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Ward 14 vs Tremont and other communitiesSubmitted by ANGELnWard14 on Tue, 07/21/2009 - 12:38.
I have visited several west side events recently... the Roberto Clemente Park dedication, Victims of Violence, Taste of Tremont, the Puerto Rican Parade & Festival, 2nd District Community Relations, and several other meetings. The Roberto Clemente Park dedication was years in the making, but due to the lack of pubicity-it warranted minimal fan fare and collaboration by the current regime to share in the exciting rebirth of this park in our Ward 14 area. Victims of Violence was a great event that I wish had more publicity so that enumerable other families could attend. It was something quite significant for anyone who's ever been a victim of crime... and I took a moment to Praise Cimperman for his efforts to make that event possible for people who are was an inspiration. Taste of Tremont was a nice event as well....and boy was it packed, crowded, and filled with people from all over the area...about 100 times the amount of people at any of these other events.... there was no parking throughout Tremont, barely room to walk, and vendors were running out of food/supplies and closing down by 6pm...with hours more to go. Whoever collaborated, marketed, and promoted this event deserves a lot of kudos. That event brought folks from all over the region.... It was a positive reflection of years of change in Tremont...that was once a scary SOUTHSIDE which had a shady perspective, appeared doomed and gloomy.... Yet many people worked tirelessly to change their community...and now you have the new TREMONT! Overall, I'll say that my youthful years on the Southside (TREMONT) taught me about some of the rawest things in life to include but not be limited to being molested, seeing armed robberies, shootings, murder, gangs, desperate glue sniffing addicts walking down the street with elmers's glue, heroine addicts junked out and selling anything that they could "lift" from anyone under the sun, and barroom brawls that left many men laying in a pool of blood from knives along with women graciously covering their battered black eyes with sunglasses and the police turning a deaf ear to all of the above... I remember the days of swimmin at Lincoln Park, walking to the library, and seeing a drunken man in his truck hanging over the I-490 bridge that was still not finished just past the walkbridge.... I remember having Halloween parties at the Merrick House, not being able to trick or treat because of the scares of poisoned candy... Yep... I lived there in the days when it was "a dangerous place to be." That history permeated our City for many years and became an "attitude" about it's innards. I was there when "DEERHUNTER" was reality... Yes, I was there. Throughout the past 15 years while Tremont has undergone it's restoration and overhaul....I was on the sidelines, not paying too much attention, and living life as normal. About 2 years ago, I met someone from down there and boy did I grimace when I found out that they lived "down there". Yet, I was ignorant to the complete rebirth that TREMONT had experienced, I was afraid, and I definitely felt no sense of wanting to go to Tremont alone to party... I was definitely stigmatized by the history. As they curiously had no clue about the negative history before this renaissance of development, they grimaced back at me... So... as we curiously looked at each other's ignorances as to the differences we knew about that community...we both learned from each other.... and change came, inspiration came, and good things came from that interaction. Ultimately, I have "creeped" over there to Tremont several times since then, been lured by a few folks who I felt safe enough to challenge my fears with, and I have actually started going there here and there to enjoy some of their events without feeling scared to death that I'd get raped, murdered, or robbed. But, that took many years to get through those fears... So, at this point, in retrospect of saying a lot of derogatory and zealous things about those "yuppies" who dedicated their lives, spirits, and energies to revitalizing Tremont, I tip my hat to everyone who played even the smallest part in that rebirth... I am absolutely amazed by the results of their collective energies...and I salute them all.... I have learned to appreciate that dedication that was exhausted, invested, and absolutely shared with an entire city. I value the long term commitment of the developers, the people, and the unity that has resulted from that work. I value the fight of the all levels to implement these changes. Today, Tremont is a vibrant example in our city... I felt like I was in Little Italy the other day...what a commendable community coordinated effort to be acknowledged. The only thing I cannot and will not support in all of these efforts are the FEDERAL FAIR HOUSING LAWS that were trounced on to accomplish this mission with the elderly, the disabled, and the rest. The obvious "STEERING" violations that occured to turn TREMONT into the environment that is today are inexcusable. I recognize all of the families who were pretty much thrwarted out of Tremont in it's primary development stages.... and treated unfairly along the way. These families were treated in many cases unreasonably along the way... But, that's history and now we have the TASTE OF TREMONT.... Today, I wish to give respect where it's due.... to all of the collaborators and investors (LIKE OUR WARD 14 COUNCILMAN SANTIAGO) who spent countless energies to make this neighborhood what it is today.... I want all those yuppies from TREMONT to react effectively by patroning businesses in Ward 14, treating our people with dignity and respect, and volunteering to promote healthy relations. You in Tremont owe a great deal of your changes to our residents who sacrificed hundreds of thousands of CDBG funding which was donated to your local CDC.... Now that your neighborhood is so wonderful---perhaps you will come over to Ward 14 and teach some of our people how to implement positive changes. But, I also wish to remind everyone that most of those "less than desirable" folks who got steered out of Tremont (Ohio City, Detroit Shoreway, and Cudell) ended up in the Southern half of the near west side (Wards 14/17) ...the indigent, disabled, and the powerless... So, as these folks became the majority of our communities...we-as leaders of the community- ended up with a very socio-economically challenged demographic populace... And we are busting our behinds to find answers, react effectively, and rebuild a sense of COMMUNITY with all the folks that no one else wanted in their neighborhoods.... So, as we in Ward 14 work to cultivate a sense of community again, to rebuild our people, and revitalize our own community... I ask the movers, shakers, and philanthropic world herein to use your powers that be to perpetuate positive solutions to the daily issues that we are addressing. It's nice to feel safe enough to walk down the streets of Tremont in a sexy little dress with the yuppies.... but it's dangerous in our streets of Ward 14... we have a ton of wonderful, highly educated, and very promising leadership in our community that I invite to get off your porches and promote good relations right on your streets.... promote empowerment... Stop the nay saying, stop the negative backlashes which offer a convicted importuning man more attention than needy children who deserve your energies. Stop allowing the negative, attention seeking behavior folks to drive your emotions.... IGNORE THEM IF THEY CANNOT BE POSITIVE... We collectively can make a difference and work to have a community that inspires hope and promotes great civic involvement...just as did other communities-but without degradating the people who live here-yet UNITING THEM! I live in Ward 14 and I support NELSON CINTRON JR. He is the only candidate that promotes unity, has the experience, and does work to empower other people. He believes in the little people, he is not afraid to stand up for what he believes, and he holds some of the highest ethical campaign standards that I have seen in this election. He refuses to allow (EVEN ME) to be inconsiderate of others. He is not using negative tactics to promote himself. He cares about these people and this community. I've seen his dedication for too many years. I know his record. I've watched his work and one of the most invaluable qualities he has is the professionalism that enables him to be considerate of his competitors even when they are using negative tactics to promote themselves. So, when everyone wants to know why I am standing my ground on this matter.... maybe they should know about the undeniable facts that empower me enough to support this candidate. Maybe they should think about a person's spirit that offers selfless service to his fellow man and courageous leadership that respects diversity while promoting unity. Months ago, I was truly aggravated over the new demographical changes in Ward 14, the funding issues, and the absolute contempt of Mr. Santiago for other people in general... It was unsettling to me. Initially, I yelled at Cintron about how Santiago has used the gay population to create more polarity in our community. Cintron was civilized about the statements I made...and he made me realize my own ignorance. He cared about EVERYONE respectfully and worked to promote healthy relations in our community. I was amazed at that and I soon recognized my own ignorances again. Long story short... WARD 14 is about to enter into a renaissance of develpment, unification, and empowerment...I believe that NELSON CINTRON JR. has the combined knowledge, skills, and abilities to promote our neighborhood, unite our community, and to build bridges instead of destroying them because of his combined knowledge, skills, and abilities. His experience outweighs everyone elses directly in our community. His lifelong commitment to the people is undeniable. He knows how to collaborate with people from all walks of life. So, for all of those who try to disrespect this candidate with your negative politics, remember that he's being considerate, kind, and has asked me to refrain from being negative to ANY of you. I find it absolutely beyond contempt that Santiago refused to share in the grand opening of the Roberto Clemente Park with both Nelson Cintron Jr. and Rick Nagin who busted their behinds in the early phases of project planning and development... and were both present at that event. Santiago's most opportunistic and professional moment was clearly decided with emotional contempt for anyone he doesn't like... Until a couple days ago, at the Puerto Rican Parade, I was considering another candidate highly... But, their "ATTITUDE" with me over my valid point of their own questionable statements made me realize that they were not qualified to sustain professional relations across the board in an unbiased manner. So.... as of today's date, I give my vote, without hesitation to NELSON CINTRON JR.
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Part of Tremont is in Ward 14