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Imperial Women To Meet With State Rep Bill Patmon For Legislation For Case Assignments To Judges By Random Draw, ForeclosuresSubmitted by Gone Fishin on Tue, 03/22/2011 - 06:32.
03/28/2011 - 18:00 03/28/2011 - 20:00 Etc/GMT-4 From the Metro Desk of the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( The Imperial Women will meet with State Rep. Bill Patmon (D-10) at 6 pm on Monday March 28, 2011 at the Little Africa Village at 68th St. and Superior in Cleveland (A restaurant owned by community activist Michael Nelson that is behind "The Kitchen Cafe"). The group seeks a state law that requires that all municipal and common pleas judges in Ohio are assigned and reassigned to civil and criminal cases by random draw, which means that they will be selected randomly by lot rather than the handpicked process sometimes used to manipulate outcomes in cases to the detriment of the community, the Black community in particular. more here
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Why would you post that we
Why would you post that we are meeting at 5 am and it is over at 5:28 pm ? Please denote 6 pm until 8 pm or remove your post. In the future I will post my own events--Kathy Wray Coleman
I fixed the time on that event
I fixed the time on that event - I think the time had been left at the default setting and so was wrong - thanks for catching that.
Disrupt IT
what did you change? I copied Kathy's event as it was written when I posted the event for her. I did not change the time of her meeting, and when I went back this morning to look at the event- the time was exactly as Kathy's event.
On the very few events that I have posted to realneo, I always request it to run longer because I am under the impression that the event flashes on the screen to remind folks of the meeting. If it flashes on the screen at 6:00 pm, that does not give enough time as a reminder.
Am I correct on this, Norm?
And by the way, the e-mail that I received accusing me of purposely screwing up the time on behalf of others is false. If I were trying to hide Kathy's event, I obviously would not have posted it for her in the first place. Both of the issues being addressed at this meeting are issues that I have addressed myself-repeatedly.
The time setting was on default times
The time setting was on default times so it showed as starting at 5AM - I fixed that to read 6-8PM - it is just one of the settings with events. I'm glad each of you took the effort to bring public awareness to this matter.
Disrupt IT
Norm, one more ?
thanks for the info, Norm.
If the event begins at 6:00 p.m., would it not make sense to run the event reminder prior to 6:00 to timely remind folks?
I have only posted a couple of events, but that is my impression.
I think it is best to use actual event times
I think it is best to use actual event times unless people need to arrive in advance, etc.
Any suggestions for advance preparations, etc., can be included in the event body message.
Disrupt IT