From the Cleveland Club of Washington, D.C.: if you are in D.C., please join fellow Clevelanders at the Town & Country Lounge of the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C., on Thursday, December 14th beginning at 5:30 and stretching to whenever for some holiday cheer. The Mayflower is conveniently located near the Farragut North Metro Station at 1127 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., and is decorated for the season. The Town & Country Lounge is in the ground floor. No reservations are necessary. Cash bar. Complimentary pasta and hors d'oeuvres will be available. If you aren't in D.C., pass this on to friends there!
Calling for a volunteer or two to go to the Mayflower early, say about 5:00 to stake out our territory. Email me Brooke C. Stoddard if you are interested... brookecstoddard [at] cs [dot] com