Realneo - a Job or a Joy?
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 02/07/2011 - 22:40.

Sometimes Realneo is a joy - a way to express yourself and spread a little light. Othertimes, the dreary material calls out for something new on top of it (no reference to what is below this) and we all have to search in the bottom of our bags for content to freshen up the situation.
While mom washes clothes in the stream, the boys keep her company.
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It's where I put my content
It's where I put my content... I have things to make happen and information to share and realNEO is designed for that purpose, for anyone who wants an account, and we all own our piece of that world - my people know where to find me... the rest of the world finds me as well - others do as they please - strangers read or don't - and I don't mind cleaning out the spam. Other than that, what job?
Disrupt IT
oh fuck you Jeff Buster - is that even your name?
South Pacific and Caribbean
Thank you, Jeff.
We all feel denied paradise and then, the folks who have it, don't realize when they have it!
Just saw South Pacific. That play is 62 years old!
Dites-moi, pourquoi? La vie est belle?