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WATER is LIFESubmitted by lmcshane on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 10:15.
01/28/2008 - 13:00 04/01/2008 - 17:00 Etc/GMT-4 The Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District will host a 2008 poster contest for students in kindergarten through grade 12. The theme is "Water is Life." Submissions are due at the district's headquarters in Valley View by April 1. First-place posters in each grade level will be forwarded onto a state contest. State winners advance to national competition, where winners are recognized at the National Association of Conservation District Annual Meeting. Topics students may want to research include: water in everyday life, groundwater, watersheds, drought, flooding and water cycle. The 2008 poster contest is sponsored by the Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District, the National Association of Conservation Districts and the NACD Auxiliary. The CSWCD's mission is to promote the conservation of land and aquatic resources in a developed environment through stewardship initiatives, education programs and technical assistance. For information regarding the contest, contact Amy Roskilly at (216) 524-6580, Ext. 22, or e-mail aroskilly [at] cuyahogaswcd [dot] org. Visit for contest rules and an entry form. Location
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Small world
How cool--students from Horizon Denison just came into the library for a book on Grasslands.
They grabbed this title, written by the very same PJ Whitfield, who ran me through the King's College rat's maze in 1984!!!
Biomes and habitats
by Philip Whitfield; Peter D Moore; C Barry Cox
Water - A Wonderful Collection Of Photos
A friend sent this Powerpoint to me. I posted it here:
It is a large file (5.4 mb) so it probably will take a while to download it :-(
...but they are some great photos.
I will use it tomorrow to engage the class from Denison School. Thanks Bill.
Just an aside--yesterday, the Plain Dealer ran a story about Old Brooklyn Community School, yesterday. A charter school that works. Scratch beneath the surface Plain Dealer. There are Cleveland Metropolitan Schools that work, too. We all need community engagement. Don't treat some kids as throwaways. Stop running away.
The February Cleveland magazine posits the question: Ronayne Cleveland's next mayor? I know and like Chris Ronayne. He is young and idealistic. We need young and idealistic.
Elsewhere in the blog world, comments fly around about how Cleveland eats it's young. I hope that Chris and his wife don't fall prey to the usual cynicism and manipulation that corrupts and has corrupted so many before them. Natalie Ronayne is pregnant and she proclaims: "I will never live in the suburbs." Let's hope that by the time their kids are ready to attend school, people will realize that the center must hold.