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A Salute to U.S. District Ann Rowland...Thank you for your statement and work on behalf of the public at large!Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Sun, 08/12/2012 - 18:53.
A Salute to U.S. District Ann Rowland...Thank you for your statement and work on behalf of the public at large! (Click these highlighted words to see the 2:49 minute statement that she shared on the day Dimora was sentenced!) Her words deserve recognition.... Her words deserve to be heard over and over again... She spoke passionately and truthfully about the issues we have all endured while these corrupt idiots violated the public at large. Tears of joy... Perhaps the days of "Pay to Play" politics will diminish in time... with deeply passionate people like this fighting on behalf of the public at large. Thank you Ann Rowland and your teams of investigators and to everyone who worked to disrupt the corruption at large! Real Neo has seen its share of social injustice and spoken openly about it over the years. We have eaten the crap, attempted to disrupt it, and we have endured retaliatory practices for our whistleblowing through this site. Some of us have definitely lost our cool along the line, came across like raving lunatics, and even indulged in unacceptable exchanges. Many of us have spent countless hours researching, investigating, and discovering facts that would make your head spin. Yet, without passionate legal teams to present our cases-the facts often remain buried in this website waiting for the right team to uncover them and proceed disrupt the corrupt or illegal practices that continually result in social injustice at large in our community.
Along the line, several of us have shared our passions.... I learned a great deal about the world of LEAD POISIONING from Norm Roulet....and pollution in Cuyahoga County. I learned a great deal about Roses and Flowers from OldRoser. I learned a great deal about Arts and Community Events from Laura McShane. I learned a great deal about Whistleblowing and underhanded and indirect Political Retaliation through the work I exalted herein. I learned a great deal about abusive practices that violate the public at large from steering of government grant funds to deprivation of resources meant for the needy. I continue to learn from amazing, intelligent, passionate people within the confines of this community. I learned so much about these things that I travelled the spectrum of emotions from blissfully happy that I met such an extraordinary group of people to disillusioned with the overwhelming overload of information that was brought to my attention herein. Visiting REALNEO can be addicting and also it can really brake your heart when you realize the countless areas of violations against the public at large. We have endured a generation of corrupt, self serving public servants who did eat away at the fabrics that I served 9 years to defend....our democracy. Heartless creeps like Dimora and Russo trampled on the confines of the law and still they don't compare themselves with rapists and murderers...Seriously? They killed more people with their violations than these attorneys can begin to charge them with those deaths. Their greed resulted in countless folks losing homes to their "DEVELOPMENT" schemes.
Ultimately, I could go on and on...but for what? I strongly believe that the legal teams, investigators, and whistleblowers combined will continue to eat away at the fabric of corruption on behalf of the public at large indefinitely. Perhaps this marks the beginning to a new era for future generations... Perhaps it is but a drop in the bucket. Seeing Dimora flip off the public at large in that cop car was beyond a slap in the face to the rest of us. May the reality remain with the rest in the concept that he "honestly doesn't think he did anything wrong!" It simply amazes me that people like him have such deeply imbedded corrupt thought processes that they have made themselves believe that it is okay to do the abusive things that they did to the public they were appointed to serve!
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Thank you Ann Rowland
A Salute to U.S. District Ann Rowland...Thank you for your statement and work on behalf of the public at large! (Click these highlighted words to see the 2:49 minute statement that she shared on the day Dimora was sentenced!)
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Well Said-Thank you Dianna
You are an inspiration. I hope you are right. Your optimism helps me through dark days.