Cleveland CAN--with a little help
Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 09/20/2009 - 16:08.

I will be posting photos from the One World Event here in Cleveland. Notably absent? Mayor Jackson who presumed that the audience would be mostly suburbanites and made the call to write it off. Bad move.
Meet Sharon Patmon. She was there today, representing the promise of a civil, gracious and kind Cleveland. A recognition of ONE WORLD coming together to celebrate with music, food, flags and a parade. I enjoyed meeting you today and as they say--may the best man (with a great woman smiling and supporting the man) WIN.

Where is that inscription?
I notice an inscription that is on the Tom L. Johnson sculpture in Public Square...
Where was your photo taken?
Disrupt IT
Oh you got me
Yes Norm--Tom Johnson sculpture in Public Square. I took the number 1 bus straight down St. Clair and caught some photos of boys skateboarding around the monument. Your photo is much better. Here's my rather lame video taken before the parade kicked off. The guy next to me asked about the event. It was a little slow to get started. But it came together.
Come together
From the program handed out today: The Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation Annual "One World Day"
Hosted by the Polish Cultural Garden Celebrating its 75th Anniversary.
"Long before America was discovered, Poland had universities and was leading in world education. Long before England's Magana Charta was forced on the king, Poland had freedom of religion and freedom of speech. The purpose of this garden is to better acquaint not only the American people, but others, with the quality of Polish Culture."
2009 One World Day Event sponsored by the Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation
*African-American (D) *Albanian (D) * American Colonial * American Legion Peace Gardens of the States and of the Nations * Armenian (D) * Azebaijani * British (Shakespeare) * Chinese* Czech *Estonian *Finnish *Greman * Greek *Hebrew * Hungarian * India * Irish * Italian * Latvian * Liberty Veterans Honor (D) * Lithuanian * Native-American (D) * Polish * Romanian * Rusin * Scottish (D) * Serbian *Slovak * Slovenian *Syrian (D) * Ukranian *
(D) Gardens in Design or Development
The Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation
c/o Rockefeller Park Greenhouse, 750 East 88th St
Cleveland OH 44108
Tel. 216.916.7755
Email: info [at] tccgf [dot] org
For further information, please visit
Come together:
Come together:
the cyclical nature of cultures
It's good that the Polish Clevelanders have pointed out that there are rising and declining civilizations and their concomitant cultures. I guess that pointing to the past, and then asking "Where are they now?" puts a lot into perspective, for everyone. I think it's also instructive that the people who are pointing to the Polish culture have adopted the United States as the place to live. So, the question for me is, how much should we celebrate the past? Is this event a good expenditure of time and effort?
Celebrating the Past
Native Americans say:
Learn from the Past
Live In the Now
Prepare for the Future.
So I believe it is right to celebrate the past, learning our lessons, living life to the fullest while preparing for our future.
Cultural Gardens
The president of Serbia will be at the garden tomorrow September 21st he will be dedicating a golden statue of St Sava to the new Serbian Cultural Garden.
The rededication of the Irish Garden is on October 3, a Saturday at 11pm.
Cultural Gardens
I think it's cool, most ethnic groups still have centers and the gardens are expressive and we all like gardens.
Abbey Rd. Cleveland
Coverage in the Plain Dealer can be found here---and here.
There were several photographers present...I have been trying to find some of the images taken. I will post more here soon.
Oengus--thanks for the appropriate Beatles reference and video!--when I crossed St. Clair...I thought Abbey Rd. A whole multi-hued class from CWRU crossed the street with me.
Sharon Patmon asked me not to give up on Cleveland...with a little help (from our friends) we can... come together...and make it work.
One World Day
I rode down with a bike group from ClevelandBikes and the Ohio City Bicycle Co-Op as the One World Day was another great excuse to enjoy the cultural gardens and imagine the day to come that we fully appreciate the terrific, world class asset that NE Ohio communities have created and nurtured over time. I marvel at the thought that one by one, over time, ethnic groups have put their time, effort and resources into claiming a part of their new home in NE Ohio. One by one, they said "we are here, we belong, we are Americans now!" I think it's terrific that groups that couldn't stand each other in Europe, can settle down along MLK Boulevard, just as they did in settling Cleveland neighborhoods (although not always easily), next to each other and celebrate some common spirit. To see new immigrants raise their hands and pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, something we do countless times, often without the same fervor, was a great sight. What a special place and what a great day.
Sorry not to catch up at One World Day, but thanks for the pictures and video Laura.
Sidewalks and streets
Folks who write off the City of Cleveland and visited the Cultural Gardens on Sunday were probably impressed, as I was, to see a new sidewalk and freshly paved St. Clair. Of course, if there are investment plans for the City of Cleveland, residents are the last to know. It sure would help those of us who live here in on "The Plan." (!)
In any event, as I walked towards downtown (you can almost SEE downtown from my photo above) the 1 bus came along, lickety-split--
It always works that way ;) I had contemplated walking the whole way, just to time myself ( would have taken a long, long time. Kevin--you will have to time it for me by bike :) It's a straight shot and butter. The bus took me past your office. Here are some snaps from the bus trip.
Hello!...calling...Positively Cleveland!...this street, Detroit, and other former streetcar streets have the visuals and even the street life to make this town come alive.