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WEWS Dirty Dozen StorySubmitted by lmcshane on Tue, 11/01/2011 - 08:13.
Kudos to Sarah Buduson of WEWS last night for her investigative report on outrageous delinquent taxes owed in Cuyahoga County: The report was listed as exclusive. Did Wade Steen provide the info or did WEWS dig on their own? As proven here at REALNEO, it's not so hard to find scofflaws who have gotten away for years on not paying taxes. Keep digging! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gus Frangos, President of the Cuyahoga County Land Bank, has some very suspicious property transactions in Cuyahoga County. According to public documents, it appears that Gus Frangos purchases property, transfers the property from his name to various self-created LLC's, and then does not pay property taxes. A Shell Game involving lots of LLC's and delinquent property taxes. Gus is fortunate enough to be able to own a 12 room house with five bedrooms and four bathrooms in Hudson, Ohio. The property is appraised at $ 503,180 and it's tax value is $ 176,120 An example of one of the numerous LLC creations: the property located at 8062 RAVENNA ROAD , HUDSON,OH 44236 was purchased by Gus and Christianna Frangos on November 29, 2004. And on November 4, 2005, Gus Frangos created this LLC: 8062-2 RAVENNA, LLC Domestic Liability Agent: GUS FRANGOS, ESQ.
The suspicious creation of numerous LLC's and lack of paying property tax is evident with the property below: 105-16-002 , parcel # 907 E 70 ST , address 12-11-01 property transferred to Gus Frangos and Lamar Young 12-11-01 (same day) property transferred to Gus Frangos 30-MAY-02 Gus Frangos transferred the property to Quinn Court Propeties, LLC
And on March 4, 2002, the Incorporator/ Statutory Agent for QUINN COURT PROPERTIES, LLC was Gus Frangos Statutory Agent DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Delinquent Property taxes owed: $4,299.82 Property taxes not paid since 2009. ****************************************************************************************************** ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF THE LLC CREATION AND LACK OF PAYING PROPERTY TAXES: 913-917 E 17 ST, address 105-16-088, parcel # 12/11/01 transfered to Gus Frangos 5/30/02 transferred to Quinn Court Properties, LLC. The same LLC in which Gus Frangos is the Statutory Agent. Delinquent PropetyTaxes owed $5,547.56 Property taxes not paid since 2009 ************************************************************************************************************* And more:
105-10-014, parcel # 6311 St. Clair, address Gus Frangos purchased this property on 12/31/98 And on a/9/03, Gus Frangos transferred this property to 6311 St. Clair LLC 6311 St. Clair, LLC: The address to which interested parties may direct requests for copies of any operating agreement and any by-laws of the LLC is 8062 Ravenna Road, Hudson, Ohio, Summit County. Signed, Gus Frangos Initial Member/Agent Appointment for Statutory Agent 11/8/2002 Delinquent property taxes owed $2,194.80 Property taxes not paid in years ************************************************************************ And More: 1325 Carnegie Avenue, address 101-38-045 and 103-38-046, parcel #'s Owner Engine House No. 3 1325, LLC Louis Frangos/ Agent for Engine House No. 3 1325, LLC Gus Frangos/ Incorporator for Engine House No. 3 1325, LLC Delinquent Property Taxes: $19,352.22 and $3,769.03 ************************************************************************ Another Example: 104-13-076, parcel # 1188 E 61 ST, address 3-4-99 transferred to Gus Frangos 1-9-03 Gus Frangos transferred to 1188 East 61st Apartments, LLC
And More: 5902 PROSSER AVE, address 104-14-090, parcel # 11-MAY-90 tranfered to Gus and Cristianna Frangos 08-MAY-91 transferrred to Christpher Pasiadias 11/20/92 transferred to Christianna Frangos 1/22/93 re-filed deed to Christianna Frangos 1/29/93 transferred to Gus and Christianna Frangos 6/21/93 transferred to Christianna Frangos 10/29/99 sold Carmen Ramos ******************************************************
Although though I could not find a name connection to this address, the address that the listed owner uses is the same as the Frangos address
1060 Bolivar, LLC 101-38-013, parcel # 1060 Bolivar , address Tax mailing address same as Frangos, 1325 Carnegie Avenue. Delinquent property taxes $62,328.72
Gus Frangos is/was listed as an Agent/Registrant for 43 business entities. Gus Frangos is/was listed as an Incorporator for 122 business entities. A large number of the business entities are for real estate companies, contractors, developers and parking lots.
Louis Frangos is/was listed as an Agent/Registrant for 24 business entities. Louis Frangos is/was listed as an Incorporator for 16 business entities. A large number of the business entities are for parking lots, along with some for real estate companies, contractors and developers.
U.S.A. Parking Systems , Inc. is mentioned in one transaction and the name U.S.A. Parking Systems, Inc., and their fax number is clearly visible on the top of one of these transactions that was faxed and recorded with the county recorder.
Two of the properties purchased by Gus Frangos were previously owned by Algimantas Dailide. I remember Al. He owned lots of property in Cuyahoga County and was a frequent flier in housing court filing evictions. I often wondered how Al was able to purchase so many properties and own his own real estate company. Dailide filed a civil lawsuit against Gus Frangos and the case was settled. (CV 08 661718) It appears that GUS FRANGOS, the President and General Counsel for the County Land Bank, is purchasing property, transferring numerous properties into LLC names in which Gus Frangos is named the Statutory Agent and/or Incorporator, and the property IS NOT COLLECTING ANY TAXES. How can the same county officials that were responsible for stealing Freddie's house - owned for 46 years- and stolen for $2,000 in delinquent property taxes not be held to the same standard?
How can Gus Frangos be the President and General Counsel for the County Land Bank - which targets delinquent tax payers- when the numerous LLC's are delinquent with paying their own property taxes?
How can Gus Frangos be in charge of the county landbank and their hundreds of properties when he can not properly take care of business with his own properties?
How and why should Gus Frangos be in charge of anything? Because Rokakis said so? If Ed Fitzgerald wants to crack down on those that owe delinquent property taxes, I suggest that he start collecting from Gus Frangos and the numerous LLC's that apear to be above paying their own property taxes.
ALSO, Gus Frangos was named defendant/debtor for numerous civil lawsuits, including two civil cases in which Plaintiffs Cuyahoga County and Cuyahoga County Department of Development were successful in obtaining judgments in the amounts of $558,080 and $ 1,063,716.67 in July and March 2011, case numbers JL 11 459937 and JL 11 445421. There are also three pending civil lawsuits in which Gus Frangos is named as a defendant. The plaintiff is CB 2010, LLC., Case nos. CV 11 757138 ; CV 11 757139 ; CV 11 757140
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