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Innerbelt Central Viaduct Project Public MeetingSubmitted by Ed Hauser on Fri, 06/02/2006 - 11:21.
06/07/2006 - 16:00 06/07/2006 - 20:00 Etc/GMT-4
A kickoff Public Open House for members of the community to talk about Bridge Type Selection for the new I-90 Central Viaduct Bridge over the Cuyahoga River. Indentical presentations will take place at 5:00 pm and 6:30 pm. Information about the construction of the Quigley Road Connector will also be available at the Public Open House. Learn about the Bridge Type Selection Process OFFER YOUR INPUT! Be sure to visit and participate at - for the more information For more ODOT information. please call ODOT at 216-584-2007, or visit the project website at Location
Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation
2187 West 14th Street,
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
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Ed is On IT!
Thanks for your hard work. What kind of cat do you have?
Thanks Jeff- Hope you can go! And my cats
Thanks Jeff! Hope you can make it to the meeting to find out what the hell is going on with ODOT and its BILLION DOLLAR bridge proposal. They are have removed the only logical alternative because they claimed it would take the Greek Orthodox Church, but ODOT finally admitted that the church would not have to go. For the same reason ODOT claimed to remove the Southern Bridge Alignment from further consideration, they MUST reconsider that alternative because its North Bridge proposal will take historic properties.
Gordon Proctor is a better magician than David Copperfield, because he made the Southern Bridge alternative DISAPPEAR without a trace. Now, lets see how good he is at making it REAPPEAR because federal regultions mandate it. Is ODOT anticipating the demolition of the historic buildings in the path of its North Bridge alignment? Is this federal historic review process a dog and pony show? We will find out soon!
So far our elected officials seem to be clueless because they have accepted ODOT's plan without considering the alternatives and the concerns of their constituents!
The bottom line is that the public must demand a valid unbiased study (not B&N or Baker) to compare the cost, feasibility, traffic interruptions, and economic impact for the North and South Bridge Alignments- period.
As for the cat, I'm not sure what you're getting at with that. However, I don't have a cat now, but we used to have two family cats when I was growing up- an orange tabby (Sunshine) and a blue Russian (Carlos). I took Sunshine in when I found him on the streets of Slavic Village. Both cats were my buddies and lived for about 20 years. Thanks for reminding me of them!