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Information TechnologyOfficial Drupal Guide to REALNEO environmentSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 11/14/2004 - 19:17.
This official user guide to the Drupal open source environment is another excellent resource for information helping you navigate and use REALNEO. "Designed for users of Drupal sites, this non-technical guide offers "getting started" instructions and suggestions." Official Drupal Guide to REALNEO environment: ( categories: )
Dallas Mavericks owner does IT right - good model for NEO team ownersSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 11/14/2004 - 15:11.
I just noticed a posting on Good Morning Silicon Valley about a blog written by Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban. I was surprised the owner of a sports team would be into blogging - and his insight so valuable - so I checked out his blog. Turns out he was able to buy the Mavericks because he is a successful IT entrepreneur, and he is an expert in technology matters - so his insight is more valuable than I imagined.
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Cleveland Institute of Art - One of NEO's Greatest Forces in Economic DevelopmentSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 11/13/2004 - 13:30.
Art and creative industies represent $ billions in economic activity in Northeast Ohio, and the CIA is the greatest fuel we have for that wealth engine. Not only does the CIA provide the region with great creators - fine, design, graphic and craft artists and entrepreneurs - but CIA brings to town monumental art and events that generate cash for our economy. Most important, CIA is developing programs that raise awareness of social issues essential to improving the quality of life and prosperity of all our residents. Read and contribute insight gained from experiencing CIA enlightenment here. ( categories: )
Those who are not involved in local economic development are the Quiet CrisisSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/11/2004 - 21:21.
People who complain there aren't leaders in Northeast Ohio fighting each day to improve our economy and quality of life are themselves ignorant and to blame for the problems in this community. Innumerable exceptional, dedicated, capable and effective leaders fight day in and out to improve everyone's lives here, every day - it is the people who do not participate actively in this process who are our region's "quiet crisis"?. Each day we have opportunities to be solutions - visit the REALNEO calendar frequently to get up to speed and learn where, when and how to make differences in the future of this community, participate in forums on-line, find and share insight with our community leaders, and take personal responsibility, now. From the Futures Forum - Experts Identify Critical Challenges and OpportunitiesSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/11/2004 - 17:03.
NEOSA and REI staged a remarkable economic development event ( categories: )
F/OSS is the salvation of humanity... what does that mean?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 11/10/2004 - 23:22.
I participate in a Harvard Law School open knowledge sharing program called H2O, which this week posed an inspiring issue regarding the origins and impact world-wide of Free and Open Source Software (F/OSS), which is the foundation of REALNEO. If you're interested in this subject (if you're into IT you should be), then consider the topic posed, take a look at my viewpoint, and feel free to visit Harvard H2O to review other viewpoints and the discussion. If you like what you see there - feel free to sign-up and participate, for free.
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Congratulations to Ayalogic, with Jump StartSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 11/09/2004 - 02:02.
Congratulations to Akron-based Ayalogic and Cleveland/NEO entrepreneurship catalysts Jump Start for good economic development news for NEO. We'll let Crain's Tech tell the story unfolding:
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NEO enterprise with SCALE excellence - Tracking trucks with TMWSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 11/09/2004 - 01:55.
Crain's Cleveland reports growth and savvy development by a NEO logistics company, further distinguishing the region for SCALE (Supply Chain and Logistics Economy excellence. Read on...
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Open Source development means big business in NEOSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 11/08/2004 - 23:44.
Crain's Cleveland reported today that Open Source programmers are in high demand, which means NEO universities and businesses should train and certify our residents for this opportune sector of the IT industry. The benefits go beyond skilling our folks for the new economy, as this will insure businesses in the area are able to find the workers they need to locate and grow here.
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UK report says Linux is 'viable'Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 10/27/2004 - 20:47.
The software can "generate significant savings", the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) in its report.
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Madison Avenue Ponders the Potential of Web LogsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 10/27/2004 - 16:32.
<> Interesting article in the NYTimes on the advertising and public relations take on blogs.
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Open Source vs. Microsoft - in the words of BallmerSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 10/27/2004 - 16:13.
I received the following Executive Briefing from Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer comparing an enterprise business strategy centered on Microsoft products versus migrating to Open Source (Linux platform, in particular).
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Sxip and Bryght Extend Federated IdentitySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 10/27/2004 - 13:36.
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Review of Drupal - our CMSSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 10/22/2004 - 23:02.
I found a very detailed and positive review of Drupal, which you may want to read to better understand the application, its roll in our social network, and why we chose Drupal over all other options - public and private
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NEORUG 2004 Training Symposium & Vendor ShowSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 10/21/2004 - 23:58.
11/04/2004 - 06:30 NEORUG is the Northeast Ohio Regional User Group of Hewlett-Packard computers. Location
Clarion Hotel in Independence Ohio
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Bryght releases foaf.moduleSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 10/19/2004 - 22:38.
Bryght releases foaf.module With Bryght's release of the foaf.module, Drupal now supports the FOAFnet ( categories: )
FDA Approves Use of Chip in PatientsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 10/13/2004 - 15:46.
Big Brother is watching, so NEOans may as well leverage our medical industry strengths to lead this field. Read the AP newsclip below and consider how this technology application offers opportunity here - networking, information technology, biotechnology, medical information systems, etc. .. no rocket science required
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