Sustainable Transportation Choices

Submitted by Ed Hauser on Thu, 08/04/2005 - 09:59.
08/16/2005 - 16:30

total community health of Northeast Ohio is affected by the
transportation choices we make daily to get from point A to
point B. What mode of travel we choose, which fuels and technologies
we use, and where we locate our businesses relative to mass
transit stations are just a few examples of the choices we face.
MapQuest won’t help us make these sustainability choices!

There are a number of promising tranportation related initiatives
and business opportunities in Northeast Ohio: car share programs,
anti-idling initiatives, clean fuels programs, employee incentive
programs for mass transit, bike lane additions and high speed
rail to name a few.

Join E4S and the following presenters to learn more about your
transit choices and opportunities:

  • David
    Beach, Eco CityCleveland - Overview: How transportation choices
    impact the sustainability of our region
  • Stephanie
    Strong, Entrepreneurs for Sustainability – How business
    leaders can implement sustainability principles in their transportation

  • Ryan McKenzie, CityWheels – An entrepreneurial venture
    that will expand our transportation options

More Information Here


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