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$172,983 for 400 square foot studio and YOU'RE PAYING FOR ITSubmitted by mabeldog on Sat, 09/05/2015 - 14:41.
The Cleveland Housing Network's chain smoking director Rob Curry, trolling desperately for new government dollars, as other funding has dried up, has partnered with E.D.E.N to develop obscenely expensive housing cubicles in the most drug and crime infested neighborhoods of Cleveland. 533 "homes" (400 square foot cells) for $92,200,000 works out to $172,983 per cell. You could buy 533 brand new homes in Strongsville for that! But that wouldn't cover the 6 figure salaries of Ms. Nichols and Mr. Curry and dozens of others living the high life in well heeled suburbs and gated communities profiteering from the poverty industry with YOUR tax dollars. Duplicating services ALREADY provided at enormous cost to the overburdened taxpayers by CMHA, they have made it clear they have no interest in the WORKING homeless. This is because they want ONLY residents who are on SSI, or even better no income at all because ALL these properties have Section 8 attached to the building. Which means for those of you who have paid your own way through life, the rent is determined by H.U.D. where you only pay 30% of your adjusted gross income in rent. The rent HUD allows is $650 per efficiency unit. If you have no income, H.U.D. pays it all. If you get SSI, homeless drug addict would pay about $200. EQUALLY important though is the fabulous fradulent"private hospital" status (thanks to their BFFs at EDEN who have been using their "private hospital" status to defraud Cuyahoga County of millions of $$$$ in property taxes over the last 24 years) means they pay ZERO $$ in property taxes for these obscenely expensive homeless shelters. High fives all around right? This federal government is constantly trying to steal the charitable status from churches and other religious based organizations. But Tracey, Rob and the Gang have staged a very big coup to get "private hospital" status for these extremely profitable housing projects. In order to maintain that status they have to be very careful choosing their tenants. Renting to working homeless, often veterans of our armed forces, might SERIOUSLY jeopardize that status. Right now NONE of these "private hospitals" which cost more to develop per square foot than The Nine downtown, pay a cent in property taxes. Or any other kind of tax.These 9 properties bring in approximately $6 million tax free income per year in rent, all paid and guaranteed PERMANENTLY by our benevolent federal govenment. The neighborhoods (and it's VERY revealing that the only address given on the CHN site for ALL the properties with their uplifting and purposely vague names reveals nothing about their real locations: The Liberty, The Emerald City, Green Acres etc. is 2999 Payne, Rob Curry's headquarters) are filled with drugs and crime. Isolating drug addicts and mentally challenged adults in their lonely cubicles in these dangerous neighborhoods filled with drug dealers and gangs is a recipe for disaster. These projects are NOT sober living environments which means there is little interference in the activities of the residents. No drug testing whatsoever. A secret scheme is afoot to build another one of these cash cows on Pearl Road in Brooklyn Centre. The imperious, sanctimonious Tracey Nichols and her obsequious, condescending court jester Anthony Brancatelli are simply outraged that the residents of Brooklyn Centre, the ones that PAY property taxes, found out about their plans. There are more effective and drastically less expensive ways to provide housing for recovering addicts and those with mental disabilities. How about group homes? Or sober houses? And what about those WORKING homeless, the ones who hope to actually BE self-sufficient. They pay taxes too. But Ms. Nichols the reigning queen of poverty pimping and her ilk can't reap federal dollars for housing them. So she's not interested. Because really HONESTLY it has nothing to do with helping the poor. It's all about funneling federal funds into her pocket and the pockets of her friends, all white and none of them living anywhere near these new overpriced homeless shelters.
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Gateway to Metrohealth Mile, Metroparks Zoo and National Park
The City of Cleveland would squander this commercial real estate for a quick buck
When does this EASY MONEY nightmare end? Thank you to REALNEO reporter Mabeldog for also bringing this significant real estate property news to the attention of residents in Brooklyn Centre. Coral Group (deep partner of Detroit Shoreway Development Corporation aka SCFBC of "dream neighborhood" and "villa hispana" notoriety) let their shopping plaza in Brooklyn Centre go into foreclosure.
Of course, the CDC SCFBC (Brian Cummin's baby) NEVER cited Peter Rubin for health code violations, their run-down plaza and lack of maintenance - here's the sale sheet:
All part of the red carpet in 2016
How many times have the police been called to these ca$h cow$???
Since great care has been taken to hide the addresses of these gravy trains (aka permanent ca$h) for the poverty pimps Tracey Nichol$, Rob Curry, and their fellow government grifter$, here they are:
1) Emerald Commons 1976 W. 79th St. 44102
2) Liberty at St. Clair 10004 St. Clair 44108
3) South Pointe Commons 3323 W. 25th St. 44109
4) Edgewood Park 3215 E. 55th St. 44127
5) Greenbridge Commons 7515 Euclid Ave. 44103
6) Buckeye Square 11529 Buckeye Rd. 44104
7) The Winton 9431 Lorain Ave. 44102
8) Emerald VIII 8301 Detroit Ave. 44102
9) Independence Place 4019 Prospect Ave. 44103
It would be interesting to find out how many times the police have been called to these $172,000 cell blocks over a one year period. How many times have ambulances been summoned for overdoses of the residents. How many arrests have been made on the premises. Is there any follow up by CHN or E.D.E.N? Is there anyone reading this who believes they actually care? As long as those check$ keeping rolling into their account$ problem.
No real on site services, no drug testing
NONE of these 9 Permanent $upportive Hou$ing bunker$ expect anything of the residents. No volunteer activities, no drug testing, no community involvement, nothing to distinguish these residences from any other public housing except the obscene cost and tiny size of the units. And the so called on site services (which are NOT mandatory) are provided by Frontline Services (and USED to be called Mental Health Services for the Homeless), no one from CHN or EDEN can be bothered to update the information on the web pages describing the glowing array of....well basically NOTHING...other than the wild street life on the block. Frontline Services is nothing more than a hotline open 6 hours per day and a mobile crisis team that provides crisis assessment blah blah blah. By the way why was the name changed to something even vaguer and less revealing. And speaking of vague The MOST Pretentious and deLIEbertly misleading names of these bunkers in the hood is EDGEWOOD PARK. Located on the edge of the parklike setting of East 55th Street where the fumes of factories and the sweet scent of shotgun fire fill the air.
CHN House from Cummins era at OBCDC just evicted today
Cleveland Housing Network used to flip houses - like the one on my street, just evicted today. Older couple bought it and installed their n'er do well drug dealer son in the house. Fraudulent use of public funds...but hey - as long as Cummins made out... same game they plan on for YMCA building. Oh, and NRP Foster Pointe was another HUD HOME subsdized project - prostitution and drug dealing next door and in their parking lot... great.
CHN is poverty racket in this town
Ironically, Safeguard archived this article, which you will not find searching Google for past content - I guess the lesson here and motto in CLE is "Exploit or be EXPLOITED"
Big banks head list of urban deadbeats Bills for boardups, cleanups go unpaid
And for years, the vast majority of the bills have been ignored. In 2005, for example, the city spent more than $2.6 million cutting grass and cleaning lots, but recovered only $750,000, or about 28 percent.
As of last month, landlords still owed the nation's poorest big city a combined $4 million for tending their property, an analysis of city records shows. That's more than twice this year's budget for demolishing and boarding up vacant buildings and nearly three times what the city spent in 2005 helping needy seniors repair their homes.
The worst offenders, by the city's reckoning, include some of the world's biggest names in banking - JPMorgan Chase, Deutsche Bank, Wells Fargo or subsidiaries of the financial institutions.
Others contributing to the problem include the Cleveland Housing Network and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, two organizations that are supposed to help the city fight neighborhood blight.
Cleveland has typically sought to recoup the money by filing liens on the properties that were tended by city workers. But that means the city doesn't get paid until the houses are sold. So this year, the city has hired a lawyer to collect on the oldest bills, some of which date back years.
"They have the ability to pay, so they should pay," said Finance Director Sharon Dumas. "We need to recover our costs, and they need to become good civic citizens particularly because these abandoned homes are a quality of life issue for the neighborhoods."
Most of the financial institutions dispute the city's claims. They argue that Cleveland tries to make them pay for properties they no longer own or have never owned.
But the Cuyahoga County auditor's office reported few problems placing the liens, an indication there is little confusion about who owns these properties. Dumas said the city worked closely with the county, verifying owners before filing the liens.
In past years, City Council members and others complained that the city wasn't meticulous about finding property owners and frequently missed the September deadline for filing liens. By the time the liens were filed the following year, the property had been sold.
The city's high foreclosure rate is a major reason that the institutions that grant or insure mortgages owe the most, city officials said. During the foreclosure process, ownership often isn't clear, meaning the city has to dig through county records to find the actual owner of a structure or lot.
But many of the banks and mortgage companies contend that the city still does a sloppy job in finding the real owners. They complain that Cleveland often labels them as the owners, when they are only trustees.
"A corporate trustee for mortgage-backed securities where there is a pool of investors only serves an administrative role, but has no ownership stake," said Kevin Heine, a spokesman for the Bank of New York.
Heine said the bank owns none of the properties that the city says it does, including 11 structures that the city boarded up. He said the bank once owned one, but sold it. It's a trustee for four others, but the companies that service those loans are responsible for resolving the issue with the city, he said.
A spokesman for Deutsche Bank, which the city has billed for 22 properties, said he would look into whether any of the bank's subsidiaries owned the properties.
HUD denied owning any of the 12 properties for which it was billed. A spokesman said HUD used to own two and had insured mortgages on three others that were later paid off by their owners.
The city said it had boarded or cut grass at 19 Wells Fargo properties, but a spokeswoman said the company had owned only two, but sold them.
Several companies said they are willing to work with the city.
Cleveland Housing Network head Rob Curry reported by e-mail that the nonprofit had not received bills for all of the properties. He said the agency either paid or appealed the bills it received.
"CHN is a good citizen," Curry wrote. "We take our mission seriously and strive to pay our bills, including and especially those from the city of Cleveland."
Fannie Mae, a government-chartered buyer and guarantor of home mortgages, is committed to paying and is working with the city to see how much it owes, spokesman Alfred King said.
JPMorganChase - which owns Bank One - denied owning most of the properties for which it was billed. Spokeswoman Mary Kay Bean said the bank did serve as a trustee for several of the properties. The bank wants to resolve "concerns about property the bank has repossessed," she said.
Councilman Robert White said he believes the city lists are accurate. Several of the homes are clustered in his Union-Miles ward, causing blight and despair among the residents.
"They need to step up to the plate and be truthful about what they own, so that they can become a team with the city in solving this issue," he said.
Housing Court Judge Raymond Pianka said he is checking the city's list of unpaid bills against owners with criminal cases before the court, making sure their cases can't move forward until they pay their bills. He said he was looking at doing something similar for landlords filing evictions.
Councilman Jay Westbrook, who has complained in the past about the city's lax collection methods, said he is optimistic about the changes.
"It is about time the city is making the people who own the assets take responsibility," he said.
To reach this Plain Dealer reporter: operkins [at] plaind [dot] com, 216-999-4868
LIA HOUSE:Homeless Housing 48 residents, PRIVATELY SUPPORTED
LIA House at W. 21 and Denison is a very successful, compassionate AND PRIVATELY RUN foundation that houses formerly homeless drug addicted men. Unlike the outrageous scam run by Rob Curry at Cleveland Housing Network vacuuming up those Section 8 rent payments from Uncle Fed and paying ZERO taxes on the income...leaving the drug addicted residents without rules or support, Jacquelyn Rivera, Executive Director of LIA House has specific goals for her formerly homeless residents. Opened in 2011, the 19th century Victorian former boarding house was purchased by Keep it Simple Sobriety for $45,000 in April, 2015. With private funds. Offering a safe, SOBER environment for the residents, Ms. Rivera and her partner Director Mark Sowden, their ultimate goal is to turn their residents into sober, independent, EMPLOYED, RESPONSIBLE members of society. Working men. Taxpayers! Remember them. The LIA House program is totally free, the only requirement being the prospective resident must go through detox before being accepted. Once they get in the first 60 days, Phase 1, are filled with AA meetings, house responsibilities (cleaning, cooking, maintenance to the property which include major repairs like putting a new roof on the adjacent building, now part of the LIA House program). They also are valued members of the community. They donate over 100 hours per month to various agencies and churches including neighboring St. Barbara's, Pilgrim Church, St. Augustine's, the Food Connection, Kiwanis Club and helping out residents of Brooklyn Centre. As a condition of their stay, they are subjected to random urine tests. In Phase 2, the residents become more independent as they are assisted in their search for permanent employment. In Phase 3, once they obtain permanent employment, they pay $300 per month towards their monthly expenses and those of their fellow residents in Phase 1 and 2. LIA House is supported by donations and fundraisers as well as these rental payments. The formerly homeless residents of LIA House contribute to their living space and their community as they work their way back from the streets into being sober responsible tax paying members of society. In this process they are supported every day by their fellow recovering addicts and their own personal willingness to change in an atmosphere of sobriety and fellowship. All of this accomplished by Ms. Rivera and Mr. Sowden for a tiny fraction of the cost, $172,983, of just one minimum security cell provided by CHN with YOUR tax dollars. And Anthony Brancatelli, who is eager to secretly give a huge parcel of land currently occupied by the YMCA FOR FREE to Rob Curry, after spending $350,000 of your tax dollars to demo the Y, won't even give a small Landbank lot next to LIA House for parking. For the residents in Phase 3 who need cars to get to work. Work! Not important to Economic Development by our Cleveland rulers. For some reason tax free buildings full of tax supported residents is seen as economic development by Tracey Nichols.
In a sharp and disturbing contrast to privately funded LIA House, I spoke with residents at two of the Cleveland Housing Network Cash Cows over the past month. They told me they all come from the shelter at 2100 Lakeside. No one is employed, they all get SSI, orchestrated by the shelter. They are required to attend a drug program PRIOR to obtaining their tax supported cell. After that nothing. Some of the residents admitted relapsing several times. They also said the police are constantly called. One of the residents told me at his building he can recall 3 overdose deaths in the past year. There are no programs provided by EDEN or CHN. Churches and Alcoholics Anonymous do come in FOR FREE. CHN doesn't spend a dime of the over $4.5 million TAX FREE dollars they get each year in rent for any kind of supportive programs. A couple of the guys admitted to me they miss the shelter where there is companionship and community.
The incoming HUD secretary
The incoming HUD secretary DOCTOR Ben Carson wants to encourage SELF-SUFFICIENCY. What a concept which means WORKING. And will NOT include fraudulently categorized PROPERTY TAX EXEMPT "private hospitals" run by EDEN and CHN. They currently allow unemployed SSI recipient active drug users to live for free in obscenely expensive cubicles financed by the taxpayer while buying drugs and shooting up.