The Value of People in our lives................Somebody vs Nobody

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Mon, 08/05/2013 - 16:21.

I saw a comment on socil media today that said, "Ain't Nobody got time for that...."  

I processed that for a while because of a multitude of factors. First; I had made a post about my father being in town and his cancer status. Second, the comment was by one family member with multiple family member posts. Finally; it seemed like a smart ass comment which I took personal...but had to debate whether it had ANYTHING to do with us....So; I took a deep breath and thought long and hard about the semantics of it all......................and realized this much.....


In simplicity......................"Nobody" is a valueless person that exists in my world. But "Somebody" is a valuable person who exists in my world. 


But, I guess we all have Nobodies and Somebodies in our world...

Nobody seems to disrespect us; while somebody respects us. 

Nobody seems to be intolerant of us; while somebody gives a hoot about our world.

Nobody seems to be a jerk while somebody is compassionate and considerate.

Nobody is selfish while Somebody is unselfish.

Nobody is ignorant while Somebody has wisdom to share.

Nobody is  that family with blood who acts like a superficial ass....While Somebody is the family bonds of friends without blood connections. 

Nobody is that person who complicates our lives; While Somebody arrives wth solutions and helping hands. 

Nobody is a waste of my breath...........While Somebody deserves my last breath. know I could yin and yang this til I am blue in the face....but all those to do lists remain. 


You all have a blessed day............

BTW: Somebodies include my REALNEO family....excluding th few nobodies who suck the life out of us by stomping their feet like spoiled kids. 

This is my F U to all the Nobodies out there.....................and my I Love You to all of the least for today. 


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Thank you SOMEBODIES for always caring @ others more than u!

I love you. 


To the NOBODIES of my world..............those haters, those spiteful corrupt jerks, those spoiled brats, those jealous idiots, those punks who violate, those snobs, those little minded folks, those people who thump the bible but violate others later with their unchristian behaviors; to all you Nobodies; I pray for you......and I remain steadfast that I'll find it within myself to still treat you equitably with those Somebodies in my life despite wanting to be angry and bitter with you..I cannot allow you to have a moment of my energy. God Bless. 


Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"