance
on Carroll Avenue

events [at] e4sustainability [dot] org">Registration
is Required. RSVP for this free event today!

include your name, the names of any guests, your organization or business
and your contact information when you RSVP.