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Board of Zoning Appeal on Aragon POSTPONED to May 11th - email BOZA for denialSubmitted by lmcshane on Tue, 04/14/2015 - 15:22.
04/20/2015 - 13:00 05/11/2015 - 13:59 Etc/GMT-4 APRIL 20, 2015 9:30 Calendar No. 15-023: 3179 West 25 Street Ward 14 Brian Cummins 18 Notices Woodland Inc. (aka Ali Farai) proposes to establish use of 16,698 square foot building as a banquet/assembly hall in a C2 Local Retail Business District and a Pedestrian Retail Overlay District (PRO). The owner appeals for relief from the following sections of the Cleveland Codified Ordinances: 1. Section 343.01(b) which states that a banquet hall is not permitted in a Local Retail Business District. 2. Section 343.11(b)(2)(L) which state that a banquet hall is first permitted in a General Retail Business District only if 500 feet away from a residential district per Section 347.12 (a)(1). Proposed use abuts a residential District. 3. Section 349.04(e) which states that an accessory off-street parking area equal to three times the gross floor area is required and none are provided. 4. Section 357.02 which states that a nonconforming use of a building or premises which has been discontinued shall not thereafter be returned to such nonconforming use. A nonconforming use shall be considered discontinued: (1) When the intent of the owner to discontinue the use is express; or (2) When the use is voluntarily discontinued for six (6) months or more. The intent to voluntarily discontinue a use may be implied from acts or the failure to act, including, but not limited to, the removal of and failure to replace the characteristic equipment and furnishings; or (3) The cessation of business operations for two (2) years or more unless the cessation of business operations was caused by factors out of the control of the business such as the disability or illness of the proprietor or governmental action unrelated to the behavior of the business. 5. Section 352.08 through 352.12 which states that a ten foot wide landscaped transition strip providing 75% year round opacity is required at the rear of the property where it abuts a residential district. 6. Section 343.23(h) which states that in a Pedestrian Retail Overlay District for any nonresidential building or storefront facing a Pedestrian Retail Street Frontage, not less than sixty percent (60%) of the front façade between two and one-half (2 ½) and seven and onehalf (7-1/2) feet in height shall be composed of transparent windows or doors. (Filed February 4, 2015)
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Board of Zoning Appeals staff.
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Cummins and Forest City-Rokakis-Thieving Communities
Put out the spin for West 25th-Pearl Rd. corridor:
(If it's a hobby -than why the need for a liquor license??? Real estate speculation is a FUN hobby in Northeast Ohio!)
Who gets to benefit from the Cuyahoga County fun money dumped on Metrohealth expansion??? Stay tuned!
BOZA May 3rd - from neighborhood activist-Cummins again...
WE OWE IT TO THE ANIMALS TO NOT LET THIS SLIP BY! Don't just something and show up if you can or write a letter.
ROAR Rescue - the rescue run by Crystal of the former Ohio Pet Placement - and her partner Eric Poole (CPD) lied to the Stockyard Connections Block Club in order to get support for a City of Cleveland Board of Zoning Appeals variance. Neighbors are outraged to say the least.
The former florist shop located at 5405 Storer Avenue which Mr. Poole has requested a variance to change the use to a kennel. Currently, the home based rescue is housing a reported rescue dogs and Crystal and Eric reported to the block club the dogs are outside 80% of the time and volunteers are walking them. Neighbors have complained to the city there are 30 or more dogs on the home (not pet store) property and are rarely outside or walked. The next door neighbor, a pastor, witnesses people coming by twice a day to check on the dogs.
They are having a BOZA meeting on May 4 at 9:30. Neighbors from this block club are sending in letters complaining and asking for more support from city residents so that the pet store does not get approved for use as a kennel.
Letters can be sent to:
BOZA Board Members -- May 4th Hearing
Room 516, City Hall
601 Lakeside Avenue,
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
You can formally file a complaint with Councilman Brian Cummins at Council14 [at] clevelandcitycouncil [dot] org or to BOZA and make sure you reference the address and calendar number 15-67
There will be a ROAR open house next Tuesday at 6 PM at 5405 Storer Avenue for those who would like to go or peacefully protest to support the neighbors who don't want to see the pet store turn into a kennel.
Below is a link to some background on Crystal's criminal history associated with the former rescue she founded and ran.…/pet_rescue_group_founder_charg.h…
Calendar No. 15-67: 5405 Storer Avenue Ward 14 Brian Cummins 10 Notices Eric Poole, owner, proposes to change use to a pet store/kennel on a parcel located in a B1 General Retail Business District. The owner appeals for relief from the strict application of the following sections of the Cleveland Codified Ordinances: 1. Section 343.11 (B)(2)(q) which states that kennels are a permitted use, provided that all odors, fumes, and noise be confined to the premises and the lot upon which the kennel is located is greater than one hundred feet from a residence district and this property abuts a residential district. 2. Section 352.07 which states that the property is non-conforming in regards to required landscaping: a ten (10) foot wide landscape transition strip providing 75% year round opacity is required where property abuts a residential district: none are proposed. The Board of Zoning Appeals must determine whether the nonconforming landscaping may continue. (Filed April 1, 2015) POSTPONED FROM APRIL 13TH DUE TO AN ERROR IN THE CASE DESCRIPTION. CORRECTED DESCRIPTION IS BELOW:
Rokakis buddy? BOZA 4/27 for Sevastos on Denison
Please enter my formal opposition to the above appeal to allow car dealership on Denison. The owner of Raceway Motors has been operating w/o permit in violation of zoning standards - for well over a year and his business is a nuisance to this neighborhood.
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