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Ward 14....more end 2011....Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Wed, 12/28/2011 - 00:48.
Approximately 2 hours ago, my friend posted this on facebook...."about 20 minutes ago I heard gunshots out front, now the cops are all over the park looking for evidence becuasethey found the guy around the corner shot!!!! And people wonder why I want to move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Apparenty there has been another shooting in the vicinity of the Roberto Clemente Park on Seymour near Fulton Road.
The end of this year seems like a warzone in the neighborhood. Shootings appear to have been climbing... So sad. Aww...but that should help the crime stats so that our big city can get lots of federal funds for more police on the streets.....even though it's stuff like this that is driving the population away quicker than most can imagine....
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