Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 06/26/2010 - 07:59.

It used to be--if you were the average, soulless land developer, you bought land as far out as the mind could travel--the land zoned agricultural, the bad farmland, the gullies, the washed out wetlands, the stripped mines--and you held it.
Perhaps, you built a sprawling golf course for the entertainment value, lower or non-existent property tax rate, and because, if you wanted to attract residential development, everyone knows, retirees are lulled into paradise by the sound of sprinklers and F-O-R-E!
Now, the game is to buy up land after buildings are torn down with your tax dollar. Land banked by the euphemistically titled Cuyahoga Land Reutilization Corp.
Are you a soulless land developer? Test yourself.
What are some other good properties to go after?
How about churchs, schools and other non-profit hand-offs??
Published: Wednesday, June 23, 2010, 2:53 PM
Published: Friday, June 18, 2010, 3:00 AM
Are you a soulless land developer???!
If so, put your money into buying schools, churches and non-profit hand-offs!
PRIME real estate!
Scranton Ave. Historic District
The photo was taken on Scranton Ave. in the area designated for a historic district. City of Cleveland demolished a fire damaged Victorian (civil war era?) and plowed entire house into the basement. This makes this land unsuitable for future development. Or does it?
County Land Bank
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has ended a program that allowed the city and nonprofits to take control of the homes, and instead is offering them in a market where buyers -- responsible or not -- can get them.
Wonder if this is why........
The program with Cleveland began in 2009. In February, The Plain Dealer raised questions about Westown Community Development Corp., a neighborhood development agency that sold two of the former HUD homes to relatives of employees, in violation of city and federal conflict of interest rules.
lmcshane I don't believe
I don't believe this time it was the city. As I understand it, the property owner made the choice and was responsible for the demolition. A number of individuals, including Councilman Cummins attempted to save the house, but it was the owner's property and he could do with it as he wished.
historic district
Has this little stretch of Scranton Road been designated a historic district? There are not any signs up saying that it is.
The heavy equipment was in the front yard for a few weeks. It looked to be a private demolition, though it is not ok to knock a house into the basement. Maybe that is a figure of speech.
No Historic District yet.
No Historic District yet. All the info I have received, it was the property owner who knocked down the house.
Are you a soulless land developer?!
Under the leadership of Arne Duncan -- former Chicago Public Schools CEO and current U.S. secretary of education -- their plan, Renaissance 2010, was launched in June 2004. Renaissance 2010 called for the closing of 60 schools and the creation of 100 new small charter or contract schools. Chicago made the decision to close high schools across the city and route displaced students to schools in other neighborhoods. The result -- 32 children killed and more than 500 beaten or shot as a result of neighborhood gang violence. Innocent bystanders and gang members alike were caught up in the crossfire that erupted from closing high schools and transplanting students.
How do Kevin Conwell and T.J. Dow write an op/ed?
How do Kevin Conwell and T.J. Dow write an op/ed together?
Who is the expert on what? I didn't know either knew anything about education and Chicago.
Wonder what they know about pollution, lead poisoning and education, as they preside over parts of town with the worst outcomes for all.
Especially interesting is their line of wisdom "it appears Cleveland school officials failed to travel to Chicago and hear firsthand the lessons learned from city officials".
Are we to understand that Conwell and Dow are experts in school restructuring and have been active studying strengths and weaknesses of Chicago schools vs. the Sanders plan - they've been spending time in Chicago learning firsthand - as that is the clear impression from this editorial - this expert viewpoint - and such first-hand experience and expertise would make them astoundingly valuable resources for this community. I'd love to know more - they should host a City Club forum on the strengths and weaknesses of Chicago schools vs. the Sanders plan as I'd love to drill down further.
I would assume some PRstitute wrote this editorial for these two councilpeople, for mind control of the citizens (and ask yourself what outcome they want to control), and that Conwell and Dow are not experts in these matters at all, but I am intrigued by their claims otherwise. Such experts may save our schools and neighborhoods - our region - if they may lead our community well... and these councilpeople are paid to lead our community.
Perhaps they should get to work on Sanders.
Seems like these councilmembers now have real jobs, being to slap Sanders into line and save our schools. They have three years to get the job done or get sent down the river, one and all.
Disrupt IT
T.J.Dow and Kevin Conwell
Norm--T.J. Dow is an attorney and Kevin Conwell is probably the most media savvy member of council...I wonder, too...why they waited so long to spill the beans on the "tranformation plan?" Too little, too late. They should have joined Gerald Henley in the federal lawsuit against the district.
Like Sex, Transformation needs definition
Thank you for posting the OpEd piece by Dow and Conwell, it was one that for some reason I missed. It's good seeing Council speak up on an issue of concern for their constituents and neighborhoods.
Maybe so...
Thanks Jerleen--I first called in the condition of the property to the councilman. It's all mighty suspicious. The rush to demolish. Do you have the owner's name and the address? 2932 Scranton?? Can't find it on the Auditor's site.
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Laura the address of the
Laura the address of the demolished house on Scranton Road is actually 2933 and the property is owned by Mario Ferrando.
CMSD Transformation = FRAUD
... real change in our schools won't be achieved without the community.
Everything you say Jim deserves REAL thought--here's more to think about from my neighbor:
Are you a soulless land developer??
Have you used arson, selective code enforcement, condemnation and no-bid city contractors to demolish a structure at tax payer expense???
Did you pick up the land mysteriously cleared of all tax liens through the land bank for pennies?
Congratulations! You are a soulless developer!