Spending your money $$$$

Submitted by lmcshane on Tue, 06/30/2009 - 10:55.

 Laura McShane

The latest unwanted "project" for Ward 15 soon to be Ward 14...information provided from Councilman Cummins (thanks Brian):


Please spread the word…
See message below regarding ODOT funding for mitigation of noise issues for I-71.  The map of the scope of their project is enclosed.  OBCDC and ODOT will be doing outreach and mailers to the immediate areas and we’re asking civic associations and block clubs to help spread the word.  Meetings will be forthcoming.  If you have any question please let me know. 
So far I have attended one preliminary meeting.  In discussions over the years about noise walls, most people have stated they do not want them and a few want them very much.  It was brought up in the meeting with ODOT what other alternatives could there be?  If walls are not put up, other mitigation actions could be taken but only 15% of the total allocated funding could be used.
Another big issue is that the access roads to the freeway between Fulton and Pearl Roads were initially part of the innerbelt plan and then dropped.  ODOT confirmed that lowering the access roads, is no longer in their plans.  I think most of the comments about not wanting the barriers is that homes (other than on Smith and portions of Riverside and Mapledale) are fairly far off the freeway and that the options of barriers could impact the tree lines that are currently in place.  One suggestion was to see if ODOT could put up nicer privacy fencing or something else other than a barrier wall of 12 – 14 feet.  There will be a lot to discuss in the up coming meetings.
We’ll be getting a lot more information and will share it when it comes.


( categories: )

Ward 14 candidates

  Please see the above post and weigh in on this latest attempt to destroy the communities that exist in your Ward.

Pedestrian bridge

  I would like to see a pedestrian bridge at West 35th St. to connect the neighborhood divided by I-71.  If ODOT wants to spend our money....it would help to heal the scars left by the highway and would especially allow students and residents get to Second District Police Station, Lincoln West High School/School as Neighborhood Resource facilities and Meyer Pool.

Photo shows afterschool use of the beautiful gym, which also features a raised running track and indoor pool. (NOTE: CMSD would have this demolished...).

Got a call today 7/23 /09  from one of the teachers at Lincoln West about hosting the summer business class at Cleveland Public Library.  Great synergy.  Great teachers and great students at Lincoln West.


Dear Laura,

I support the idea above. In 2 days, I have spoken to 2 clueless residents who live right next to the highway... They have NO IDEA ABOUT ANY OF THESE MEETINGS. They are not happy. Did anyone mail them letters? Just curious. I only learned about it all through you all.



Residents showed up on Wednesday 7/22/09 at Applewood, expecting a chance to sound-off and were told there would be a more complete presentation on Thursday at the BCCA meeting, which I was unable to attend due to a family obligation.

If anyone can report on that meeting here, I would appreciate the update.  Personally, I hope to flyer Riverside Ave. I really think though that this is just another done deal. 

Residents blindsided by more $$$ made off their "poverty condition" as "OLD, poor, uneducated, urban residents"---throw in skin color and language you have the flush hand in the poker game of Cleveland back room politics.

One of the ODOT staff present on Wednesday indicated that the decision to erect BARRIER WALLS was made by the City of Cleveland.  

This, despite community meetings in 2005 that indicated the desire for no walls, a pedestrian bridge and lower access roads....So, who at the City of Cleveland wants to step up and take credit for this done deal?


$$$$ wasted


Hello all-
Please plan on attending one or both of these meetings concerning the erection of noise barriers along I-71.  Many issues to discuss--stom water run off, loss of habitat, loss of trees, air flow, potential loss of land by homeowners, soil degradation,noise pollution, air pollution.

There will be two community meetings for neighborhood residents to comment.

 The first: Wednesday, July 22nd at 6:30 p.m.  at Applewood, 3518 W. 25th Street.

The second: Thursday, July 23. It will be on the Agenda of the BCCA meeting to be held at Brooklyn Memorial United Methodist Church, 2705 Archwood Ave. also at 6:30.

The Item to discuss:  Noise Barriers along I-71 in the Brooklyn Centre Neighborhood .  Here is where they would be placed.
Northside of I-71 from W. 25th Street/Pearl Road going west to Denison overpass, and
Southside of I-71 from W. 25th Street/Pearl Road going west to Fulton Road and also from Westside of Denison (other side of overpass) to the first railroad crossing overpass by the small residential section containing W. 46th and W. 47th and Denmark Avenue. 

Why no investigation of this ODOT contract?

CUY-71-16.40 Project PID 82713

Comments are due by August 6th to:

See areas to be impacted by barrier walls:


Thomas K Sorge, Jr. Environmental Specialist
5500 Transportation Blvd.
Garfield Heights OH 44125


Comments can be emailed to Tom [dot] Sorge [at] dot [dot] state [dot] oh [dot] us

Please call 216-584-2279 for details

My personal opinion?--This is just another blatant example of graft and corruption in NEO...another fat contract for construction that is not only NOT necessary--it will only INTENTIONALLY further divide a community, depress property values,  increase visual blight and exacerbate crime, vandalism, and poverty. 

The survey form is flawed and does not allow for vegetative remediation. You can suggest using vegetation barriers in the comments and PLEASE, I encourage you to vote NO on question #2 Do you want the proposed noise barrier to be built?



Freeway noise suppression barriers

Hello Laura, How about a structural wall noise barrier which in turn is vegetatively hidden?

Since the highway is there already, I don't see how noise barriers will divide the community anymore than the highway already does.  Noise walls are visually ugly, but not if covered with evergreen vines, etc.  And noise projection into the neighborhoods is suppressed by dense concrete more than by vegetation.

How do noise barriers increase crime?  

best, jeffb

Bridges not walls

  Jeff--the question should not be what type of wall, but why walls at all...when at this point residents would hardly qualify this as a community priority after living without the walls for close to fifty years...construction for the I-71 segment in the Big Creek Valley started in 1964. 

Some one should be questioning the awarding of a contract to Arcadis out of the Garfield ODOT office that is currently under federal investigation...

We are getting screwed...

Brian please respond

  Tom Sorge called me back today 8/3/2009--He indicated that the comment period has been extended to collect direct additional survey input door-to-door. 

Tom Sorge also indicated that that Councilman Cummins and Councilman Santiago have a direct say in whether the communities want to reject the walls entirely or affect the strategic placement of some walls.  It's not an all or nothing application of the funding available to ODOT.  ODOT may also possibly look at other ways to reallocate the funding, if the community rejects the use for barrier walls.

Brian--I saw Santiago at the Applewood meeting.  He is officially on the record as opposing the walls.  Now, you need to go on the record as being opposed to these walls or in support of limited vegetative barriers. 

ODOT will be collecting additional surveys.  To date, the overwhelming vote is opposed with a few residents on Poe in favor of some treatment.  Don't claim apathy on the part of residents.  We do care about this issue and we do NOT want to be taken for a ride.

Two of Three Tremont Block Club's say no to Noise Walls so far


The Lincoln Heights Block Club in Tremont had a ODOT presentation on July 9th. The North of Literary Block met this last Tuesday, and ODOT presented their too. Both Block Clubs have agreed not to support Noise Barrier Walls. The Auburn Block Club did not meet in July.

This is the context of our Block Club letter to ODOT that should go out by Monday.



July 24, 2009

Mr. Mark Alan Carpenter, P.E.
ODOT District 12 Environmental Engineer
Ohio Department of Transportation
5500 Transportation Blvd.
Garfield Hts., Ohio 44125

Re: Northern Tremont Interstate Noise Barrier Wall Installation

Dear Mr. Carpenter:

Following the unanimous recommendation of our block club membership in attendance via a resolution passed on July 09, 2009 at are regularly scheduled block club meeting. We are writing the Ohio Department of Transportation to inform you that the Lincoln Heights/Scranton-Starkweather Block Club does not support Noise Barrier Walls as proposed.

Block club members with the assistance of Tremont West Development Corp. hand delivered meeting notices to over 225 residences and business owners in our service territory announcing that ODOT would make a presentation at our July block club meeting. TWDC also flyered the Auburn Block Club and invited them to attend either the LH/SS meeting or a future meeting of the North of Literary Block Club.

Our membership voted not to support Noise Barrier Walls as proposed but did vote to support “ Green Alternatives”. It is our understanding that significant funding can be used as an alternative instead of walls.

Since there is alternatives available in which up to $962,000.00 can be spent based on ODOT’s own project figures, project computations, and descriptions we would strongly urge the design and implementation of a “Green Alternative” in lieu of the installation of Noise Barrier Walls.

Our membership’s vision is for ODOT to devise a long-term plan over a 5-7 year period that would include at first such things as the removal of all dead trees and vegetation, tree trimming, landscaping, litter abatement, and maintenance to drainage systems and catch basins. In the first year of the implementation, a plan for regeneration of trees must developed in which the significant balance of the funds goes into the planting of new Eco-friendly trees.  It is our hope eventually the new trees will grow into a strong noise buffer, but alternatively cut down on the pollution, and dust generated from the interstate.  We are requesting that the funding be utilized in a way that no more than 50% will be used in the first year, and the balance of the funds to be divided over the next five years for yearly regeneration and maintenance.

It is understood that our local elected representatives on at least the City of Cleveland level also support this concept and will advocate our position in this matter. We understand more input from other block clubs are yet to come, but we hope our opinion is used as a template in moving this project forward. We also would request that ODOT request bid proposals from Tremont area contractors and landscapers to keep our tax dollars in our community. This would also promote further community involvement and volunteerism in a new partnership with ODOT in providing the proper yearly maintenance we deserve.

We are hoping if a “Green Alternative” is chosen based on overall community support, and that if implemented over the long-term as suggested it could ease some of the concern over lack of proper maintenance our area has seen from ODOT over the past several years.

It is clear that there may be an occasional supporter of the Noise Barrier Wall project, and we respect everyone’s opinion but it is obvious that the overwhelming opinion of the affected stakeholders poled want an alternative. We will continue to advocate for our membership in this matter relating to our position.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us relating to this matter.



Henry P. Senyak                                                Roman Dowhaniuk                            Nina Swerdlow
Co-Chair                                                            Co-Chair                                            Secretary
CC:  Councilman Joe Santiago, Ward 14
        Councilman Joe Cimperman, Ward 13
        Councilman Brian Cummins, Ward 15
        Robert Brown, Director City of Cleveland Planning Dept.
        State Senator Shirley Smith
        State Representative Robin Belcher, District 10
        U.S. Congressperson Marcia Fudge
        U.S. Congressperson Dennis Kucinich
        Chris Garland, Executive Director Tremont West Development Corp.
        Auburn Block Club
        North of Literary Block Club


Political clout

  Dear Henry--I hope that through your diligence and perseverance, the powers that BE, will actually listen and implement the recommendations put forth in your letter. 

More ODOT noise


Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 2:26 AM

Subject: ADCC Innerbelt Meeting (Revised)
On Monday, June 27th at the Applewood Center - Jones Campus gymnasium, Archwood Denison Concerned Citizens hosted a public meeting that evaluated Potential Changes to I-71 between Fulton Road and West 25th Street. The meeting was co-sponsored by Councilwoman Emily Lipovan Holan and State Representative Shirley A. Smith, and was held in partnership with Old Brooklyn Community Development Corporation and Clark Metro Development Corporation. The meeting saw about 70 attendees (65 on sign-in sheets). 
Most of the attendees were residents from the few streets north or south of the freeway, due to concerted efforts in flyering and contacting residents on the nearest four streets. Councilwoman Emily Lipovan Holan had mailed a letter about the meeting to residents on these streets and a few beyond, and Representative Shirley Smith had noted the meeting in her recent newsletter.
The meeting opened with a welcoming and introductory comments by the meeting sponsors. Representatives from the Ohio Department of Transportation, Clark Metro Development Corporation, and Archwood Denison Concerned Citizens then gave overviews of the Innerbelt Plan, and details of the Collector-Distributor component of the plan and the West 32nd Street Pedestrian bridge proposal. (See attached Summary that was available at the meeting) The meeting was then opened up to questions and comments. 
Although there seemed to be much support for the access, or Collector-Distributor (C-D), roadway realignment (lowering and moving closer to mainline I-71), most of the few comments related to the pedestrian bridge were negative. This occurred as a few, and two attendees in particular, dominated the question and comment period with their opposition to the bridge. Most of the other attendees were relatively silent yet, as the survey responses revealed, expressed views other than what the few very vocal attendees had been able to influence.
48 individuals, mostly local residents within a few streets north or south of the freeway, filled out the Innerbelt Project Survey sheets created by ADCC Innerbelt Committee members. (See attached sample of this survey) The totals and break-downs from these survey sheets are as follows:
All 48 Respondents:
No Change                                             6 Yes      39 No
No Change w/Sound Walls                      7 Yes      39 No
Reconstruct (realign) C-D Roadways      40 Yes        6 No
Pedestrian Bridge                                 31 Yes      15 No
37 Respondents living on the streets within about 1/4 mile of the stretch of I-71 between Fulton Road and West 25th Street:
No Change                                            3 Yes      32 No
No Change w/Sound Walls                     3 Yes      33 No
Reconstruct (realign) C-D Roadways      32 Yes       3 No
Pedestrian Bridge                                 26 Yes     10 No
13 Respondents living on the streets adjacent to I-71(Riverside, Poe and Smith Avenues, and on the short stretches of West 32nd, 35th, and 39th between these streets and the freeway):
No Change                                            3 Yes      10 No
No Change w/Sound Walls                     2 Yes      10 No
Reconstruct (realign) C-D Roadways       8 Yes        3 No
Pedestrian Bridge                                  3 Yes      10 No
24 Respondents living on the remaining streets within 1/4 mile from I-71(most from the 2nd and 3rd streets north or south of the freeway):
No Change                                           0 Yes        22 No
No Change w/ Sound Walls                   1 Yes        23 No
Reconstruct (realign) C-D Roadways     24 Yes         0 No
Pedestrian Bridge                                23 Yes         0 No 
To further discuss and assess the potential changes to I-71 between Fulton Road and West 25th Street, ADCC will host a follow-up meeting on Thursday, July 28th, at 6:00PM at the Archwood United Church of Christ basement meeting hall, 2800 Archwood Avenue. ADCC's General Meeting will follow this meeting.
Copies of the sign-in sheets have been mailed to the co-sponsors and partners of the June 27th meeting, and copies of the survey sheets are being mailed by request to ODOT and also to the City of Cleveland. These sheets will also be available for review at the July 28th meeting. Please forward this message to area residents and others that may be interested in attending this important meeting, and feel free to contact me for any questions or comments related to the potential freeway changes.  
Bob Gardin, Chair
ADCC Innerbelt Committee (Ad-Hoc)


Ward 14 Candidates--response??

  The I-71 barrier walls proposed by ODOT are a good starting point for representing your constituents.

How do you all respond?  Brian, Rick, Nelson...Joe Santiago was at the Wednesday public meeting.  He publicly acknowledges that the barriers are not necessary, but I am not sure if/how he will actively campaign to stop this juggernaught.

What can you do as candidates to address this concern?  Brian Cummins states (see above) If walls are not put up, other mitigation actions could be taken but only 15% of the total allocated funding could be used.

Personally, I don't care if we "lose" the money, to "lose" this project.

Santiago Actually listened at our Block Club


Joe Santiago made it clear at our Block Club on the record that he did not support the noise barrier walls. When asked he also stated he will advocate the wishs of the community for the alternative. I believe Brian stated at our meeting that so far the input he had recieved that people did not want the barriers and hopes for an alternative too.

We did not want to make our Block Club into a political circus, we invited the tree sitting councilman. I know Joe Cimperman is also in favor of green alternatives. So it is a matter of record. Lets see what ODOT does.

Supposedly ODOT is still going to hold a big public meeting in August for commentary. We will all have to show up and get as many neighbors against walls to attend.

The 15% of the total amount is somewhat incorrect. But was stated that way at the initial meeting with ODOT at TWDC's offices.

The Northern Tremont area on both sides of the interstate per ODOT's own computations is 7700 lineal foot. They can spend if uproved up to $125.00 per foot on aternatives to noise walls. So in Tremont that could be up to $962,500.00.

My understanding the Brooklyn - West25th project area scope is alot bigger. That is a big chunk of change that could be put to use. I would hate to see it go back into the system and Strickland appropriates for east bum fluck.

Knowing all the other candidates I am sure they would want to support the stakeholders and voters of Ward 14.

Global Water Market


I guess today is as good a day as any. 

This past week, I resigned my involvement from the Tremont West Development Corp. By-Law Committee.  I did this mentally, physically, metabollically, whatever way you want to say I did it, I did it, including sending Chair Tim Jenkins a courtesy e-mail to that effect.  I did it for a number of reasons, most of which, for the few times I went, I did not hear or see any changes that would be in favor of the low income, long time residents of this area.  Second, a number of disturbing factors sent up my internal red flags.  One issue for me was the "attorney client privilege" muzzle they wanted  everybody to wear and I didn't buy it and just frankly wanted to be afforded the privilege of speaking my mind when I felt like it.  Where was the transparancy and what was so top-secret it had to be confidential. 

Here's the beef, I got an e-mail yesterday from a member of the by-law committee and a member of TWDC board and I have been sitting on this now for 24 hours and I'm spilling.  What I believe has made me madder than a wet hen is the fact that he sent his sentiments out to a number of committee members and then had the audacity to then send {ME} only an e-mail suggesting that I call him so that we could have a conversation that would not be cross-worded or something to that effect - and as that was coming over, he call me wanting me to make sure I did't think he had taken my dipping out of the committee personally. 

Well, the entire e-mail from Chris Alvarado was pompous as all outdoors.  He said, "I don't want to accouse you of being dishonest."  He might as well said I am accousing you of being dishonest.  I want to know why is it that every time anybody does not agree or stoops to step aside from Tremont West, the first word that enters their mind is dishonest - maybe because it fits the name of their game.  It might be because the by-law committ is attempting to pull a vote to pass the changes in November before the annual meeting- why? what's the rush?  Perhaps to pull another straw poll and vote to vote without quorum - and I was really offended when he chastised me for not speaking up on behalf of the low-income long time residents - when in  {his} their awesome generosity to look out for these poor people he said they chose not to levy membership fees.  In his last paragraph he stated that if I was going to speak out, make sure that I explained that in the 3 meetings I attended, I did not speak up on behalf of these low income residents that I represent. 

I don't know where he's been but from day one I've been screaming from the top of my lungs as well as slapped on more cheeks than I have to turn for standing and speaking up on behalf of these low-income, long-time and minority residents.

You know how they say name that tune, well I can name at least 20 board votes Mr. Alvarado lost as a result of that e-mail and he certainly lost mine.  I need not remind these folks, I have a right to my opinion and I have a right to withdraw from any committee whenever I wish.  Especially if I chose not to be used as the peg that fills the hole of the low-income, long-time resident needed to validate a cause.

Maybe it's because I gathered the impression that most of the changes being made were to appease the funders and not in the best interest of the "ultimate authority,"  the membership.  And I do believe that they tried to sanction board member Karen Moss for making a simple statement about the by-law committee being hard at work and publishing it in the "Tremont Communicator."  Why don't these people just invest in a roll of duck tape and stand at the door when "MEMBERS"  come calling.

Right now there's a group that want's to take TWDC by the nape of those organizational strings they're trying to choke this community with and sling them as far as they can possible twirl.  The numbers are really fast growing since Sammy Catania blasted a respected member of this community last week by calling him a racist, a fascist and a trouble maker for trying to get some out-door recreational facilities in this community for the young people.  This happened on Thurman Alley at an outdoor meeting in front of probably 20 witnesses or more and I was told and have it in writing that Sammy told them he was Cimperman's eyes and ears and as good as Cimperman.  Somebody lied to him.

What gets me is this is a community organization that was created for the people and the paid staff employees that sits up there behind the locked doors where a handicapped person in a wheelchair can't reach the dam door bell, and do what?  Most of the time Sammy's big truck is parked in front and there's no handicapped parking so how does a handicapped person gain access to the place if they need to go up to that office?  I've had three people in the last month ask me to get help in getting some handicap signs put up in front of the TWDC office building  - even though I'm working on it - That's their dam job.   

Funny thing is, I get tossed out or told I can't be a member of some committees because of my opening my big mouth - here I was called up to muster for keeping it shut. 

I must clarify that not all of those working on that committee fall under the same bush.

I do believe that there are some changes from the IRS that will affect the 501 (c)3 non-profit filing status that will take effect in  2010 - and maybe that's the rush for catapulting the new by-laws into the next year.  I can say my vote is waiting until the appropriate time and that will be when quorum is met at the annual meeting in January.  These by-laws have worked for 40 years and even though they need to be tweaked here and there with a few revisions, why throw them on the plate at the beginning of the holiday season when people have other things on their mind.  This is just my opinion but I believe that it would suffice to pass out copies of what they have prepared for the membership to read and let them linger over it during the holidays and into January when things have settled down and then we'll talk about voting at the regular ballot time.    

Norm, can I borrow this for just once.

Disrupt it. 





ODOT continues to take us for a ride

  The corruption probe continues, but will Brooklyn Centre and the new Ward 14 community STILL get saddled with projects formulated to benefit ODOT friends and family?

Who cares? Right?

Afterall..."ODOT has changed some business practices"...I am so reassured...


NO to Noise Barriers along I-71

I attended the Applewood meeting.  My question to John Mottl of ODOT who had been present at the 2005 meeting Bob Gardin refers to earlier was why are you back with this Noise Barriers when we ovewhelmingly said "no" before?  The answer because that was part of an other project that has been scrapped "the lowering of the connector roads.  This is a new project that has already been approved for funding.  I hear now that the connector roads will be up for reconsideration in 2020. My feeling is that unless we definitively stop this noise barrier issue this time we will face it again and again.

When I asked why vegetative noise abatement was not included I was told that truthfully, they just hadn't thought about it, and it was not as effective.  This, after, the Tremont neighborhood had already rejected the walls.  

To answer Jeff's question they are not concrete they are fiberglass and concrete I believe.  Also, something no one has talked about is the fact that the funds are for erecting the walls and do not cover maintaining them.  In fact one man asked when the shoddy work would be fixed out by the airport-crumbling walls, fading, etc.  he was told the company who erected the walls is out of busiiness and there is no way to recover from them.  He said, forget that, use the maintenance money.  He was told there is no maintenance fund.  

I asked someone else who worked for ODOT what was the plan for buying property from the people along the affect5ed areas.  I was told that "no land will be bought."  We intend to use our right of way.  I then asked how much set back on each side of the wll was needed.  He said 10 feet.  Five on each side i would imagine.  I asked if he had seen the area that in many places there was not that much available.  He said that then we willl put them by I-71.  So there would be no noise abatement from the connector roads. 

See also

Secret ODOT stuff--candidates?

  Will anyone please provide an update on the ODOT wall debate? 
What has been determined to be the final outcome?

Ward 14 candidates, please enlighten us. 

Also, just curious to know, if you had to pick a best friend between Matt Zone and Martin Sweeney...who would you pick?

Council reps Cimperman and Cummins

  We are long overdue on an update here--what has been the outcome of the ODOT deliberations?  Please report here.

Thank you.

Laura McShane
my opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer, my spouse, my cat, my neighbors, my extended family or anyone I happen to acknowledge on the street, bus, etc.

They are probably waiting

They are probably waiting until after the elections to address this issue since it is controversial.  That would be my guess.  I am hoping for the walls and you are hoping against them.  But, I am directly impacted by the noise so that definately colors my perspective.  My granddaughter just moved into my upstairs and she can't believe that some people do not want the noise barriers walls.  She told me that she had trouble sleeping because of the noise.  Just wanted to give the readers a perspective from someone that actually lives adjacent to the freeway access ramp between W 25th and Fulton. 

ODOT barrier walls

  Can we get an update from Councilman Santiago....Councilman Cummins....BEFORE the results of the election are announced??? Councilman Cimperman has informed his Tremont constituents that the barrier walls WILL NOT go up west of the Inner Belt.  East of the Inner belt through Tremont--evidently, they get the walls. 

Public response and commitment by citizen activists like Henry Senyak in Tremont made the difference there.  I wish I could say that we have that type of organization in Clark/Metro/Fulton/Brooklyn Centre neighborhoods, but we don't.

Now, I don't drive a lot, but recently had to go to Columbus and it is apparent that the WALLs are taking over Ohio.  This is obviously political payback.  So, Councilman Cummins and Santiago...are we getting the walls or not??  Or, will they just go up overnight?



my opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer, my spouse, my cat, my neighbors, my extended family or anyone I happen to acknowledge on the street, bus, etc.

Tremont - Eastside Noise Barrier project #4

Laura in response I will add that the Northern Tremont Noise barrier project NB #4 (Eastside of the innerbelt project) will be in play in 2013/2014. ODOT made us aware that project will be part of the separate bid on the new innerbelt bridge being built for northbound traffic.

The only decision was the westside between South of Fairfield Ave. to North of Branch Ave. ODOT and TWDC is putting together a committee of stakeholders within the Lincoln Heights Block Club, we will also have parties from the Auburn and NOL block clubs paticipating, TWDC &  Tremont Gardners to make decisions on what type of Vegitative design we are looking for, ODOT needs a final plan submitted by December 1st.

I attended the Debate on Archwood last week, both Rick and Brian both stated they have not made any decisions for I-71. It was clear there are pockets of pro and con. Both said it will be a real hard decision.


Hope this helps.


  Thanks Henry--for all you do to stay afloat :) 

Both Nagin and Cummins take the safe position...no position...politics as usual in NEO.

Here is the SpanishDict word of the day:

Word of the Day

La inundación - ee-noon-dah-syon' (noun)
Busca un lugar firme y libre de inundación. - Look for a firm site free
from flooding.
La inundación después del huracán era horrible. - The flood after the
hurricane was horrible.

For more information and examples, visit the SpanishDict.com entry for La

Hasta luego,
The SpanishDict Team



my opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer, my spouse, my cat, my neighbors, my extended family or anyone I happen to acknowledge on the street, bus, etc.

Councilman Santiago??

 I believe the decision has already been made--perhaps, you can enlighten us? 



my opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer, my spouse, my cat, my neighbors, my extended family or anyone I happen to acknowledge on the street, bus, etc.

Screwed again!

Thanks Brian!  So, I hear through the grapevine that the walls are going up. Great work on that representation.  SOS.  Columbus, ODOT and the contractors get theirs...and we get it, too.