Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 03/25/2008 - 15:38.

Like fine furniture, these new serpentine pipe bike racks are wrapped to prevent scratching. I thought the serpentine bike rack sculpture - complete with pillow cases - set against the Breuer linear-designed façade of the Cleveland Museum of Fine Arts addition was a nice juxtaposition.
When the first bike is locked up, the scratches will begin. Best to wait ‘til then for the inevitable (or use stainless steel pipe or galvanized pipe instead of painted pipe).
Good point Jeff. Zeleznik's needs a bike rack for the front of their building. I spoke with Peggy Zeleznik about utilizing a found object to bolt to the front of the building. With Mittal Steel, right there and coiled steel...I could see a beautiful, fuctional and fitting work of found art in my neighborhood! With spring and summer around the corner, families exploring the towpath will need a place to tie up their "horse."
GLBT Cleveland
An update from Peggy. Zeleznik's has more of a LADIES bar atmosphere now, so if you are visiting Cleveland or want to enjoy the REAL thing in Cleveland, stop by.
Peggy assures me that I am still welcome to drop in for a beer after my vigorous cycling work-out on the Treadway Creek trail, even though I am not much of a lady.
Zelezniks Tavern
4002 Jennings Rd
Cleveland, OH 44109