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Demolition efforts continueSubmitted by DesireeSchmitt on Mon, 12/07/2009 - 10:04.
I've been away for awhile because some posts were getting negative and I have been battling so many wars over the past year, I needed to insulate myself and focus. However, while attending the fundraiser for Frank yesterday, I was strongly encouraged to re-engage. The conversations yesterday were both frustraiting and encouraging. Building and Housing (B&H) is still after Tom Bell (2441-3 Professor) and myself (714-6) College. B&H seems to be striking swifter and faster than before. In the same style (speaking now for my experience and not Tom's specific case) I have been improperly served over and over.. receiving certified letters a week after compliance dates have ended.. or sending to the wrong address. Not to mention games being played with assigned inspectors. I have made progress on the home.. albeit not on a dime.. but we had the rainiest summer on record in the worst economy in my adult life. Further, my roof was too steep for my contractor to start in the winter months. My contractor also had St. John Cantious and Dante's restaurant on the schedule ahead of me. Regardless, the new roof (which turned out to be a bigger job than you could determine from the curb) is now brand new and looks beautiful.. and may I state.. completed well before the deadline on the permit. Cimperman has told people that the house won't come down - however - B&H is still proceeding. B&H ordered the water off on my FINISHED home in preparation for demolition. It took two days to correct it, although that didn't compensate my tenant, myself or my business for the inconvenience. I FINALLY had my voice in front of Pianka last week, however, he explained that these are basically two different processes. I could very well end up homeless by B&H and then stand in front of Pianka Ex Post Facto fashion with nothing to argue, but faced with fines/demolition fees and an offer to swap for land bank. NEED I SAY THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH IS ALL SORTS OF WRONG? I also must say that Judge Pianka was awesome with the situation. I could go on for hours about the wrongs being executed here.. and the selective prosecution.. but I'm saving the nitty gritty details for my attorney. Cimperman's holiday party is tomorrow.. 5pm to 7pm @ Massimo da Milano. If you go, please approach him about the issues.. which defy a proper adjective to describe. Desiree
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keeping the focus
It is important to keep the focus and not get distracted by negative posting that takes precious time & energy. Best wishes.
Desiree,,, welcome back
It was nice meeting you yesterday. thank you for attending and coming back to Realneo. please keep us advised.
what anyone can do to help those facing destruction by our city
Wednesday, 12/09/09 at 10am Desiree Schmitt is on the docket to present in front of the Board of Building Standards (BBS) and ask for an extension to finish the exterior of her home. BBS granted Tom Bell (in the same situation) an extension. She has been told not to expect an approval. She needs a show of support and the BBS (and the powers that ab-use them) need to know we are watching.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 10:00 am
Cleveland City Hall
601 Lakeside Avenue
ROOM 514
Reference: 714 College
Thank you. People support will make the difference.
If you can't make it, please:
ward13 [at] clevelandcitycouncil [dot] org <ward13 [at] clevelandcitycouncil [dot] org>
mayorsactioncenter [at] city [dot] cleveland [dot] oh [dot] us
Contact Congressman Kucinich:
Parma Office
Parmatown Mall7904 Day Drive
Parma, Ohio 44129
Phone (440)845-2707
Fax (440)845-2743
Thank you!
Thank you!
Different approach?
I have nothing to do with this, but I did look at your property Desiree online.
You could approach the CDC differently and perhaps ask them if you were me what would you do?
Do they offer any services that can help you realize the highest potential value of your property?
You have a garage that could be accessed off Thurman, the drive is poorly configured. Its all limiting your value the ability to rent your storefront and get higher rents.
How can you get ahead of it all, get the property to a higher standard and then gain a higher return on your investment? Could you be a model of how to take it from bad situation to a good one?
Can the garage be accessed off the side street, could it become a carriage house and add a rental above, can the property be rezoned and are you entitled to some abatement to offset the costs. Could a patio be added to the side of the store? Could they help you find a tenant for the store, can they fund a startup business?
What if you had three rentals and the store rented, then with abated property tax? The total intake goes up and then that capital used to leverage a low or no interest loan that makes it happen.
Sometimes we just have to realize we maybe on the wrong side, then we subsequently should take off our clothes and get in bed with the other side. Then just remember that it is still about you and you fulfilling your needs.
If you break it all out you learn to speak in their language, its about cash flowing how can you get more for you? Money makes money…they have access to funds and resources.
I would go past the expectations, struggling to meet the minimum is not going to do anything for you but perpetuate the struggle.
This basic concept a one bedroom apartment over a three car garage: Just an example and could be constructed adjacent to the existing home that could be painted and get some cosmetic improvements.
It would face Thurman and open the land next to the storefront that could be landscaped and fenced in as patio. Notice the color scheme it could be carried onto the main home, add some spindled rails to the porch and then paint them white.
Three apartments and three garages one for each unit, off street parking as a garage gets higher rents. Three apartments at $650-$700 each and the storefront at $250-$300.00 a month. That is a potential of $2,200-$2400.00 a month and if abated then the loan repaid over the period of abatement.
The CDC can get you access to low or no interest loans and also get you abated, then it is just a matter of leveraging higher values.
Then the struggle changes as you are now or would be concerned with keeping it all going at a higher place. If it is too much then you can sell it to recover and maybe make a profit.
When the question is asked “what do they do for us” should that be “this is what I want you to do for me”?
This is link to Desiree property…..
you have the brain of a chicken.... and obviously NO idea of what is going on in Tremont.
Nice obfuscation....
The same theory is about rape
When you are faced with a weapon, such as a gun or a knife to the throat, women are told not fight back in order to save their lives. Please do not apply that to the tax payer funded process, even though it is a rape of sorts of people in the neighborhood.
Great idea, but the garage
Great idea, but the garage property is not mine. That belongs to my nieghbors and their long term plan is to put up a home or townhouse of some sort.
I had the option, but did not exercise the tax abatement on 716 College.
Thank you for the other suggestions..
That makes demolition OK?
Oengus, you are suggesting that ballistic government harassment and intimidation and ultimately demolition/liens and property transfer are okay---because this property owner hasn't considered some design alterations?! Do you plan to finance the design suggestions you propose ?(I have built a garage...your model runs minimum $35,000.00)
What planet do you live on? If TWDC and Joe Cimperman and Sammy Catania have some ulterior motive for demolishing her perfectly A-OK garage and back house...then why don't they come clean with it?
Susan Miller photo
Susan had posted a photo of this property a while back, and I just spent time trying to find it without any luck. It would be nice to re-post it. It is a good photo of a very tastefully done building.
I believe there is some
I believe there is some misunderstanding here - the garage and parking lot adjacant to Desiree's house is a separate piece of property (722 College) and belongs to the next door neighbor Jeff Eizenber on the Thurman side (2301 Thurman) of the Street.
found the photo of Desiree's building; photo by Susan
doesn't this look good?
you people are real
you people are real asshole.....
oh, come on. oengus
you are one of us, none the less.
oh he can dish it out
but he can't take it.... big baby..
Help Desiree and the community Wednesday morning
Dbra, I hope that you don't mind this copy and paste of your prior entry; just trying to keep it fresh in the minds of readers who may be free Wednesday 12/9 for an hour or two. It will be educational if nothing else.
Wednesday, 12/09/09 at 10am Desiree Schmitt is on the docket to present in front of the Board of Building Standards (BBS) and ask for an extension to finish the exterior of her home. BBS granted Tom Bell (in the same situation) an extension. She has been told not to expect an approval. She needs a show of support and the BBS (and the powers that ab-use them) need to know we are watching.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 10:00 am
Cleveland City Hall
601 Lakeside Avenue
ROOM 514
Reference: 714 College
Thank you. People support will make the difference.
If you can't make it, please:
ward13 [at] clevelandcitycouncil [dot] org <ward13 [at] clevelandcitycouncil [dot] org>
mayorsactioncenter [at] city [dot] cleveland [dot] oh [dot] us
Contact Congressman Kucinich:
Parma Office
Parmatown Mall
7904 Day Drive
Parma, Ohio 44129
Phone (440)845-2707
Fax (440)845-2743
Good luck Desiree - we're watching!
Good luck Desiree - we're watching!
Factor in the Federal NSP
Cleveland's Five Year Capital Improvement Plan published June 2009 earmarks monies awarded from the Federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program to one priority activity--DEMOLITION.
The report allots $9,380,000 in 2009 and $4,6090,000 to demolition. I do not see accounting towards redevelopment or rehabilitation of properties. I imagine the push for demolitions, especially in NPI designated neighborhoods is intended to spend down this one-time money as fast and furious as it can be spent.
How does this factor into the aggressive code enforcement and condemnations in Tremont?
Eligible Uses
NSP funds may be used for activities which include, but are not limited to:
Who is getting these demolition contracts??
Who is getting these demolition contracts??
Who is getting these demolition contracts??
Please PD...and where are they occurring?
So sad that money can be
So sad that money can be available to tear things down but none can be used to fix houses that need repairs. If the NSP put that kind of money into fixing up property that was run down it would not need to use it for demolition. And people would have affordable housing and entire neighborhoods could be salvaged. Not everyone needs or wants to live in a fancy high priced area. But just because an area is low income it does not mean it has to be low class. If only our leaders could understand this concept.
why do people think that this is a solution?
Through out the City, people are asking that vacant houses be torn down as a solution to crime & drugs. Is it because the money is not being spent on rehab on homes? Is it because the programs to rehab homes and turn them over to families was so long ago that we have forgotten that there are other possibilities? What is the definition of blighted and how does it differ from an vacant house that can be rehabbed? Rehabbing is expensive, but $5 million dollars could go a long way in the housing rehab programs. These houses would be sold and that money recouped eventually. It has always been a battle of the downtown interest vs. the neighborhoods, and it is still that way even if the downtown interest have crossed the river.
Board of Building Standards
Yesterday, was indeed an educational experience.
For those who have the time--attend the next one. Yesterday's docket included a variance appeal by Pierre's Ice Cream.
The City is forcing compliance to a sprinkler system that may or may not work to prevent fires in their vintage factory building.
Thank you everyone for your
Thank you everyone for your support!!
I asked the board that my demolition extention be co-terminous with my valid, open building permits and it was granted. It was an intense session, the Inspector flat out lied under oath, but it all ended by receiving a unanimous vote from each memeber of the board.
Councilman Cimperman and Tremont West scheduled a meeting on Monday, December 14th, 2009 at 3pm to review my project scope, funding, timeline, and deadlines.
Legally, I've been advised I don't have to go.. they have no jurisdiction.. and I don't see them funding anything here..
My deadlines are set by building and housing. Period.
I'm going to go as a peace offering, but my rights are my rights.
I don't see them funding anything here...
Don't count on that - I'm sure they are seeking peace.
Disrupt IT
Desiree -
who from TWDC and Cimperman were at the hearing?
you know - I would be vERy cautious about giving them any information.
sometimes dis-information is a better choice. THEY do it all the time...
Sammy Catania attended on
Sammy Catania attended on behalf of TWDC and per an email from Councilman Cimperman, on behalf of his office as well.
oh well now weren't you blessed...
how interesting.
Catania representing Cimperman's office....
As we all should be... Government is a simple system, really
as all these people work for us, they should bless us with their presence, and support, whenever and however needed.
If they do not, they are damning the citizens, and God damn them for that.
Government is a simple system, really.
Disrupt IT
Simple system
ran by simple people.
2009 - CITY land bank flexing
Cimperman has told people that the house won't come down - however - B&H is still proceeding. B&H ordered the water off on my FINISHED home in preparation for demolition. It took two days to correct it, although that didn't compensate my tenant, myself or my business for the inconvenience.
I FINALLY had my voice in front of Pianka last week, however, he explained that these are basically two different processes. I could very well end up homeless by B&H and then stand in front of Pianka Ex Post Facto fashion with nothing to argue, but faced with fines/demolition fees and an offer to swap for land bank.
Poor Desiree was seen as vulnerable - a single woman "over her head" in property rehabilitation. Rokakis, Frangos and PIANKA (portrayed as a saint/really a sinner) operating with their inner circle including Joe Cimperman, councilman at the time. I can't remember who headed TWDC at the time - Colleen Gilson, Chris Garland?
Chris Garland went on to administer the city land bank...