REEL NEO to the Academy - see you next year
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 03/06/2006 - 00:16.
Who is the film industry in NEO? We started exploring this question at a film excellence roundtable, where over 40 partners in art came together to discuss growing their industry. Today, at a benefit for Independent Pictures - - called "Cleveland Oscar Night America", around another 150 came out to show their support for film in NEO. The more I'm around this sector of the local economic development picture the more I realize I don't know this industry - who they are, what they do, and how they operate in the regional economy. This is worth figuring out, so next year some of the folks watching the Oscars tonight from afar can be thanking NEO from Hollywood.
One important figure in the NEO race for the Oscars is Bernadette Gillota, co-founder of the Independent Pictures for which this event benefited, who has been active with area economic development and the film industry for many years. She and fellow filmmaker Robert Banks are at the core of a cluster that seems focused on the art of film, and came together tonight to share their passion.

There is Suppport for Film in NEO
The number of people who attended "Cleveland Oscar Night America" has convinced me that there are a lot of people in Cleveland who want to support film. It's a big deal if you can get over 150 people in NEO to go out on a Sunday night in winter, pay to park and pay $65 or more for a ticket. These 150+ people enjoyed the party and no doubt will be attending the film festival, now they just have to get better networked. NEO needs to use technology to better connect film supporters with those who need support making films.
We'll connect film and economic development this week...
Watch REALNEO - there will be a major film-related announcement in the next few days, which will change everything in NEO.
Film and changing everything here
"Watch REALNEO - there will be a major film-related announcement in the next few days, which will change everything in NEO."
You have my interest. I been quiet for a bit. I've been shooting, getting ready for our TV Series party this Thursday and talking to some potential financial business partners who are interested in coming aboard the Studio. Right now, it is a matter of paperwork. Paperwork and details.
Also I would like to touch base with you Norm in the real world. I have a meeting with William of CAAO this Friday but will be free afterwards.
I have been following things here and I am eager for some change.
Alex P. Michaels
Expanding the Knight Movie Studio Incubator
People you need to meet
Hello Alex,
I was reading Inside Business (March Issue) this morning and came across an article called Filmic Feat. Kevin Kerwin and Kate O'Neil of Authentic Films LLC are featured.