Clark Field and WC Reed Field - the Saga of GREED
Submitted by lmcshane on Fri, 05/15/2015 - 12:31.

This is a continuation of the saga of public places lost to developers. Our story starts with WC Reed Field in the Brooklyn Centre neighborhood, but continues with the story of Clark Field in the Tremont neighborhood. Some of the main characters for both stories are the same - City of Cleveland, former council reps Jim Rokakis, Gus Frangos, Tim Donovan with the Towpath and current council reps Joe Cimperman, Brian Cummins, Tony Brancatelli and the US EPA and federally funded community development corporations, and brownfield monies. More to come.

Clark Field "Restoration" ~CDC code for superfund clean-up
Sent: Fri, Mar 3, 2017 15:37:29 GMT+00:00
Subject: Reminder: Set Up Your Clark Field Interview with the EPA!
Good Morning,
This is a friendly reminder that EPA representatives will be holding interviews with residents next week regarding the Clark Field restoration. These interviews provide the foundation for the EPA’s Community Involvement Plan. Please don’t forget to set up your interview so that your concerns can be reflected and addressed! Contact Adrian Palomeque to set up your interview. He can be reached at 1.800.621.8431 x 32035 or palomeque [dot] adrian [at] epa [dot] gov. The interviews will take place on Wednesday, March 8th at Tremont West (2406 Professor Ave.) or Thursday, March 9th at the Jefferson Branch of the CPL (850 Jefferson Ave.). They will last approximately 30 minutes. Please see attached flyer for more information. You can also visit the EPA’swebpage to learn more. Thanks and enjoy your weekend.
Lindsay Smetana
Community Organizer and Program Manager
Tremont West Development Corporation
2406 Professor Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44113
(o) 216.575.0920 x 102
(f) 216.575.0998