Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
I just got the following event details from our Tech Czar Michael DeAloia about an important international conference coming to Cleveland - The International Association of Information Technology Asset Managers - with keynote by Case VP of IT Lev Gonick (congratulations, Lev). I've worked with lots of high level global IT managers and they are an excellent draw to Cleveland... they like to explore and they spend money, so this conference is a gem. And they are offering a special deal for Cleveland IT companies worth checking out. Most interesting to me and you is how they are selling Cleveland to their international membership... check out our forum on 22 reasons to attend this conference in Cleveland, Ohio, and add your ideas to share with these important guests of our community, and all others! See conference details below...