More DEMOS for Developers along W. 25th Pearl Rd. Corridor
Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 07/05/2015 - 19:29.

More demos for developers this past weekend! What's in store?? - only the folks at the "Land Bank" get to know the inside story! Stay tuned. Click on above photo for video. ABDELKARIM, NAGI listed as owner 3217 West 25th demo'd over Fourth of July weekend.

Buildings demo'd Google screen shot
Scene Coverage of "land grab" by WRLC investors
I had hoped that Scene would question the rationale of a "land conservancy" collecting this data - given that the authority for demolitions rests w/municipalities -though, sadly, several, including the City of Cleveland have defaulted that authority to the quasi-governmental "land bank."
The tone of the article is skeptical, which is good - but it is just skimming the underlying story of possible corruption and collusion, especially given Rokakis' history and his cozy relationship with the head of the "land bank," Gus Frangos. Perhaps, the Scene's next story can be on who gets these demo contracts and how much goes back to development corporations and even WRLC in form of "kickbacks" aka donations to the non-profits. I just posted a recent fly by night demo on West 25th - here's footage. Please ask the right questions.
Did Mr. Abdelkarim pay for the demo of 3217 West 25th or did taxpayers pay for it??
3025 West 25th - slated for taxpayer demo? Wally Saleh?
YESTERDAY - 9/28/2016 at a contentious West 30th St. Block club meeting - the councilman, Brian Cummins, admits the the City of Cleveland is using PUBLIC FUNDS to demolish this building. The building is "condemned," but it is also for sale?? What gives? Cummins said he had no idea which contractor is getting this demolition and the proposed demolition for the YMCA building.
Today - 9/9/2016- Cohen Realty sign gone - now listed with Wally Saleh - Encompass Realty (440) 842-9400
Now slated for demo - owned by Sam Khaleq - transfered to other family members and now LLC - unpaid taxes over 12,000
Remember Sam Khaleq??
Once taxpayers demo the property - then what?
Updated 7/29
I am told Law Dept will be sending a response
Today is Tuesday, August 9th - I called Building and Housing. They won't answer my questions until it has been vetted by the law department. Really?
Left message w/CLE law department on this FOIA
Still no response via email or by phone - request sent from my home computer.
Land Bank responds to Ginmark allegation w/we made mistake
How many mistakes is the Land Bank allowed to make with public monies - handed over to fly-by-night demolition companies?
A Big Thank You to Joe Pagonakis, who consistently listens to the little voice in our community-but I had hoped the coverage would make the connection between Ginmark and development speculation over the mile long corridor along West 25th St. that connects Metrohealth Main and Deaconess campuses.
The planned Land Bank demolition of the YMCA and "redevelopment" with CHN (contractors under indictment) deserves the most scrutiny - who will get this demo contract and why is the county wiping out 118k in debt on a property when WE are in over 1B in debt?
FOIA response 2 years later ....
Good Morning!
Hello. My Name is James Landers. I am sending this email on behalf of the City of Cleveland, Department of Law, Public Records Section The reason for this email is that our records show that you requested on July 30, 2016. Copy of all available records// information regarding the (proposed) demolition rat 3025 West 25th St. Including that which pertains to: the cost of the demolition and the source of the drawn funds; the accounting of the $12,000 in unpaid back taxes following demolition of this property as a priority as opposed to address 3881 West 25th St. Please advise if you would still like to receive the information. Please return this response via email or contact me directly at 216-664-2660.