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Federal Definition of Developmentally DisadvantagedSubmitted by mabeldog on Thu, 11/28/2019 - 19:50.
FEDERÅL DEFINITION OF DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES According to the Developmental Disabilities Act, section 102(8), "the term 'developmental disability' means a severe chronic disability of an individual 5 years of age or older that:
1) is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or combination of mental and physical impairments; 2)AND THIS IS KEY... "is manifested BEFORE THE AGE OF 22" 3) is likely to continue indefinitely; 4) results in substantial functional limitations in three of more of the following areas of major life activity 1) self care 2) receptive and expressive language 3) leaning 4) mobility 5) self diirection 6) CAPACITY FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING and 7) econommic self sufficiency
5) Reflects the individual's need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary or generic services, supports, or other assistance that is of lifelong or extended duration and is individually planned and coordinated..."
ORC 5701.12 ELIGIBILITY FOR PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION. ALL Of the following qualifications MUST BE MET INCLUDING "The institution's primary purpose is to acquire, develop, lease and otherwise provide suitable housing to individuals with DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES" .....The property is leased or otherwise provided described above by the institution to individuals with DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES.
North Coast Community Homes has provided more than 60 group homes throughout Northeast Ohio for adults with developmental disabilities with 24 hour on site staff since 1984. Onsite staff check. Developmentally disabled residents check. Eligible for property tax exemption. CHECK. And by the way the newly minted ED of Northcoast is Chris West. Koinonia Homes has been providing group homes for residents with developmental disablilities since 1974 when all the state mental hospitals closed down. On site professional staff for mentally disadvantaged residents check. Eligible for Property tax exemption. EDEN however who owns a wide variety of real estate with a value of over $50 million dollars With ZERO GROUP HOMES in North East Ohio including 1 bed room condos and commercial storefronts according to their Articles of Incorporation amended in 2014 "provision of housing opportunities and related services to LOW INCOME, mentally ill and disabled persons." Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. NOTHING like Koinonia Homes and North Coast Community Homes who play by the rules. And check THIS out! The attorney representing EDEN states IN WRITING (and I have a copy with much more "information" more than 50 pages) that ALL of their properties are used for individuals who...."have substance abuse disorders, HIV/AIDS, co-occuring substance abuse disorders and the chronically homeless." Kind of NOT REALLY the definition of developmentally disadvantaged according to the very specific terms provided by our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. And DEFINITELY NOT ELIGIBLE for the exemption. And of course the rent is ALL PAID THROUGH SECTION 8. AND ZERO STAFF trained to assist the DEVELOPMENTALLY DISADVANTAGED.
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NOT QUALIFIED as Developmentally Disadvantaged
NOT DEVELOPMENTALLY DISADVANTAGED: Drug addicts, Homeless, People with AIDS. This is the OFFICIAL list of Developmental Disabilities: ALL OF WHICH MUST BE DIAGNOSED BEFORE THE AGE OF 22, according to the Federal Developmental Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000.
1) Nervous System Disabilities (affecting the nervous system, spinal cord as well as the brain)
2) Attention Deficit Disorder
4)Cerebral Palsy
5) Bipolar Disorder
6) Dyslexia
7) Dyscalulia (closely associated with dyslexia inability to recognize numbers)
8) Dysgraphia (inability to write alphabets or sentences in order)
9) Fragile X Syndrome (FMR 1 gene/protein is unable to participate in normal development)
10) Metabolic disorders
11) Phenylketonuria body is unable to process PHE found in food leading to brain damage and mental retardation
12) Sensory related Disabilities (developmental disabilities causing problems related to sight and sound)
13) congenital Rubella causing deafness and/or cataracts in a fetus
14) Williams syndrome is a rare condition where missing genes in a newborn cause learning disorders, sunken chest and feeding problems.
15) Degenerative disorders that cause physical, sensory and mental defects
16) Rett syndrome affecting mostly girls whereby there is a slowing down of brain growth causing problems walking and seizures
THE ABOVE ARE DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILILTIES. I repeat drug addiction homelessness and AIDS are nowhere on this list. THESE are the developmental disabilities that qualify an organization for the PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION.
UCC Denison Homeless scuffle - who is the real villan?
Merry Christmas 2019 -
Take accountability for the real reason your in this mess its goes deeper than just saying the city don't support UCC Denison metanoia and trying to shut them down. You and i both know UCC Denison is just cover up to the mess you'll created by not planning for the success of metanoia before UCC Denison. Whether it was unproperly handling the funds that funded metanoia its not like you'll didn't a have pretty hefty budget to work with with funding from many many places... Private funding grants and charities like the gund foundation etc.
It is your duty with 40k+ being paid to you as the executive director to not be in this situation year by year salaries was being paid out and the homeless truly suffering at the hands of neglect.
And, here, I thought CHN-Eden's Emerald Alliance units have SOLVED homeless problem in NEO - silly me.
Housing First brings together a number of private and public organizations. FrontLine, a mental health center, provides counseling services and the Cleveland Housing Network Housing Partners is the lead developer for the housing projects. EDEN, a housing development organization, co-develops, owns and manages the apartment buildings.
Scrooge is alive and well in NEO:
The Cleveland Housing Network is movin’ on up. After DECADES OF FAILED PROMISES AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF WASTED TAX DOLLARS, the ALL WHITE top brass at the World Famous Cleveland Housing Network is strategically abandoning the EAST side of Cleveland. They have kicked their old "Network" partners like Union Miles, Buckeye, Hough and Mt. Pleasant to the curb, and changed their name. OF COURSE they've kept their good old boy Brancula's "Slavic" "Village" onboard in the expectation of some long green from that Green Home thing. Which has yet to get off the ground even though it was celebrated with a media opportunity and fake shovel ceremony in 2016. Winnowing their portfolio of EAST side CLEVELAND homes through MASSIVE giveaways and bailouts, they are now looking WEST AND to the 'burbs. NO MORE free houses from HUD on the EAST side for the brand new CHN. THOSE now all go directly to the LANDBANK. The ONLY FREE properties they want from HUD now are in HIGH income areas on the WEST side and in the 'burbs that they can flip quickly for a YUUUUUGE profit. Like OLD BROOKLYN where they own TWO properties ALREADY. And they see great flipping potential for those homes at 4307 W 12 and 4474 W 14. And WESTPARK where they scored a free HUD house at 16506 Chatfield and flipped it 3 months later for $162,900. And of ALL places (oh the irony), PARMA where they have already sold a home at 5419 Charles which they got FOR FREE from HUD and FLIPPED IN 6 MONTHS FOR A COOL $104,640. And they've grabbed TWO MORE PARMA Properties from HUD at 7289 Oakwood Rd. AND another at 6930 Parma Park Blvd. They'll be flipping them for $165,000.... EACH! AND in SHAKER HEIGHTS where they flipped a house quickly at 3428 Ashby which they actually had to PAY $17,500 for. BUT they flipped that baby for $96,200. And THEY don't have to PAY ANY TAXES ON THE PROFITS! Like any OTHER real estate flipper WOULD.
No more grinding out the 15 LONG years of their World Famous Academy Award Winning Lease Purchase Program, OFTEN with EVICTIONS along the rocky road to home "ownership", only to find at the bitter end the prospective buyer STILL has terrible credit and does not qualify for a real mortgage from a real bank. Banks like THIRD FEDERAL and KEY have been burned way too many times by CHN, having been left holding the bag with hundreds of foreclosed homes for mortgage loans to unqualified borrowers with obscenely high prices over the past 25 years they were scammed into making by CHN. So the World Famous Lease Purchase Program at CHN generously uses their HUD block grant funds (OUR TAX DOLLARS), to give the "owners" "loans" that don't have to be repaid JUST TO GET THE PROPERTIES OFF THEIR BOOKS. They just want to SELL houses now to WHITE folks in WHITE neighborhoods with real jobs and good credit. The kind of folks who can get real mortgages from real banks and CHN Crime Partners just pockets the ENORMOUS TAX FREE PROFITS. Now THAT'S what I'M TALKIN' 'BOUT! Qwik Ezy Cash. Forget all that promised urban renewal stuff.
NOT exactly what their Articles of Incorporation state though. If I may quote ...."The purpose for which the corporation is formed is to engage in any lawful act or co-ordinating the efforts and resources OF THEIR MEMBER NON PROFIT GROUPS in the ACQUISITION OF LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING WITHIN THE CITY OF CLEVELAND." So flipping properties in Shaker Heights, Parma and Old Brooklyn (which technically IS in Cleveland but is NOT low and moderate income), and dumping all the other member non profits is NOT AT ALL what they are supposed to be doing. I don't care if they did change their name. They haven't changed their TAX EXEMPT status to the IRS. Flipping real estate in high income areas is NOT A TAX EXEMPT endeavor.