Ed Hauser - the good ole days
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 10/20/2014 - 17:59.
As income distribution gets more and more lopsided,
do you find the time to express yourself in the civic environment?
Or, is your head down, just working to get by?
Have you ever done what Ed is doing in the image above?
Have you ever gone out into the civic space and spoken your mind?
Image of Ed I took at Ingenuity Fest in .... summer 2008? I will edit when I find original image file.
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Pay to play remains...keep your head low....
While I am the first to advocate for speaking up............all the retaliation that comes with disrupting political corruption is not worth the loss of years off people's lives..........perhaps the good old days are gone forever and we all shall become socialized like Russia...lol......... It's a cold hard world out here..........and all that good feeling of motivating others to partake in democracy is met with much underhanded movement by the players in powerful positions...the connected....and may they all rot in hell.
Sorry....teamwork is not something ALL AMERICAN unless you are a high paid sports figure............. It's something our veterans miss so much that they are killing themselves at a rate of 22 per day........suicide in the ranks.
Love you Jeff. Maybe I missed the point....
Mitigating a dumbed down society while watching the philanthropic use them and abuse them every which way but loose....simply devours my soul. Where to be when it's said and done....rebuilding my beaten down attitude.
Selfless work to lose it all in the end....well, I don't know how many are willing to pay that price.... it seems pretty expensive....
Prayers, love, and hugs to all. I believe it's time for the world of junkies, middle class mother flowers who never gave a hoot about the public at large, and lots of other greedy people to partake in the American recovery process of which their head-buried-in-the-sand attitude empowered....
Let them know what it's like to be have nots despite their rat race work efforts.....perhaps they'll begin to wake up from that cloud they been sleeping on. SMH....
For now....the children need all the energy I have to muster.................
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"