Standards and Fairness?
Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 11/27/2010 - 08:36.

Matt Carroll, who leads FitzGerald's transition team, said the executive-elect would be scrutinizing the informal review process along with the other vital functions of the auditor's office.
"You need standards," Carroll added. "You need an open-door process. You need to make sure every request is handled the same way.
Holding some property owners to a lower standard compromises the integrity of the entire system, according auditors interviewed by The Plain Dealer.
Said Perez in Stark County, "If I give someone a bigger tax break then they deserve, then that means someone else is going to be paying their taxes. And I just don't think that's the way it should be set up."
Frank Russo's office cut property values for 9 out of 10 who asked
Published: Saturday, November 27, 2010, 6:00 AM
 Dave Davis, The Plain Dealer
( categories: )
Homeowners TARGETED for selective Plymouth Park liens
County Treasurer submitted grant award from Plymouth Park Tax
Jimmy Dimora Peter Lawson Jones Tim McCormack
AGENDA ACTIONS October 12, 2004
7. County Treasurer, submitting a grant award in the amount of $50,000.00 from Plymouth Park dba XSPAND for local tax policy research.
Considered and adopted by unanimous vote.
link to PDF file ***
FitzGerald--here is a Smoking Gun
Plymouth Park Tax Service essentially paid the County Treasurer for a service rendered:
Make this report PUBLIC--map the addresses of folks targeted for selective lien foreclosure through Plymouth Park Tax Service.
Poor families, reeling with medical expenses, and just trying to get by have paid the piper--DEARLY.
Smoking Gun is Matt Carroll - Fucking Corrupt Democratic Machine
The Smoking Gun is Matt Carroll - he's the one who has enabled the excessive polluting here that has caused all the asthma, diabetes, etc... as harmful to society as a human may be, and now in CHARGE OF THE FITZGERALD TRANSITION TEAM.
Fire the motherfucker... fucking Jackson! Do one good thing in your worthless life.
I am so fucking out of here.
Fucking Corrupt Democratic Machine
Disrupt IT
October 12, 2004 The
October 12, 2004
The regular meeting of the Board of Cuyahoga County Commissioners was called to order at 2:21 p.m. Commissioners Jimmy Dimora, Peter Lawson Jones and Tim McCormack were in attendance.
The October 12th meeting resulted in the following actions:
Considered and adopted by unanimous vote.
7. County Treasurer, submitting a grant award in the amount of $50,000.00 from Plymouth Park dba XSPAND for local tax policy research.
Who are the officers of PPTS & XSPAND?
18. County Prosecutor, recommending to employ Climaco, Lefkowitz, Peca, Wilcox & Garofoli in the amount not-to-exceed $25,500.00 for legal services in connection with the Senior Transportation Organization Project for the County Planning Commission, in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 305.14.
Considered and adopted by unanimous vote.
Considered and adopted by unanimous vote.
10. Administrator’s Office, recommending travel authority and staff development for various County employees and authority to pay expenses for dues for elected officials’ memberships and County memberships.
Evil Scum
Evil Scum.
You realNEO members deserve a medal and Pulitzer for exposing these motherfuckers...
And the Cleveland Plain Dealer deserves to be shut down for covering all this up for their corrupt political friends.
Sickening to think Tim McCormack did this to the citizens (with still-ruling Lawson Jones), and had the low-class to run for County Executive to finish off Clevelanders with his final solution.
Time to go away forever you evil scum.
Disrupt IT
Don't bother expecting FitzGerald to help
Don't bother expecting FitzGerald to help if Matt Carroll is in charge, and it is the same Matt Carroll who has been ruining our environment as the City Health Director for Jackson and Campbell for like a DECADE - pure wonk without a brain in his head, who has personally lead poisoned 1,000s off Children a year, including MINE.
Cuyahoga County citizens are now officially fucked for four more years.... and our shitty property here is worthless!
I want a complete abatement of my taxes, just like all Jackson's little Yuppie fucks.
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Matt Carroll
It is my hope that Matt Carroll will join the discussion here. Admittedly, it's not the friendliest forum.
I know Matt and his wife Laura from the days when they volunteered and coached kid's softball in Tremont.
Matt and I got into it over standards this summer at Tremont's Lincoln Park Pool. He used the "poverty" factor to justify kids swimming in their disgusting, bacteria-laden street clothes and underwear.
I reminded him that "poor" doesn't mean low standards...but he is getting forgetful as he lives in the part of Cleveland that likes to consider itself REALLY Shaker I hope that this post jars his reality back to his Angela's Ashes roots...
I'm still waiting for explanations from Sherrod Brown's staff
I'm still waiting for explanations from Sherrod Brown's staff on why Matt Carroll's Department of Health has failed to proect us from excessive pollution - and I'd love an explanation from FitzGerald why Jackson's City Health Director who has allowed Lakewood and Cuyahoga County citizens to be polluted excessively for a decade is in charge of the transition...
Seems both explanations need to come from a Democratic Party Boss and at this level that would be President Obama.
This is serious! Way over Matt Carroll's head.
Now, way over FitzGerald's head.
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You hurt Connie's feelings Norm...sheesh...Look CWRU is REALLY, REALLY pretending to be all green and good! See the pretty windmill...(facing East)...defying City of Cleveland doesn't matter...doesn't it look good!!
Here's the wide shot including the coal stacks...
Poison is so pretty...isn't it?
Wonder which tax they used to pay for this windthinggy?!?!
Wonder which tax they used to pay for this windthinggy?!?!
Neighborhood stablization...
Third Frontier...
Department of energy...
Earmark from Sherrod Brown to his borther at MCCO...?!?!
Windthinggies don't grow on trees!
Disrupt IT
the windmill...the coal stacks???
I needed a "chuckle" this morning...that, is a wonderful GREEN SHOT....
Climaco, Lefkowitz, Peca, Wilcox & Garofoli.
Cuyahoga commissioners, concerned about Russo's attorney's tactics, postpone approval
Published: Monday, August 31, 2009, 10:46 PM Updated: Tuesday, September 01, 2009, 7:55 AM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on November 27, 2010 - 1:14pm. October 12, 2004 The regular meeting of the Board of Cuyahoga County Commissioners was called to order at 2:21 p.m. Commissioners Jimmy Dimora, Peter Lawson Jones and Tim McCormack were in attendance. The October 12th meeting resulted in the following actions: Considered and adopted by unanimous vote.
7. County Treasurer, submitting a grant award in the amount of $50,000.00 from Plymouth Park dba XSPAND for local tax policy research.
Who are the officers of PPTS & XSPAND? JUSTICE SERVICES
18. County Prosecutor, recommending to employ Climaco, Lefkowitz, Peca, Wilcox & Garofoli in the amount not-to-exceed $25,500.00 for legal services in connection with the Senior Transportation Organization Project for the County Planning Commission, in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 305.14. Considered and adopted by unanimous vote. Considered and adopted by unanimous vote.
10. Administrator’s Office, recommending travel authority and staff development for various County employees and authority to pay expenses for dues for elected officials’ memberships and County membership.
More humorous is the fact that one of Cuyahoga County Assistant Prosecutor's, Wiliam J. Day, (under then Prosecutor-Stephanie Tubbs Jones)...later became one of the leaders of the GLS Capital organization... It's an amazing list of connections, failures, and redresses that have been stonewalled by all of the corrupt factions for far too long...
Everything about this makes me want to puke
Everything about this makes me want to puke - thank you for organizing it and presenting it in a way citizens may understand... and it really helps to have the video to show us how full of crap our leaders really are (thanks to the PD for getting on top of that).
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