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A view of the petition that divides the two patios and the curb cut parking lot.Submitted by jerleen1 on Sun, 04/18/2010 - 18:55.
This photo depicts the first and second patio as well as evidencing the curb was cut to accomodate the off street parking of vehicles. There is a petition and entrance way from the small 32 seat patio into the larger non-conforming patio. What must be remembered is that there are several bars/restaurants/nightclubs that guilty of the exact same thing - after the ratified resolutions are handed down by BOZA granting the parking variances, business owners construct illegally permitted patios in the designated required parking sites. If a residential homeowner were to build a deck onto their home without obtaining the proper permits followed by inspections, they would have their asses hauled into court, fined and ostersized - maybe even instructed to dismantel the add on quicker that you could say lickety-split. You can't get a code enforcer or inspector from Building and Housing to even come out and take a look at these non-permitted constructions.
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I think that anybody would
I think that anybody would agree that the second much larger patio provides a lot more seating that for 32 people (8 parking spaces)
The whole situation is a disgrace
And further proof of the corruption and evil of our leadership.
And Jackson calls it depression.
Victims tend to get depressed, Mr. Action.
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