power of the press: REALNEO executes contracts for local under-utilized print capacity
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 09:02.
Effective Aug. 5,
REALNEO will begin home delivery of its premium print experience three times a week, with larger news sections and expanded local coverage: a Wednesday edition enriched with more food and dining coverage, a Friday edition with Northeast Ohio’s most comprehensive blueprint for entertainment, and a Sunday edition filled with even more arts, travel, opinion, sports and news. Each premium edition will also include a free-standing Forum section, reflecting the thoughts and opinions on topics most important to the people in our community.
As an enhancement to the weekend experience, a bonus Saturday edition, including an auto section, will provide the latest high school sports coverage and a complete Ohio State football preview.
A full subscription of three premium days of home delivery will include access to our new digital edition seven days a week plus the Saturday home-delivered bonus edition.
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