GIVING away public land is NOT OKAY!

Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 04/10/2016 - 16:50.
04/10/2016 - 15:49
05/05/2016 - 15:49

 The Cuyahoga County Public Library has proposed building a new Bay Village branch on the Metroparks Huntington Reservation. It is easy to let our affection for libraries and the Metroparks turn into unquestioning support of the decisions that their boards make. But the Metroparks commissioners are only human and will make a mistake if they permit the county library to develop the land in Huntington Reservation. Who knows what the next "ask" will be for Metroparks land?

The library's request could be followed by requests for land to build assisted living, a detention facility, or a school. If the the Metroparks commissioners say yes to the library how will they be able to say no to another equally deserving public project?
Citizens should remind the commissioners to base their decision on Metroparks' mission and vision statement and tell the library, "Sorry, you will have to build elsewhere." Or, at the very least, commissioners should do a county-wide survey to gather citizen input as part of the decision.
To contact the Metroparks commissioners, you can call 216-635-3214, or email:
Commissioner1 [at] clevelandmetroparks [dot] com – Bruce Rinker
Commissioner2 [at] clevelandmetroparks [dot] com – Dan T. Moore
Commissioner3 [at] clevelandmetroparks [dot] com – Debbie Berry
Frances Mentch,
Cleveland Heights
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