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Question of the DAY? Do land bank properties drop off Auditor Site?Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 01/01/2011 - 08:26.
yes 75% (15 votes) no 5% (1 vote) who cares--we trust county government with our lives 20% (4 votes) Total votes: 20
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Liens and back taxes-POUF!
Taxpayer $$$ dollars spent to demolish and clear land for developers--all information mysteriously disappears at the Cuyahoga County Auditor site! IT hocus-pocus!
No accountability and no way to track history!
Who needs wite-out?!
When you can make tax obligations disappear with a few keystrokes!!!
What ever happened to the County Workhouse? Is that too good for some debtors? Let's make a deal, instead!
Who cares if schools, libraries and critical human health and welfare services are lost in Cuyahoga County? Phoeey! Who needs any public institution?!!!
We'll take care of our OWN!
Watch this land parcel PARCEL NUMBER 008-24-103
2321 Willowdale AVE, Cleveland, OH 44109
It will later be listed as 00000 Willowdale Ave. The above breakdown does not include delinquent back tax amounts.
Taxpayers paid to clear this lot. It is now vacant land.
Update-property on Willowdale in Landbank
2011 (pay in 2012) TAXBILL SUMMARY
2003 (pay in 2004)
2004 (pay in 2005)
2005 (pay in 2006)
2006 (pay in 2007)
2007 (pay in 2008)
2008 (pay in 2009)
2009 (pay in 2010)
2010 (pay in 2011)
2011 (pay in 2012)
2012 (pay in 2013)
So, what exactly happens to the $17,726.48 lien on the property??? Do you suppose the adjacent property owner will assume this property without paying off the demo lien and other City of Cleveland maintenance fees. Stay tuned.
2010 (pay in 2011) TAXBILL SUMMARY
2003 (pay in 2004)
2004 (pay in 2005)
2005 (pay in 2006)
2006 (pay in 2007)
2007 (pay in 2008)
2008 (pay in 2009)
2009 (pay in 2010)
2010 (pay in 2011)
2011 (pay in 2012)
2012 (pay in 2013)
Ok--technically parcels merged
Parcels are merged--presto chango! We have seen this on Denison Ave. 3117 and 3119 Denison is now 3201 Denison. Also, look at parcels listed with address 00000. Very interesting.
I know that a County Auditor employee has logged on--so please do tell me that my hunch is wrong. All explanations welcome!
Laura...merging properties
I don't have time for the supporting research...but it is my understanding that a few of the houses were merged by adjacent homeowners who were allowed FIRST RIGHTS to purchase those vacant lots...which is only respectable... Yet, then the Progressive Urban developers and other various developers came into town with grand ideas about how to buy up those vacant lots from the city for $1 and resell them for upwards of $50,000 per lot for that development.
It's amazing to watch the transactions, to map them out, and to see the long term results.
City of Cleveland Land Bank voila County Land Bank
Yes-Angel, I remember the hey dey of City of Cleveland Land Bank sales to Progressive Urban in the nineties and then subsequent development with Sutton and City Architecture.
I was a short-term employee of TWDC at the time and then went to work for Cuyahoga River Remedial Action Plan (yes...the acronym is CRRAP). I was later run-off the board, when board wanted to transfer a land bank lot to an adjacent landowner, who also happened to be tax delinquent on properties throughout the City of Cleveland. The property in question had been a community garden managed by yours truly. I had a nightmare experience with the adjacent slum lord who I suspect did later get the property. You can visit the lot today--it has tax-abated townhouses on it--Tremont Ave (across from Tremont School).
I agree--adjacent landowners deserve first right of purchase of land bank lots, but these lot sales should include back tax assessments and lien costs. I have a stinking feeling that the adjacent property owner on Willowdale won't be paying $15,000+ for the vacant lot next door. And, how about that economy demo job!
Repost Board of Revision stories re: Frangos
Altered Cuyahoga County boards of revision documents cut $145 million from tax rolls
By Gabriel Baird, The Plain Dealer | Sunday, September 05, 2010, 10:00 AM
Sorry to say but this is not really a surprise. Hagan and Jones need to stop playing the "I'm skocked Card."
If The Plain Dealer wants another surprise check the Property Inquiries and Petitions in the Auditors office.
A gentleman by the name of Aveni had his property value slashed by the Auditor's office. (ALL PUBLIC RECORD)
A Licensed appraiser valued the property the correct way. Russo and/or his Administrators sent other appraisers out to this Gates Mills property and directed them to lower the value.
I believe over a Million dollars was slashed using a Property inquiry and Petition. This would not be a problem if this was legal.
Russo's office has consistenly skirted the law and lowered values based on CLERICAL errors.
What his office has actual done is change a value from someone complaining by sending someone to view the property and adjust the values. This constitues a Fundemental error
Russo's office can't change Fundemental errors. This is a violation of state law. I am sure Dave Lambert can expain this since I was questioned about parcel 842-24-001 and the change in value, March 7, 2005, Small Commissioners chamber.
Favor or skriting of the law. No matter. The law was broken and a member of the Prosecutors office was aware of it. Another note of interest. The property Inqury and Petition disappeared. I witnessed a supervor making a new one, February 2005, and passing it off as the origional to Channel 5. Falsification of public record is illegal. Isnt that right Mr. Lambert?
I can also state that a dwlg, Porter rd., North Olmsted Ohio, was removed from the Tax rolls in 2004. I was acussed of making up a story regarding the handling of this property. This news paper has already mentioned the Appraiser who falsified public record and removed the building and value from the tax rolls. He was not disciplined for falsifying records. The office covered it up.
When It was discovered that the dwelling was actually still there, January 2005. The appraiser assign to review the new home that was going up called me. I was in the office. I copied all the documents for their review. I was actually followed out of the Admin building when I gave the information. LOL. They though I was passing info to the media. A Supervisor directed this appraiser to hold off on correcting the error. No action was taken against the appraiser for removing the existing home or value and falsifying records.
On March 8, 2005 I heard the Manager, at that time, of the Residential appraisers state that he did drive by the home, the night before, and the home was actually still there. Intersesting that I would be question by Dave Lambert about this property. Samir Mohammad and Santina Klimkowski were present and the Manager would decide to drive by the property on the night of MArch 7, 2005. Hmm. Was he directed to do so. That would mean that the Administration of the Auditors office was aware of illegal activity and covered it up. LOL.
The Auditors office quietly replaced the missing home and value with no action taken agaisnt the appraiser who falsified the public record. Nor was there any action by the Prosecutors office into the illegal change.
This is what happenes when Criminals are elected to office.
So this article is no surprise. The honest employee would lose their job. Why do you think Russo appointed his friends sister to the BOR. She will cover up any illegal activity that would lead to Russo. The same can be said for the people appointed by the Commissioners.
This was their personal play ground. The credentials for being hired to the BOR. You do what your told. Breaking the law is second nature to these people.
The State of Ohio was actually notified by me, March 2004, about questionable activity in the Auditors office. They don't have the Authority to review the Auditors office. Except for a ReAppraisal or Update year. So how are the employees who see illegal activity or questionable activity suppose to respond. They aren't if the value their job.
(NOTE: Jar65, CatchFive and many alias accounts have been deleted by the Plain Dealer--even when posters comment on with their real name as Satinder Puri has--they have their comments deleted)
Previously, at REALNEO there were many posts related to fraudulent activity at the Board of Revision. Most penned by Lily Miller. Those have since been deleted and with the deletions we lost a lot of good information (I try to work under an archival philosophy that we save the record--whether good and bad).
Gus Frangos and Gary Paulenske and Chris Florio were some of the folks who worked under Jim Rokakis at the Board of Revision. Though the Board of Revision is/was theoretically independent, the actual workers showing up were under the direction of the County Treasurer at the time -Jim Rokakis. Many were appointed by him, including for a short time another former councilperson Helen K. Smith.
Investigation of the Board of Revision is the next logical step in the Cuyahoga County corruption probe. The reconstituted BOR should out the deals that allowed many folks to hold properties for years without paying taxes. One of the worst in terms of not paying taxes due to funky evaluations--is Gus Frangos. He is just one of many.
There were many crazy evaluations at the Board of Revision during the Dimora, Hagan, Lawson-Jones era. We know that the commissioners appointed some of these "appraisers," but so did Treasurer Rokakis. This mess is not over.
But, one thing should be clear to Ed FitzGerald. It's time he canned the land bank. Start by firing Gus Frangos.
CitizenX aka BannedUser aka lmcshane
Obstruction and Fraud Bank of America
This warrants immediate attention in NEO--but will continue to be ignored--rackeetering continues unabated and camouflaged by the mainstream media:
It appears that Bank of America is using TARP monies to cleanse tax liens on foreclosed properties. This paves the way for investors to benefit and pick up properties for pennies on the dollar.