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jenita great spirit - sophia who you met - my great friend service k-9 and tremonts and world terra is wanting to carry a fire arm - when i grab my 9mm in holster and 38 cal. police special sophia is ready to go and protect also as sophia tells me esp body language i want a gun also - now sophias right eye wink is yes and left eye wink no - right paw up is yes left up paw no - other than esp etc. communication - when i ask sophia either verbal or non verbal if you could shot a gun not that you can't and you get angry with me because i abuse you - which i do a lot - would you shot me - my great service k-9 friend sophia winked her right eye - yes - so maybe the great mother was abusive to child - like all or most parents are - its on the job training and parents get less abusive as they get experience - as genita you will discover - i wonder how many parents shot their children - great book - "you have to f^^king eat" by Adam Mansbach - i trust sophia so as soon sophia can fire a fire arm sophia will have her own fire arm and no license needed for other species - and i will be far less abusive to sophia - no abuse - all dogs and children should be able to carry fire arms - there would no child-dog abuse - cheers - sophia i may shot guy and guy This isn't a pro-gun or an anti-gun post. This is a plea that if you are a gun owner, lock up your gun and keep it unloaded, especially if you have children!
Jamie Gilt, 31, from Jacksonville, Florida, right, was shot in the back by her young son, 4, pictured, after he picked up a .45 semi-automatic handgun that was on the back…
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Theresa Gorski An unlocked gun will get in the hand of a curious child, especially one who is already "jacked" (mom's words) to play with one. I hope there is a lesson learned there...
Joy Harlor Hilarious. She so needs to see that this is what carrying a gun will most likely do - rarely do you use a gun against an opponent.
_4oep UFIUnseenItem" role="article" data-ft="{"tn":"R"}">
Guy Templeton Black jenita great spirit - sophia who you met - my great friend service k-9 and tremonts and world terra is wanting to carry a fire arm - when i grab my 9mm in holster and 38 cal. police special sophia is ready to go and protect also as sophia tells me esp body language i want a gun also - now sophias right eye wink is yes and left eye wink no - right paw up is yes left up paw no - other than esp etc. communication - when i ask sophia either verbal or non verbal if you could shot a gun not that you can't and you get angry with me because i abuse you - which i do a lot - would you shot me - my great service k-9 friend sophia winked her right eye - yes - so maybe the great mother was abusive to child - like all or most parents are - its on the job training and parents get less abusive as they get experience - as genita you will discover - i wonder how many parents shot their children - great book - "you have to f^^king eat" by Adam Mansbach - i trust sophia so as soon sophia can fire a fire arm sophia will have her own fire arm and no license needed for other species - and i will be far less abusive to sophia - no abuse - all children should be able to carry fire arms - there would no child abuse - cheers - sophia i may shot guy and guy
mentionsHidden" name="add_comment_text" tabindex="-1" /> Write a comment... anti-speciesism - Quest, ministries - gofundme - please donate or
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