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Rob Curry, Michael Cosgrove - and new charlatan in the makingSubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 03/20/2022 - 10:55.
Back in circulation - Rob Curry. Thank you Mitchell Paul for this news: Lead-Safe Services of Greater Cleveland, an operating division of R Curry & Associates LLC, was formed in direct response to the City of Cleveland enacting a lead-safe housing ordinance in July 2019 for all rental properties. However, Rob quickly realized that homeowners and tenants are in equal need of these services.
Folks will remember how Mr. Curry SPECIALIZES in federal money scams - thank you to Mabeldog for the extensive research here:
Michael Cosgrove - HE's back and he's penitent!! Doesn't advertise his law license since he has apparently lost it. Michael Cosgrove is the Principal Consultant for Strategic Connections. Michael has more than 15 years of experience working in and with public and nonprofit organizations. A former nonprofit executive director and Director of Community Development for the City of Cleveland, he has a Masters Degree in Public Administration, with a concentration in City Management from the Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University. His skills include program design & administration, grant seeking & grant writing, policy analysis & development, and public and nonprofit leadership & management. Michael focuses his work primarily in the areas of community and neighborhood development and affordable housing. He also advocates for second-chance hiring and holds the Getting Talent Back to Work Certification from the Society for Human Resource Management.
Newly GROOMED charlatan - Ricardo Leon. Absolutely useless and possibly corrupt given his failure to account for monies spent at Metro West CDC. Awarded the golden parachute to work under the Bibb administration. Photo by Tim Harrison
RICARDO LEON (stupid/lazy?) can't be bothered to manage the books at Metro West CDC -he files a 990EZ and only claimed to work 10 hrs a week in 2020?
I have notified Cleveland City Council and the media with no response at all:
To:rmaurer [at] clevelandcitycouncil [dot] org" data-test-id="message-to">rmaurer [at] clevelandcitycouncil [dot] org
Cc:kmoser [at] clevelandcitycouncil [dot] org" data-test-id="message-to">kmoser [at] clevelandcitycouncil [dot] org,jsantana [at] clevelandcitycouncil [dot] org" data-test-id="message-to">Jasmin Santana
Thu, Mar 17 at 11:39 AM
Good morning -
I just spoke with Kathleen about his email. As I have mentioned many, many times - Metro West is a fraud.
I will not let this issue go, because hundreds of thousands of dollars have been allocated to this fraud. Please see the latest 990EZ that Ricardo Leon filed. Metro West Community Development Organization - Nonprofit Explorer - ProPublica
I am asking you again - and Councilwoman Santana to NOT fund the Brooklyn Centre portion of your ward under Metro West. I am asking that you both, instead fund Old Brooklyn CDC, which does file timely and accurate 990s
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Rob Curry joins the Lead Safe Scam
So Rob came up empty in his desperate search for another overpaid Dictatorship like the one he held at CHN Crime Partners for a quarter of a century. No more comfy corner office no more 6 digit salary with an extra 30 grand in "benefits"no more overpaid-by- the-taxpayer staff to cover for his incompetence. Fired by the CHN board and FORCED into "private" enterprise Rob of course has found a way to continue to scam the Federal Funds Funneling system which is now unfortunately the MAIN source of revenue for our broke ass city. From the TV room/office in the basement of his mansion in Cleveland Heights, Rob chose a dashing photo from his CHN Crime Partner years for his business and dreams of building his OWN empire of lead safe "technicians". But it won't be so easy this time for Rob. At the "classes" for lead "safe" inspectors, the instructor warns darkly of lawsuits IF a property is passed and then a child tests positive for lead. Litigious lawyers licking their chops for the chance to sue inspectors AND landlords at the same time are ALSO taking the classes. Offering the "lowest price" and assembling a "team" of "clearance officers", a couple members of Rob's team have already broken free and started their own services. With allegedly more to follow. No one likes working for Rob. It's fun to imagine Rob having to do the work himself, down on his knees swiping the floor in a formerly CHN Crime Partners owned property on a street in an all black neighborhood that he NEVER deigned to visit during his many years at the top. Like Lenacrave. Or Edgewood or Imperial. Get out your Mapquest app Rob. You'll need it. And you better be carrying too.
Ricardo Leon is Con Artist
From July 2019 to June 2020, Metro West staff were still employed and paid by Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization, so we were all under their 990, including Ricardo. The 10 hours listed on the 990 EZ for Ricardo’s time were unpaid hours dedicated to preparing Metro West for the upcoming split from DSCDO which took place July 2020. Those 10 hours were worked above and beyond the hours worked under DSCDO.
Super Charlatan elevated to Interim Land Bank Director What is his salary going to be? $278K like Uncle Gus?
Owner occupancy credit 3 properties
Jasmin Santana is getting the owner occupancy credit on 3 houses she owns including one she just bought for cash from Adam Stalder. 3408 Marvin, 3535 Marvin and 3903 W 34th. Isn't that fraud?
It is pretty apparent that DSCDO wanted to continue getting funded under Jasmin Santana - so they gave her the special $6K price for the house she acquired in 2016 from DSCDO and Cuyahoga County Land Bank...apparently the house was in good shape - Omar and Sherry apparently walked away from it and their mortgage with Bank of America.
Super Fraud Ricardo Leon
28 views Jan 15, 2025
Ricardo León President Cuyahoga Land Bank
38 people with 2 more on organization that was supposed to be capped at 10 employees.