Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Sun, 01/30/2011 - 04:15.
Thanks to all the dedicated pawns in this industry who have ever looked down their nose at another human being for whatever reason!
We have starving (60,000 families a month are fed through the local HUNGER NETWORK), homeless (The need for affordable housing: 40,000 households.), violated, and abused families surviving daily in the City of Cleveland...many struggling to survive, afford to pay rent, and pay for clothing for their children because finding work as a "quotafied" citizen of demographically challenging background including reentry/felons, undereducated, and elderly/disabled person is almost impossible.
We have created an environment that snubs the people, deprives them of their lawful rights, and steers them out to create green pastures in Cleveland, Ohio. For 36 years, we have received UNGODLY amounts of Federal HUD Grants and Funds to revitalize our City and it just keeps going to hell in a hand basket with all these PLANNERS, COLLABORATIVES, and VYING ENTITIES.... It's just illogical to believe that they were actually doing any "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT" over the 36 years that didn't practically divide, conquer, and decimate our city into this degree of a "GHOST TOWN" status that it has become today.
Judge Raymond Pianka was the founding father of the award winnning DETROIT SHOREWAY CDC.... He has a more comprehensive understanding of these planning, development, master plans, and funding methodologies than almost anyone in town...and he has rose to the top of the regime!
Gordon Square Arts District and the leaders 2010Martha Joseph Prize
The Honorable Raymond J. Pianka is a judge in Cleveland’s Housing Court and active in the Detroit-Shoreway community of Cleveland.
2010 Cleveland Arts Prize Winners
The Center for Community Progress boasts Ray Pianka as one of the great ADVOCATES with an innovative approach to through his housing court at the vacant property conference back in October 2010.
The Reclaiming Vacant Properties Convention hosted in Cleveland in Oct 2010 cited countless participants in this INDUSTRY around our community, how they work together, and it is amazing to see how many folks are caught up in this big government and CDC /NFP industry that is supposed to be building up our community over the last 35+ Years! Great job everyone!
If they (CDC's/Leadership) expose it all as results driven 'positively' vs 'showing the raw data' that shows how defective these organizations have been historically-then they can get tons of awards and much more funding! It's all about their dog and pony presentations... use of demographic data, and their ideas of proper usage of HUD Funds...
Love the HUD Funded reclamation of BATTERY PARK that built "MARKET RATE LIVING"...that a mass majority of Cleveland Residents cannot afford...literally steering them (Low Income Families) out of the area and the City of Cleveland while inflating countless low income residences into unaffordable means for the low income families surrounding these pocket neighborhoods. Most significantly, when people wonder why it's rated as one of the most miserable cities in the USA...they don't miss citing countless issues of corruption as one of the mega reasons that folks are leaving town in droves! The City of Cleveland was recently awarded $41 Million dollars by HUD to demo blighted areas....They are sheerly accomplishing their mission is record time in accordance with their "MASTER PLANS"....
7415 Battery Park....$349,900 is price listed via MLS# 3051119

6606 Father Caruos Drive...$349,900 is price listed via MLS #3162972
From the four, historically intact corners of Detroit Avenue and W. 65th, you’ll see how unique partnerships have preserved historic community fabric while creating affordable, energy-efficient, transit-connected housing, a vibrant arts district, and a planned boulevard connecting residents with the lakefront. See the Gordon Square Art District, which catalyzed development of a vibrant streetscape with galleries, shops, restaurants, and public art; Battery Park, a market-rate housing development on the site of a former brownfield encompassing a bold $50M infrastructure investment to decommission an expressway; and the Cleveland EcoVillage, an EPA-funded national demonstration project for sustainable development with housing centered around public transportation.
Workshop Leaders: Ray Bobgan, Cleveland Public Theatre; Jeff Ramsey, Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization; Joy Roller, Gordon Square Arts District; Jenny Spencer, Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization
Battery Park Powerhouse, LLC
Battery Park Powerhouse received an $800,000 Commercial Redevelopment Fund loan for the rede-velopment of the former Eveready Battery Company powerhouse at 7524 Father Frascati Avenue in the City of Cleveland into a multi-tenant commercial space. The Powerhouse building will accommo-date community facilities, a fitness center, a restaurant and a small specialty market/deli to serve the adjacent planned housing development and the existing neighborhood. The redevelopment is an effort to bring a site with a long history back into productive use, thus increasing the tax base and aiding in a new residential development in Cuyahoga County. The 29,000 square foot property was purchased in June 2006 and has been vacant for over 10 years. The property site is situated on a bluff overlooking Edgewater Park. The project consists of a 6,000 gross square foot building. An ad-ditional 6,000 square feet will be added as a second floor to accommodate community meeting rooms and a fitness center. A linear Boulevard Park in the center of median of West 75th Street ends in a large public green that overlooks the lake, and is adjacent to the Powerhouse structure. A bike/walking path is planned to wind through the park and connect the property to Edgewater Park. Upon redevelopment, Battery Park Powerhouse will create 13 new jobs at the site. Property taxes are estimated to increase to $47,000 in 2010 (after OEPA abatement expires in 2009) as a result of the prior cleanup and current redevelopment.
Total project cost: $2,550,000
County funding: $800,000
...all of these creative projects are amazing collaboratives with lots of extraordinary results that drive a PHILANTHROPIC INDUSTRY in NEO (of HIGHLY PAID ADMINISTRATORS) towards a future vision...Meanwhile, the quotas come from the average citizens who have NO CLUE about a great majority of these development schemes as provided via the PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Requirements of HUD.... I bet a door to door survey would astonish HUD leadership regarding the integrity of the City of Cleveland and the local NOT FOR PROFIT CDC INDUSTRY....unless of course-they are also involved in the lack of oversight on these matters.... COUNTLESS FOLKS HAVE GOTTEN ON THIS AMAZING BANDWAGON so that they can receive those billions of dollars in funds that go through our city Annually via the trickle down economics of GRANT FUNDING....and countless citizens, residents, and stakeholders have no clue about ANY OF IT! They just keep trying to survive the rat race of life that seems gut wrenching at times in our city when faced with so many needs by the people who are losing benefits, losing jobs, and losing their American Spirit after chasing assistance in all of these federally funded venues… They don’t want to empower the little people who serve as quotas.
Public Participation
These leadership organizations (CDC's) have learned how to treat the "less than desirable public at large" (steering them out of BOD's & membership) in order to manipulate this ENTIRE PROCESS and ascertain uninterrupted grants, work through countless projects, and never be held accountable for their abusive practices... or their failed projects. We attended the "ANNUAL PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FORUM" at Lutheran and the leader of the dog & pony power point presentation seemed interested and "DUMBFOUNDED" by our allegations about the ongoing abusive practices including escalations of physical assaults on outspoken activist/disabled veterans by a local CDC development director. We cited case example after case example---and I didn't see him take a note...just defer to writing our "Surveys & Submitting them" and year after year this occurs per one actively engaged attendee.... We discussed Code Enforcement issues with CDC's puppeting City Inspectors who are 'complaint driven' and working collusively by and through City Council's MASTER PLAN effectuation game through established CDC's and in coordination with City Housing Court.
That all amazes me, because the statistics of the average income of the over 11,000 residents evicted in 2009 shows that over 50% of their approximate $914/month income went towards rent....putting them into financially unstable positions...but those statistics don't drive our development considerations for "AFFORDABLE HOUSING"...because the REGIME wants those folks to keep moving out of their glorious, presitgious communities like Cudell, Ohio City, Detroit Shoreway, and Tremont because these low income families are the reflections of "Blight" that they are working tirelessly to eradicate...
We discussed how our efforts to unite the citizens were met with divisive practices by old and new leaders once they realized that we were demanding social justice, accountability of funding practices, and transparency and public participation...Heck, we all of a sudden have a brand new CDC structure established out of left field in our community and several other CDC's annihilated with the 2010 year created by CITY COUNCIL itself to work as it so wishes... They did most of this by practically working to prevent any of citizen activists from REALNEO to have direct notice of those planning sessions-despite the fact that they love to use this forum when they need support to save something like MERRICK HOUSE...
The public is encouraged to participate in every phase of the application development process.
Planning stage meetings are conducted to solicit information regarding neighborhood needs and project suggestions. These may be citywide or conducted within each of the eight planning regions. Notification of planning sessions and public hearings is accomplished through full use of radio, television, newspaper and newsletters.
Those unable to attend a session may call the Citizen Participation Hotline at 216.664.2869, or contact Community Development via email or fax (216.664.4006) to offer suggestions.
Let's use the Old Brooklyn neighborhood as just one citable neighborhood that has been exploited in this regime's activities.... ask the residents just how aware of the details of their “Master Plan” they are???
Moreover, the EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE of the CITY OF CLEVELAND regarding protection for unsuspecting contractors and doing business with the City of Cleveland is also a joke for ordinary, unconnected, and new small businesses locally. I have been personally told (and seen it) that "unless you come downtown and get connected with the right will not be getting any contracts because it's all about "who you know" to get them slid through..." Surreal. What a way to do business: putting ethics right out the back door from the start. Sad that our generations of business folks locally have learned that this is a normal, acceptable, and the only effective way to do business here...through corruption... Congrats to all the folks who made it past the regime and earned your contracts at all levels through whatever methods you had to use including but not limited to: paying kickbacks, doing "Favors" for players, and asskissing in backroom deals with the regime to get your contracts put to the top of the list....Amazing world we live in!
Perhaps all this information will empower the NEXT GENERATION of leaders in the City of Cleveland to do things differently....but then of course-they would go out of business because they wouldn't have a dynamically (FEDERALLY FUNDED NOT FOR PROFIT INDUSTRY) driven system that is codependent on QUOTAS like our local system is now....
Old Master Plans of City of Cleveland
The links indexed below lead to Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files summarizing UDC projects from the past few years. Browse the entire list or click on the category headings to go to projects of a particular type. Click here for selected projects completed before 1998.
Urban Neighborhoods
Commercial Corridors
City Centers
Public Places
Suburban Sites
Towns and Villages
Historic Preservation and Adaptive Reuse
Campus Planning
Beulah Park Neighborhood Plan (Cleveland) - coming soon
Alternative concept for proposed infill development in the midst of a tightly knit waterfront community
Cudell Commons Transit-Oriented Development (Cleveland) - coming soon
Detailed study for streetscape and circulation improvements in the vicinity of a rapid transit station
Cudell-Edgewater Neighborhood Master Plan (Cleveland)
Overall examination of development priorities for a neighborhood on Cleveland's west side
Garrett Square Design Guidelines (Cleveland and East Cleveland) - coming soon
Commercial and public space guidelines for an inner-city commercial node
Miles Park Neighborhood Concept (Cleveland)
Intervention in the historic Miles Park area proposing mixed-use development and new green spaces
Morgana Crossing - Slavic Village (Cleveland)
Development alternatives for a new mixed use commercial core on one of the sites studied in the Neighborhood Master Plan
St. Stephen's Neighborhood Plan (Cleveland)
Streetscape improvements and infill proposals to help a West Side Cleveland church turn around its neighborhood
Slavic Village Land Use Plan (Cleveland)
Redevelopment alternatives for several large parcels in the heart of an historic Cleveland neighborhood
Union-Miles Neighborhood Master Plan (Cleveland) - coming soon
Coordinated proposals for improvements to housing, land use mix and recreational opportunities for an urban neighborhood
West Hill Neighborhood Zoning Study (Akron)
Community-based study looking at administrative strategies for reversing negative trends in an urban residential community
Wick Park Neighborhood Revitalization Concept (Youngstown)
Concept for economic revitalization and design guidelines for new development in a distressed historic district
Commercial Corridors
Broadway Scenic Byway (Cleveland) - coming soon
Strategy for thematic and wayfinding enhancements to mark a route through the historic Industrial Valley and Slavic Village areas
Buckeye Road Core Area Redevelopment Strategy (Cleveland)
Reuse and redevelopment guidelines for a historic neighborhood core
Detroit Avenue East Land Use Plan (Cleveland) - coming soon
Infill development strategy for the corridor running through the northern part of Cleveland’s growing Ohio City neighborhood
Detroit Avenue Land Use Plan (Cleveland)
Infill development and streetscape improvements to restore consistency to a corridor marred by patchwork strip development
Highland Square Design Guidelines (Akron)
Guidelines and land use concept for new development in a revitalizing commercial area
Lee-Harvard Neighborhood Development Plan (Cleveland)
Plans for redevelopment of an incoherent corridor that has failed to develop in tandem with a relatively affluent surrounding neighborhood
Madison Avenue Redevelopment Concept (Cleveland) - coming soon
A plan for infill development and right-of-way improvements along a varied stretch of road through Cleveland’s Detroit-Shoreway and Cudell neighborhoods
Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Commercial District (Cleveland)
Infill development and design guidelines for a once-thriving streetcar corridor that has decayed severely in recent decades
St. Clair Avenue Revitalization Strategy (Cleveland)
Analysis of development opportunities and constraints for the area centered on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland's Collinwood neighborhood
West 25th Street Scenic Byway (Cleveland)
Strategy for thematically linked commercial developments along a five-mile stretch of road paralleling the CanalWay Ohio National Heritage Corridor
City Centers
Downtown and Harbor Districts Revitalization (Ashtabula)
Concepts for historic main street and waterfront in a Great Lakes port city
Lower Euclid Design Guidelines (Cleveland) - coming soon
Guidelines for commercial redevelopment and historic building improvements in conjunction with the reconstruction of the right-of-way of Downtown Cleveland's main street
Public Places
Church of the Nazarene Parking Lot Conversion (Cleveland)
Phased conversion of an under-used parking lot into a recreational and gathering space for an urban neighborhood
Detroit-Superior Bridge Improvements (Cleveland)
Project to convert the outer lanes of a large bridge to pedestrian and cyclist use
Orchard Schoolyard Conversion (Cleveland) - coming soon
Study of pedestrian and neighborhood connections in conjunction with a project to convert an elementary school parking lot into a playground and learning garden
West 49th/Shoreway Traffic Calming (Cleveland) - coming soon
Public improvements to slow traffic entering an urban neighborhood
Suburban Sites
Bay Village Retail Development Strategy (Bay Village) - coming soon
Plan for new commercial development in a suburban community undersupplied with convenience retail
First Suburbs Consortium Housing Initiative (Cuyahoga County) - coming soon
Design solutions to enhance the competitiveness of neighborhooods of bungalow and two-family houses in six Cleveland suburbs
Kent Special Plannning Areas: 261/43 (Kent) - coming soon
Proposal for an environmental responsible, mixed-use development of a large privately owned parcel at risk for ill-conceived single-use development
Kent Special Planning Areas: West Main Street (Kent) - coming soon
Design guidelines for improving the image and livability of an auto-oriented strip that serves as a major "gateway" to the City of Kent
Vine Street Corridor Revitalization Study (Eastlake) - coming soon
Guidelines for redevelopment of a disjointed commercial strip to be implemented in conjunction with construction of a new minor league baseball stadium
Center Ridge Road Design Guidelines (Westlake) - coming soon
Guidelines for preservation, infill development and signage along an aging suburban strip
Towns and Villages
Amherst Downtown Revitalization Concept (Amherst)
Guidelines and new public spaces for a village in Lorain County
Kent Special Planning Areas: Campus Link (Kent) - coming soon
Concept for pedestrian improvements and siting of new facilities to create a vibrant environment linking Kent State University and Kent's downtown business district
Newbury Township Civic Area Improvements (Newbury)
Coordinated landscape and facade improvements to make a unified campus out of a number of disconnected civic buildings that serve a township in Geauga County
Historic Preservation and Adaptive Reuse
Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art Space Improvements (Cleveland)
Placement of exterior signage and supergraphics for an art center housed in a former warehouse space
Campus Planning
Cleveland State University Master Plan (Cleveland) - coming soon
Comprehensive plan for an urban campus originally planned in the 1960s with an emphasis on opening the campus to the surrounding urban fabric and identifying opportunities for related private development
St. Ignatius High School Expansion (Cleveland)
Expanding a preparatory school while better integrating its campus with an historically sensitive neighborhood
Kill the Witch
Dianna--I just want to extend a personal note to you here on REALNEO. Awhile back--when I served on a certain CDC board and I started asking too many questions...I was subjected to a surprise attack at a board meeting and forced to resign.
Later, when I explained the event to a friend attending CSU's Urban Planning program at the time, he chuckled and told me...that's Planning 101--it's called "Kill the Witch." It's a trademark way of shutting down opposition. Take a break and focus on your important family. REALNEO is lucky to have anyone brave enough to show up on this site.
Afterall, we are just a bunch of whack-jobs who ask too many questions!
Laura...Are you "THREATENING ME?"
You know, this could be misconstrued as a "THREAT!" Be very careful, my friend...LMAO!
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
"I'm Melting!"
Loving time at the "FUNNY FARM!" No sleep for the WICKED!
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
REFERENCE: No Sleep for the Wicked...
DBRA... To fill you in to the "JOKE CITED ABOVE" ....
I spent all night last night keeping a wood burner fire place full of wood so that my family could sleep and wake up to a warm house...I was the fire guard for last night and by chance, Laura was aware of that and had told me to "GET SOME REST and I had to tell her that I Could not rest as I was the fire guard!"
1) I was referring to myself as the WITCH...
2) No Sleep for the wicked referred to the WITCH(ME) having to be up all night keep the home fires burning!
These comments were absolutely not about you, so once in a while you should back off on inside jokes you are clueless about.... QUIT TAKING IT ALL SO PERSONALLY!!!
3) In the movie, WIZARD OF OZ they killed the witch with water that melted her...I was saying that I was laughing so hard I cried and the tears were threatening my witchhood... JOKES...get it??? Funny inside stuff you were not privy to that has nothing to do with you!!!
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
this is in such juxtaposition
to your post here.
Its clear you are referencing (above) private emails between myself, Laura and other members regarding what several of us saw as your inappropriate behavior:
From: debra <de [at] gmail [dot] com>
Subject: Re: access denied
To: "Laura McShane" <lm [at] yahoo [dot] com>
Cc: "Norm Roulet" <nor [at] gmail [dot] com>, ll [at] yahoo [dot] com, et al...
Date: Friday, January 28, 2011, 1:04 PM
Well that is special, Laura. Apparently you don't find threatening others to be vindictive or hateful? rEAlly?
Maybe I should spell out what I am referring to when I say Angel pukes and pisses all over the board.
On this blog entry:
please explain what relevancy - whATsoever - her comment has to the blog entry.
On this blog entry:
Try to follow the logic - if any - to her return comments. I simply pointed out her attitude of polarity does nothing to further progress
On this blog entry:
Angel's deleted comments were histrionic calls to REVOLUTION!!!!!! and completely devalued/discredited the original posts. You will note - I was direct and to the point, but polite. I did not engage in name-calling, innuendo and hysteria, as Diana Hill does everytime I interact with her on the board.
These are a start. If you have the time (and I do NOt) you can go back and review any interaction we have had. I have nOT been hateful, I have NOT threatened others (as Diana Hill has) and although my style is direct and to the point, I believe in that approach. I don't coddle and moshy and feather my words to the point that they are meaningless, Laura. We obviously have very different approaches. You may keep yours - I'll not demand you become sincere.
I'd prefer not to have to worry about my or my family's safety because some whack job can't take criticism.
So Laura and Diana, are you being coy or just really nasty mean?
can we stick a fork in this dead horse?
or do you two want to keep it going?
So, me writing a compliment to you was "JUXTAPOSITION" .../??? WTF...
Look, let it are making too much out of all of this....Stop driving yourself insane overanalyzing it all...Stop being paranoid.
LET IT GO! Accept the compliment without being derogatory!
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
wow...I had no idea about all that, but thanks for informing me!
Holy cow...
WOW....back up a few steps missy...NO ONE WAS THREATENING YOU OR YOUR FAMILY'S SAFETY....get a grip and slow your horsey down!
I am amused even more than ever that you feel so "threatened by my existence!"
Now, who's the whackjob? Apparently, you stalking my posts, criticizing my views, and constantly crying wolf when someone reacts to your posts with clear, concise opinions about YOUR get your panties in a bunch and run for the underground emails that recite your needless fear! You are NOT pissing ME off or even hurting my feelings with your comments...but countless people simply find your wrath against me as intimidating as the Catania garbage/assault on Guy Black Apparently, WHAT'S UP, YOU CANNOT HANDLE SOME CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM??? Poor baby...
Trust me, I don't care about how you keep chasing me around like a mother hen editor in chief who knows all and disrespects others positions on matters. It's not just me who feels that way either...but when I speak up-you freak out with this hysteria above! Are you accomplishing your mission to devaluate the points that were "DELETED" Because you felt so "SCARED???" Please, give me a break from the laughter you just created which is making me pee my pants from laughing so hard. I am blown out of the water by this babble.
YES, let's keep this up...I had ceased, desisted, and left you alone regarding any of these differences of opinion...I even found your post on another subject matter worth complimenting, leaving all differences outside and moving forward! Flat out...GROW UP and QUIT getting your panties in a bunch over differences that we obviously share, there is nothing 'personal' about this mockery we are making projected on you.... yet, it is deliberately projected at the ENTIRE CITY OF CLEVELAND & CDC REGIME LOCALLY... You appear to miss the boat on that mockery though.
I refuse to eat your crap that bothers me or anyone else's crap anymore... if my reactions to your actions offend you-then stop trying to play GOD over my life and posts. Quit hovering over me if you cannot handle my "OPINIONS".... Get a fricken grip yourself. Do you call the PD and editorialize the reporters there to in this manner? Do you try to make them feel like crap because they didn't do things YOUR WAY or made small errors? I'd bet money that you do... Please stop trying to CENSOR my opinions in a CRITICAL, demeaning, and condescending manner that undermines the points at hand, UNLESS THAT'S YOUR JOB; PROTECTING THE INTERESTS OF THESE RICO INFESTED CDC's AND GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS LOCALLY??? .... What the FLOWER???? What happened to FREEDOM OF SPEECH? I am not assaulting you any more than you chronically calling me out with my name.... Wow, let me put it out for you a thousand times over DIANNA HILL DIANNA HILL DIANNA HILL DIANNA HILL DIANNA HILL...and did your full name get exploited so much??? NOPE... You must be joking to keep that little underhanded game of yours up as though no one sees through your finger pointing....
Would you like to paint a sign on the wall to exploit it more???
By the way...what progress are you attempting to PROGRESS FORWARD WITH REGARDING THESE CDC's? Do you think that you are the speaker of the house, that you adequately represent the opinions of residents across the community, or that supporting their unethical practices will empower the citizens? YES, I absolutely do call for a total revolt against all HUD funding allocations to not only the City of Cleveland but also to the CDC's until there is TRUE OVERSIGHT to their practices!!! No doubt.... But, you had to "CENSOR" that call to action because you must think you are GOD????
DBRA, you do things your way and I'll do things my way. If there are times to meet amicably in the middle-then great. But you are the one who is out of control, hystrionic, and censoring the opinions of others...and that is causing major problems... Apparently you are the one who gets to decide which Americans have a right to assemble, where, and what they can assemble about??? Shall we all ask your permission to recite our opinions??? Who do you really think you are, DBRA? I am appalled by your actions of GODLY OVERSIGHT TO ME----when you apparently missed the boat on accounting for your CDC & CITY COUNCIL PERSONS? Get in your lane and stay out of mine. YOU ARE NOT MY TARGET...but you are impeding progress like some psychotic nut from where some of my supporters stand and watch...Are you the MOLE in this forum, DBRA????
Once again, I will leave this post with humor in my heart for your attempts at HUSHING ME, DISCREDITING MY OPINIONS, AND PLAYING GOD TO OUR WORLD... Please, do us both a favor and just leave me alone. OR, Should I live in fear because of your tirades on me? I think I am feeling stalked, menaced, and totally afraid for my life because you appear to be one of them???? JUST KIDDING, don't go running to the police! (Needed some comical relief!)
You are the one singling me out, citing my deficiencies, and creating unnecessary chaos... I'll take this entire commentary by you as a comical commercial to the real business of life and at hand which are critically undermining and detracting attention from with your actions.
Once again, if you cannot control the forum with your dictations, you will control the behind the scenes stuff with your rhetoric...and that's comical... YOU ARE A STONE COLD REFLECTION OF THE REGIME! Simply put, you need to quit stalking, harassing, and menacing me, stay off my ass, quit taking it all personally, and let things rest. You are the one getting in my face about something that had NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU! Laura & I have attended countless forums that reflect that statement.
Rest assured that no one from my world is OUT TO GET YOU.... We have much bigger fish to fry! You are not even on our radar screens....not even a blip! You cap out as "COMEDY RELIEF" for me....not much more! Take your panties out of a bunch and quit playing VICTIM! (LMAO!) You have simply got to be kidding me that you all escalated my writing to such levels of fear amongst yourselves! What a crusade! Excellent job!
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
REALNEO bloggers have been logging citable case examples for years of abusive practices.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer has noted several articles too...Here's a link to poor practices at one affluent CDC...
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
MORE EXAMPLES OF Landfills, landbank, contractors...
This climbs from CDC to FEDERAL LEVELS of infiltration & questionable items...
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Excellent details in this link for investigators....connecting dots.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
FORBES cites Cleveland as City on the Brink of Muni Crisis...
Hey we made National news again!!!!
FORBES MAGAZINE, FEBRUARY 14, 2011 Edition, Page 78 has an article by Daniel Fisher under the MUNI CRISIS section, "CITIES ON THE BRINK"... I tried finding it online-but evidently is unavailable as of yet... It reads as follows:
"Most of these cities aren't in imminent danger of bankruptcy or default, but fiscal irresponsibility, a deteriorating tax base, soaring pension costs or a combination of all three means residents may want to consider moving beforethe get stuck with the bill."
...Cities cited included Bridgeport, Detroit, New York, Chicago, New Orleans, Philadelphia, San Francisco and none other than our CITY, CLEVELAND OHIO! The fast facts cited about Cleveland include:
TOTAL DEBT: $727 Million
Days Cash on hand: -9
Population Change 2000-10: -2.8%
It further reads the following:
"Cleveland has a big industrial-city budget with a shrinking inner-city job base. Local bank National City sold out to Pittsburgh-based PNC in 2008, and cutbacks elsewhere in the city' once vibrant financial industry have left more than a quarter of downtown office space empty.
'Unlike most cities, Cleveland gets morethan half its revenue from income taxes, and 85% of that is from commuters living in suburbs.'
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
SO that is why city hall doesn't care about residents...
SO that is why city hall doesn't care about residents... 'Unlike most cities, Cleveland gets more than half its revenue from income taxes, and 85% of that is from commuters living in suburbs.'
Disrupt IT
That could be one "ASSESSMENT" gained from the statement....
Here's another perspective...
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Battery Park Wine Bar aka YOLO Wine Bar in the Powerhouse
Visit the Powerhouse of Battery Park including their new Battery Park Wine Bar aka YOLO Wine Bar....compliments of Mike Graley. According to reporter Frank W. Lewis of the website, The wine bar will be the first business to open in the Powerhouse, as the old Eveready plant is now known. The Powerhouse is in the heart of the Battery Park residential community, developed by Vintage Development Group. "It shows that redevelopment of the lakefront is a huge asset," says Jeff Ramsey, executive director of the Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organzation. The Waterfront District Plan will greatly increase pedestrian and bicycle access to the lake by 2014.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
The Waterfront District Plan
Who were the public participants to this vision?
Cleveland City Planning Commission
601 Lakeside Avenue, Room 501
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Phone: (216)664-2210
Fax: (216)664-3281
General Recommendations for Neighborhood Development
Chicago, Illinois
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
Legend - Built Improvements
Roadway Improvements
Waterfront District
Pedestrian / Bikeway
Proposed Neighborhood
Development Areas
Main Street District
Effective Adjacent
Development Recommendation-
Potential new & retained existing uses
(See Legend Below)
0 625' 1250' 2500'
0 1/4 1/2 1 MILE
- Minimize displacement of houses, families,
and businesses that are assets to the
- Utilize proposed new intersections to
generate both pedestrian and vehicular
connections from the neighborhoods to the
lakefront as frequently as possible.
- Capitalize on existing views from bluffs and
overlook points.
- Encourage the development of open space and
public places within new and existing lakefront
- Improve safe, convenient public access to
proposed and existing park space.
- Capture under-utilized land for positive
development and open space opportunities.
- Capitalize on Transit Oriented Development
(T.O.D) opportunities for new lakefront and
neighborhood development.
- Incorporate mixed-use development, such as
ground floor commercial, with
residential/office uses, when new development
fronts commercial vehicular corridors.
- Maximize land values by outlining
appropriate density patterns for new lakefront
and neighborhood development.
10 10
1. Baltic - Lake Mixed Use District
Existing Uses:
factories, highway infrastructure and ramps
Occupied and vacant warehouses and
Potential / Proposed Uses:
Mixed Use: Neighborhood Retail/Residential 10%
Neighborhood Retail 5%
Medium Density Housing 15%
Moderate Density Housing 70%
2. Battery Park Development
Existing Uses:
factories, vacant land
Occupied and vacant warehouses and
Potential / Proposed Uses:
Neighborhood Retail 5%
Medium Density Housing 70%
Moderate Density Housing 20%
Low Density Housing 5%
3. Westinghouse Electric
Existing Uses:
factories, limited single-family residential
Occupied and vacant warehouses and
Potential / Proposed Uses:
Neighborhood Retail 10%
Civic / Community uses 5%
Medium Density Housing 80%
Moderate Density Housing 5%
4. Old River Channel Mixed Use
Existing Uses:
reservoir, Soap Box Derby track, vacant land
Vacated Water Treatment Plant
Potential / Proposed Uses:
Waterfront Retail (Ground floor commercial) 10%
Mixed Use: Neighborhood Retail/
Residential (apts.) 5%
Medium Density Housing 55%
Moderate Density Housing 40%
5. Detroit Avenue Mixed Use District
Existing Uses:
density residential, office, commercial, highway
Educational, new medium & moderate
Potential / Proposed Uses:
Commercial 15%
Mixed Use: Neighborhood Retail/Residential 10%
Neighborhood Retail 5%
Medium Density Housing 15%
Moderate Density Housing 70%
6. Port Square
Existing Uses:
area, shipping and receiving
Occupied warehouses, bulk storage
Potential / Proposed Uses:
Groundfloor Commercial 5%
Medium-High Density Housing 70%
Medium Density Housing 10%
Moderate Density Housing 15%
7. Harbor Campus -
Existing Uses:
area, shipping and receiving, museum campus,
public space, highway and access road infrastructure
and ramps
Occupied warehouses, bulk storage
Potential / Proposed Uses:
Commercial 35%
Office 10%
Civic/Institutional 30%
Medium-High Density Housing 25%
8. Maritime Landing -
Existing Uses:
road infrastructure and ramps, MUNI parking lots,
occupied office, parking structure
public space, highway and access
Potential / Proposed Uses:
Mixed Use: Commercial/Hotel 15%
Medium Density Housing 35%
Medium-High Density Housing with Parking 50%
9. Lower Burke Bluffs -
Existing Uses:
infrastructure and ramps, access roads, MUNI
parking lots, airport and hangar parking
highway and access road
Potential / Proposed Uses:
Corporate Office 60%
Service Commercial 10%
Medium-High Density Housing 15%
Medium Density Housing 15%
10. Quay 55 - Bluffs West
Existing Uses:
waterfront land, marina parking lots
Vacant industrial land, vacant
Potential / Proposed Uses:
Waterfront Retail 5%
Corporate Office 30%
Medium Density Housing 30%
Moderate Density Housing 35%
11. Quay 55 - Bluffs East
Existing Uses:
Occupied offices, vacant industrial
Potential / Proposed Uses:
Waterfront Retail 5%
Corporate Office 20%
Medium Density Housing 75%
12. Gordon Park Residential
Existing Uses:
parking lot and drives, vacant land
Potential / Proposed Uses:
Community / Recreation 20%
Community / Education 10%
Medium Density Housing 60%
Moderate Density Housing 10%
13. White Motors Redevelopment
Existing Uses:
factories, bus parking lot, vacant land
Occupied and vacant warehouses and
Potential / Proposed Uses:
Big Box or Regional Retail 60%
Service or General Retail 10%
Office 20%
Moderate Density Housing 10%
The following percentages are based on preliminary
conceptual development schemes:
E. 9TH ST.
E. 12TH ST.
E. 18TH ST.
E. 26TH ST.
W. 3RD
W. 9TH
W. 6TH
E. 40TH ST.
E. 53RD ST.
E. 55TH ST.
E. 72ND ST.
E. 82ND ST.
W. 76TH ST
W. 73RD ST
W. 65TH ST
W. 54TH ST
W. 45TH ST
W. 28TH ST
Minimizing & Maximizing Development Strategies...
I am just curious when and if anyone under the sun ever fought for the countless demographically disadvantaged owners of property (many times paid off) in these paths of development? Where were the "protective measures" for those families steered out by such development? Were they paid exceptional prices for their properties or driven out by "EXCESSIVE CODE ENFORCEMENT?"
- Maximize land values by outlining
appropriate density patterns for new lakefront
and neighborhood development. (INFLATE ALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THESE DEVELOPMENT SPACES)...even for the low income...
- Minimize displacement of houses, families,
and businesses that are assets to the
neighborhood (WHAT DETERMINES "ASSET" or not? Who decides? What happens to those that are NOT considered "ASSETS" to that area? )
Facebook is being use as a tool by CDC's to ask neighbors to call in code violations so that they in turn can be the ones to call in the city inspectors....(YOU UNDERSTAND....TO SHOW A PURPOSE OF THE COMPLAINT DRIVEN CODE ENFORCEMENT BY THE SAME PLACES PEOPLE IN NEED ARE SUPPOSED TO GO FOR HELP???????????????????? FUDGED UP....
If you are going to call in a code violation; call the city of Cleveland at 664-2000 and save our tax payers some wasted tax dollars on these CDC's who reinvent the wheel.
WELFARE FRAUD---_CDC's.....doing same job as City Inspectors but getting paid by Federal CDBG HUD Funding....your tax dollars paying for 2 people to do the same thing.... Start paying attention everyone....ENOUGH GOVT WASTE.
BTW: You can also email and fax the city of Cleveland...probably even facebook them too... but why keep using these unsustainable, codependent on federal grant, CDC's to continue abusing our hoods. ??? Dumdeedoodah.
How about posting: If you know a neighbor in need of assistance; have them call us so we can coordinate resources to assist them....NOPE....this tells neighbors to REPORT HOUSING CODE VIOLATIONS through them.
Kamm's Corners Development Corp.
If you would like to report or discuss possible housing code issues in Kamm's Corners, please contact KCDC staffer, Chris Frohring, at 216-252-6559, ext. 1300. Or you may e-mail him at chris [dot] frohring [at] kammscorners [dot] com.
Like · · Share · 21 · 10 hours ago near Cleveland ·
Always Appreciative,
Code Violations
The City is practing Detroit's policy:
The city should be grateful that a home is occupied and not be concerned about petty violations. The concern should be focused on vacant and vandalized properties. Like the numerous properties owned by Gus Frangos' shell LLC. The numerous properties blighted AN ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD and NO code violation cases issued in Cleveland's Housing Court. The properties are dangerous- wide open houses with ceilings and floors caving in.
POST this on the code violation Facebook :
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
MASTER PLAN 2020.....