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While there have been a number of suggestions and ideas tossed out on how and by what committee the parking/valet problems should be handled, no doubt the traffic congestion created by too many Valet Zones obstructing the intersections and blocking the driving lanes in Tremont is creating a serious safety problem.
As far as the complaining goes, I dare say that the need for a fire truck or an ambulance being slowed down or stopped (for even seconds) by valets blocking the streets and intersections puts people's homes and lives at much greater risk. Does anybody have any idea who will assume that responsibility? Either one of these emergency vehicles attempting to make their way down Literary, Professor or Jefferson on Friday night would have been held up several seconds if not a minute or more. Would you want it to be your house, your loved one, your family member or even yourself with no minutes or seconds left - waiting at the other end of one of these streets?
Since the Traffic Commissioner was in charge of investigating the traffic congestion situation PRIOR to the SAFETY DIRECTOR making his recommendation to the LICENSES AND ASSESSMENT DEPT., I believe that perhaps it would be a good idea to have an additional investigation and report for the Valet Zones submitted to the Safety Director and suggest another evaluation on the recommendations for all these Valet Zones in such a short distance of each other and in the interim clean up the non-permitted valet cones taking up extra space. Why do they keep allowing these places to operate illegally permitted Valet Zones? Where is the enforcement?
Injuries or a fire in one of these establishments could end up costing lives not only to patrons but to employees as well due to delayed emergency service.
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by Jerleen Justus (Plain
by Jerleen Justus
(Plain Press, February 2010) Permitted and non-permitted valet zones in Tremont have changed the streets of this Historical District into nothing short of an obstacle course. The City of Cleveland's Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses continues to hand out one hundred dollar ($100) permits, and high-end business owners mark off their territory with a display of bright orange cones brandishing "valet" tags near the middle of the street.
Bus drivers, residents and other travelers, navigating through the orange cone invasion into on-coming traffic, find maneuverability cumbersome and unsafe. During peak business hours, motorists, turning the corners or making their way through intersections on Professor Avenue, are often held up in a traffic jam or crowded into dodging valet cones.
According to Cleveland's Codified Ordinance 451.33, prior to the establishment of any zone, the Division of Traffic Engineering shall establish whether the proposed zone would create or contribute to a traffic flow or traffic congestion problem; whether there is adequate off-street areas for standing or parking vehicles in areas already experiencing traffic congestion; and whether or not the proposed zone cannot be implemented without resolving, accommodating or decreasing traffic congestion.
After investigating and considering all relevant traffic, Traffic Engineer, Rob Mavec, provides a report to Martin Flask, the City's Director of Public Safety, who in turn notifies and advises the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses on the issuance of a Valet Permit. Tremont residents have begun to wonder if reports actually exist, since the city has issued a number of Valet Permits to restaurants/bars/nightclubs operating within only a few feet of each other. With the parking non-compliance running rampant in Tremont, questions continue to arise as to why the City of Cleveland Department of Building and Housing continues to be so lax with enforcement.
One College Avenue resident, (who wishes to be unidentified) states, "I don't believe that we'll see any changes until the FBI steps in and cleans up the corruption. A good place to start would be in the Dept. of Building and Housing." The long time Tremont resident continued, "Most of these businesses just make a joke out of the Zoning Board."
These zones have not only created problematic and hazardous driving conditions, but is also affecting other long-time businesses in the area. Polish Veterans' Alliance Post #1 (corner of Professor and Literary) Manager John states, "I have to rely on walking customers. There's just no where to park with the valets taking over the whole neighborhood."
With the latest valet zone being permitted at Dante's up-scale establishment, near the corner of Professor and Literary, proprietors of the long-standing Professor Market are also falling victim to the onslaught of Valet Parking Zones surrounding their entranceway. Owner Nash says, "I can see where it's going to be a problem. I'm hoping to be a good neighbor and give Mr. Callichia an opportunity to work something out. I think he needs to go to the community meetings."
Patrons of the thirty-year old store are not feeling quite as generous. One resident witness, Frankie Richards said, I watched in disbelief as the police pulled up and ordered a customer, parking at the 15 minute parking sign, to either move or get a ticket." He further stated, "I overheard the officer tell her that she was too close to the valet zone. With no other place to park, how are we supposed to shop at the store with three valet zones back to back on this corner."
The opening of Dante's on January 9, 2010, refueled the decade old parking war among many residents living on College, Professor, Literary and West 7th Street. Residents returning home in the evening found what they described as a "nightmare" unfolding before their eyes.
While the St. Peter and St. Paul Ukrainian Church parking lot was filled to the max with more than twenty-five vehicles, valet runners also nabbed every empty space they could find on the residential streets. Residents in close vicinity spent more than seven hours listening to car engines, slamming doors and loud yelling. They were forced to endure the sound of tires spinning on the incline to the church lot; and valet's running down the middle of the street, triggering screaming alarms until 1:00am in the morning. Some residents, returning home from a long day of working out in the cold, found themselves parking on the tree lawn or sitting in the street for twenty minutes hoping for a space to become available.
What angered most was the fact that on May 26, 2009, A "Good Neighbor Agreement" (GNA), advocated by Councilman Joe Cimperman as being the way of the future, was agreed to and signed by restaurant owners Giancarlo Callichia, Dante Buccozzi, Tremont West Development Corp. Executive Director Chris Garland, TWDC SII Project Manager/Development Director Sammy Catania and two Central Tremont Block Club co-chairs, was incorportated into and ratified as per the Resolution handed down by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Good Neighbor Agreement states:
"Dante's agrees to using the Parking at St. Peter and Paul as employee parking.
Dante's agrees to provide the most efficient use of the parking lot, including but not limited to striping, plowing, keeping clean as used, lighting, and screening to be determined as best means to distract lights and sound (could be shrubs, screening, both or some application thereof.)
The number of parking spaces legally allowed in both lots be worked on and agreed to by the licensed general contractor and the City of Cleveland's Building and Housing Dept.
If there are more than employees parking at the church lot, they must be valet in and a parking attendant/valet/security guard should be in attendance to not only guard the lot and ensure the cars are safe but to also ensure only valets are using it AND that the security person would be the eyes and ears for the area."
While more than seven months have passed since the signing of the GNA, to date there have been eleven parking spaces striped off in the church lot and a few feet of stockade fencing installed near the middle section. Pointing across the street at the unfinished fence, Amanda Thompson stated, "The spirit of the effort has surely failed."
Inasmuch as most of the valet zones are permitted while others are not, residential denizen Mary Slone says she believes that many of the bars and restaurant owners are still operating under the city's "free pass" system and there's no one to count on for protecting the rights of the residents. Slone said, calling on Tremont West is a waste of time when it comes to protecting people's quality of life issues. They don't care about old people, how much noise and grief we have to put up with; they're only concerned with how much liquor they can pour into this community."
Parking problems continue to plague Tremont
try to run in and run out -
Last night (a Monday night) I ran to Professor Market with dinner on the stove because I ran out of a staple.
It was ridiculous.
cars everywhere... parking no where...
when is Edison's
getting valet parking????
...On a walk through Tremont yesterday... struck me that all of the businesses in Tremont do one thing that most residents don't do. That would be shovel and salt their sidewalks. As I walked, I did an informal mental survey and found that 95% of businesses and retail had clean sidewalks, while less than 25% of residences had even shoveled their sidewalk.
It would seem statistically more likely for an elderly person to slip and hurt themselves on an un-shoveled sidewalk than to die or be injured by a delayed emergency crew. Does this mean that 75% of the people who live in Tremont do not care about the elderly or underprivileged who have to walk down the middle of the street in the winter? What about the wayward postal carrier that has to work in that stuff everyday?
Many cities have laws regarding snow removal. I could not find one on the City of Cleveland site but even common courtesy would dictate shoveling some snow for the benefit of all. If a law like that exists in Cleveland, would you support ticketing every person who does not shovel? I think that would be a great revenue source for the city and a big boost in our "quality of life".
The valet issue might indeed need attention, but even Dale Carnegie in his book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" teaches that before you lodge a criticism, you butter the person up with a compliment. In case you have not read the book here is a cheat sheet:
Be a Leader: How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment
Begin with praise and honest appreciation.
Call attention to other people's mistakes indirectly.
Talk about your own mistakes first.
Ask questions instead of directly giving orders.
Let the other person save face.
Praise every improvement.
Give them a fine reputation to live up to.
Encourage them by making their faults seem easy to correct.
Make the other person happy about doing what you suggest.
Kudos to you, Cowboy
I totally agree... we have two homes with sidewalks to shovel, but you bet we do it. I even throw our one shovel into the back of our car and drive over to house #2 to get it done.
At one house have our neighbors, a father and son, who walk the sidewalks every morning at 6 am on their way home from work. At the other it is a later middle aged lady who walks everyday to take care of her elderly parents down the street. I would feel terrible guilt if anything happened to them - they fell, or they were hit by a car walking in the street.
I mean - how hard is it???
Social equity - the Dale Carnegie stuff is great - my father had that book. I'll be the first to say I could use a good reading... but then, some people just BEG for it, don't they???
While I can appreciate your walk through Tremont and your noteable mental survey, please allow me to address your contentions.
1. PRAISE AND HONEST APPRECIATION - I believe that I personally would use the word "praiseworthy" - it is commendable that the many business owners took over, purchased property and opened establishments in this community. However, the key words here are "business owners."
2. INDIRECT ATTENTION TO MISTAKES - The issues we have been dealing with for so many years are not just forgetting to take out the garbage or not sweeping in front of the door. These business owners are breaking laws.
3. OUR (MY) OWN MISTAKES - I have no problem with owning my mistakes
4. ASK QUESTIONS - NOT GIVING ORDERS - We've been asking the same question time and time again - "Why are the high-end business owners allowed to continually skirt the system and get away with being non-compliant and not having to abide by the "Code" the same as the residents in this community?
5. SAVE FACE - The only thing being ask of these business owners is to respect the rights and quality of life issues of the reisdents (elderly, poor, long-time residents).
6. PRAISE EVERY IMPROVEMENT - I don't consider loud noise, blocking intersections, late night whoopin' it up interruptions of working people, elderly, students or others an improvement. You could build the most beautiful building in the world - but if you destroy or hinder the rights of others - nobody cares about the building.
7. FINE REPUTATION TO LIVE UP TO - It is not the resident's place to pump up their egos. Most of these business owners moved into this community for one reason - and that was to make money. It's up to them to build their reputation and earn the approval of the community. Many residents have lived in this community for forty, fifty, sixty and some a lot longer.
8. FAULTS EASY TO CORRECT - There have been numerous meetings scheduled and all of the business owners have been invited (in writing) to attend - so that we could openly and honestly discuss some of the prevailing concerns. So far, we've had only one business owners attend. That would be Tree House owner Tom Leneghan. Tom has also been the only one who has attempted to help rectify the parking situation. Owners of Dante's even signed a Good Neighbor Agreement which was incorporated into the variance Resolution, dated May 26, 2009, wherein they agreed to fulfill certain obligations - to date, they have not complied.
9. HAPPY ABOUT DOING WHAT WE SUGGEST - We've been suggesting, suggesting and suggesting - and the only thing they have been happy about is continually not obtaining the proper permits, blasting the music too loud, valets blocking the streets to the point that people cannot even get in to the corner store, get to their destination without being held up, having their residential streets over packed with valeted vehicles, patrons continually puking, urinating and getting it on right in front of your window as well as throwing their trash out for the poor old people to have to clean up. There is absolutly no respect - these idiots don't realize that people have children and the children should not have to hide in the house to avoid such behaviour.
At a meeting last Wednesday, at the Jefferson Library, a group which included the Councilman, Commander Sulzer, Inspector from Building and Housing, Staff from TWDC, Attorney from the City's Law Department, one resident stated that he looked out his window by 806 and observed a young woman (drunk) exit 806 and strattle an orange cone in his driveway and begin humping up and down.
THE RESPECT, PRAISE AND APPRECIATION GOES BOTH WAYS. I would bet any amount of money that if it was your home, your family or you that was in need of emergency services that could save your life, you would not want the streets to be blocked and you would want those services as soon as possible.
Believe it or not, most of the business owners do not live in Tremont and when they go the the Zoning Board, not only do they make promises under oath that they don't keep, but they ask for variances that the Suburbs won't even allow on the table for discussion - let alone allow them to do.
The treatment by code enforcers that are brow beating residential homeowners, dragging them into court, condemning their properties while totally turning a blind eye to the degree of non-conformance in the business community borderlines on discrimination.
The only way they consider us good neighbors - is if we look the other way. You thank someone for doing something nice for you - not for doing something to benefit themselves.
Very well put and respectful of your master schemers
I lived in Geauga for a while - where you can't live unless you live on 6 acres of parkland - no sidewalks...
The neighbor from the next 6 acre park came over one night... he could hear my music and asked me to turn it down because it disturbed him from hearing the frogs in his pond croak him to sleep.
We are dealing with people who have dedicated their lives to abandoning people so they may be croaked to sleep... and they get to breathe fresher air and see stars at night... and live longer, send their kids to better schools, and shop in worldclass retail outlets. Nothing in this beautiful world is more expensive except the ticket to ride, which is not available to most people.
I don't know where most of the trolls on REALNEO really live, but our stats indicate many live in the distant suburbs of Cleveland and I'm sure none of them live in our real worlds... and we are not welcome in any ways in their worlds... they just like being masters and schemers.
Seems THEY have been poor masters and have schemed us all into a huge mess.
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Some people do beg
Some people do beg for it and you have to be that much sweeter to them. Nobody likes to be put in a defensive position (even if they are wrong). The goal is to make people think your solution was their idea in the first place!
I'm sure Dale was really nice as he fired lots of people, too
If you live surrounded by abandoned houses do you still need to shovel?
The law of the streets in East Cleveland (and most of Cleveland, it seems) is when it snows people will walk, ride bicycles, push baby strollers, etc., in the street, even on Euclid Avenue in a snowstorm... even if the sidewalk is cleared... even if it is sunny for two days and most sidewalks are dry... you should see when the schools let out around here... do not try to drive down Terrace past Kirk and Shaw around 3... it is a pedestrian byway, at that time, filled with kids.
And going up and down the Superior Hill... pedestrians often take up more room than cars, and this is six lanes... and I suppose Lakeview Cemetery should shovel the whole way there (may we ticket by the foot of shoveled sidewalk, as they would bring in a mint).
People in cars need to be very careful of people in the streets in the winter in the city... share the road with EVERYONE... or, perhaps, stay on freeways.
Bigger problem - irresponsible businesses and poor police performance in University Circle - our $ billion Euclid Avenue was not designed to accommodate delivery trucks so they just stop and park on Euclid wherever and whenever they want... UPS.. beer deliveries... people waiting for people... and one of the busiest roads in America goes to single-lane... and the cars back up for blocks. There are lots of government and authority workers in University Circle and they don't seem to do anything about this problem - ticket all the beer trucks (LaRose was the offender blocking Euclid in front of the gas station across from the University Circle Police Station at 10:45 AM, today)... and ticket UPS... they were blocking a lane in each direction directly across from each other at Euclid and Mayfield at 1 PM today... that will bring in revenue from people who deserve to be ticketed!
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I also hate being Carnagey'd
The guy wasn't even real enough to use his real name.
It is so much easer to be honest about problems and solutions.
Like, how do we fit too many people into too small of the wrong kind of box?
That is the problem in Haiti. You don't.
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come to think of it -
my dad had a college education but only 3 or 4 books (the Carnegie book being one).
and he liked my scum of the earth dead beat first husband (he was a salesman just like him)...
maybe I need to reconsider my response....
snow shoveling
I love snow shoveling and I do it routinely - sometimes twice a day when the snow really piles up. I think this would be a great source of revenue. Owners of property get ticketed for high grass, and mowing tickets abound among those Cali guys who don't keep up their properties.
This is make work - like Civilian C0onservation Corps. Make absentee owners hire service companies to shovel the drives and walks of the houses.
People who live in their homes ought to do it, too. Why pay money for Bally Total Fitness while it awaits you in your driveway and walk every snowy day?
Break your back? Naw, not if you keep up with it - shovel when it's light and fluffy. It also puts moisture where it belongs - on soil, not in storm drains.
There is nothing more peaceful to me than late night shoveling when the world is quiet and the snow is sparkling.
Snow removal can be a
Snow removal can be a thankless task at times. Consider the neighbors that get out and shovel their walkways and driveway aprons only to have the city plow trucks come along two or three days later and pile the snow up against the driveway. Does the city snow removal crew not realize that they are pushing snow back in front of driveways that people just shoveled? There has to be a better way for the city to manage the snow removal on residential streets.
I cannot speak to UC problems.
I will be honest and say I don't know anything about traffic issues over there. My comments were only about Tremont.
If you choose not to shovel, that is certainley your choice and I support that. My point is that Tremont business owners do a good (if small thing) for the street. Sure, it might be aimed at their clientel, but every person that walks down the street benefits too. Send them a small thank you card for their efforts and then ask them about changing their valet procedures.
Not real sure about the meaning of your Dale Carnegie headline there. He probably helped millions of people KEEP their jobs through better communication. Something a lot of people these days might find handy when out in the bad economy.
send a Tremont business owner a THANK YOU f-me note???
are you out of your mind???????
you actually think tHAt will induce them to "be a good neighbor"????
wOw. you have a LOT to learn. Tremont business owners, by and large (there aRE a few exceptions) have a snide, crass opinion of the residents - UNless the resident drives a fancy pants car and has the potential to dump green at their establishment...
Is tHAt where you were going with the snow shoveling issue???
you are out of touch with reality....
I just responded because it was preferable to responding to the blog entry with the picture of a dog with red paint dumped on it's head.... jeez!
You must also dislike:
...Mark Twain, Bob Dylan and Zsa Zsa Gabor. They altered their names also.
Jesus and Ghandi also taught that we can change other's behavior by changing our reaction to them? Turn the other cheek is a revolutionary idea when you think about it.
Ben Franklin weighs in with this one: “Do good to your friends to keep them, to your enemies to win them.”
It would seem you miss Dale's real point. He always insists you place yourself in the other persons shoes and walk around in them. This does not seem like placing people in a box at all but liberating yourself from the box you might have built around yourself.
Do unto others... but not babies?
Twain, Dylan, and Gabor are/were great sales people - so were Jesus and Gandhi.
Part of industrializing people was to make them get along under alien conditions - crowded polluted industrial cities, factories, office buildings in alien places far from "home" - no more home for anyone - moving all people to prisons, so to speak. To make people function as aliens in prison, industrial society developed social programmers, and chemicals. Dale was an early chosen social programmer for this new world, that has become quite old.
I certainly understand there are lots of tools for programming people... which program was Jim Jones on... which program did he use on others?
What program does the US Military use in Afghanistan... on soldiers... on civilians... on US citizens?
My wife used the Hypnobirth program to have a baby without drugs - do unto your baby as you would have others do unto you... we learned that from a CD and it was very useful.
It is hard to gain appreciation for what is right, when you are busy making-up excuses for what is wrong.
What program will we use to help the people of Haiti make friends and influence people?
They'll never appreciate Voodoo Economics, so I suggest AIRLIFTS to Cleveland... get them the hell out of hell.
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Plain Dealer, The (Cleveland, OH)
December 29, 2002
To shovel snow or not poses a slippery problem
Author: Armond Budish; Special to The Plain Dealer
Edition: Final
Section: Sunday Life
Page: L4
Estimated printed pages: 4
Article Text:
To shovel or not to shovel, that is the question. Lucky for Shakespeare he didn't live in Ohio during the winter. While shoveling your walk or driveway might alleviate a hazard for neighbors and passersby, it might create a legal hazard for you.
Can I be held liable if someone slips and falls on the ice and snow?
In most cases, the answer is no. Let's say you invite friends over to your home for the holidays. As they trudge up your snow-covered driveway, a guest slips and falls.
As long as the snow was a normal accumulation and you did nothing to exacerbate the danger, you should be in the clear. Let's look at one Ohio Supreme Court case.
Richard and Nadine Ross invited Carol and Charles Bankman to visit at their home. The Rosses knew that their walkway was hazardous because of an accumulation of ice and snow, but they failed to shovel or salt the walk. As Carol Bankman approached, she slipped on ice that was concealed by the snow and was seriously injured. She subsequently sued, but her case was thrown out by the trial court.
The 10th Ohio District Court of Appeals (Franklin County) reversed the trial court and reinstated Bankman's case. The appellate court ruled that "when a homeowner knows of a hazardous condition on the homeowner's premises caused by a natural accumulation of ice and snow, and the homeowner expressly invites a social guest to visit . . . the homeowner owes a duty to the guest to take reasonable steps to remove the hazard and to warn the guest of the dangerous condition."
The Ohio Supreme Court reversed the appellate court and agreed with the trial court's dismissal of the case.
The Supreme Court ruled that property owners have no duty "to eliminate natural accumulations of ice and snow from sidewalks" or even to warn of the dangers. The court explained: "Living in Ohio during the winter has its inherent dangers. . . . Perhaps [the Rosses] should have shoveled and salted the sidewalk as a matter of courtesy to their guests. However, we find that Ohio law imposed no such obligation." All of the justices agreed that "everyone is assumed to appreciate the risks associated with natural accumulations of ice and snow and, therefore, everyone is responsible to protect himself or herself."
The court was concerned that any other rule could head us down a slippery slope and lead to an avalanche of lawsuits. "To hold otherwise would subject Ohio homeowners to the perpetual threat of [seasonal] civil liability any time a visitor sets foot on the premises."
Is there any reason not to shovel?
Unfortunately, the answer is yes. The protection from liability applies only to "natural" accumulations of ice and snow. You still might be held liable if your actions create a dangerous "unnatural" situation.
Here's an example: Linda Gober slipped and was injured on the stairs when leaving an Applebee's Neighborhood Grill and Bar in Dayton. Her lawsuit was thrown out by the trial court, but the 2nd Ohio District Court of Appeals (Montgomery County) reinstated her claims based primarily on the testimony of an expert witness.
The expert testified that the concrete surface of the steps "was badly finished, resulting in depressions that allowed precipitation to accumulate or 'puddle' on the steps." The restaurant had brushed the snow to the sides of the steps to let persons pass, but the "probable source of the ice on the step where Gober fell was runoff from the melting of snow piled at the sides of the steps."
Had Applebee's left the snow untouched, in its "natural" condition, it probably would have escaped potential liability.
What if the city requires shoveling?
A number of local communities have passed ordinances requiring property owners to shovel the sidewalk adjacent to their property. If you follow the ordinance and shovel, you could be held liable for slips and falls. If you ignore the city's rules and don't shovel, you could be cited and fined. But at least you would protect yourself from liability.
Budish is a partner in the law firm of Budish & Solomon in Pepper Pike.
To reach Armond Budish:
Lesson learned - never Invite The Bankmans for dinner
Thanks for providing this - it is closest to the word of god, for citizens of real NEO.
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law promotes laziness and discourtesy
I find it interesting that the Supreme Court's decisions found a way for people to stay on the couch and justify it.
In months when there is no snow, Police get all uppity and litigious about kids walking in the street. It is a beacon for cops - a young black male walking in the street. In winter, they are forced to do so and they are not alone. Elders and parents with strollers, too, are forced to walk in the street by neighbors who don't shovel. Dog walkers are in the street.
It is courteous to clear the walks. That's probably why businesses do it. But since the Bankmans, everyone has an excuse to avoid the exercise and the courtesy.
In Shaker Heights:
So if the city plows your previously unshoveled sidewalk, is it you or the city that is liable if someone slips? "everyone is assumed to appreciate the risks associated with natural accumulations of ice and snow and, therefore, everyone is responsible to protect himself or herself." Indeed. And everyone should know that there may be ice under that light coating of snow if there has been a melt or even if there hasn't. Yes, indeed the roads where cars have driven over snow are slippery and may have ice underneath a salty, slushy mix.
Would it be courteous for First Energy to work to reduce mercury emissions for their operations? Yes. Do they HAVE to do it? Maybe not. Would it be courteous for Cleveland Clinic to adaptively reuse historic buildings instead of tearing them down? Yes. Do they HAVE to do it? No. Should we have been allowed to vote on a quarter cent sales tax increase? Probably. But did the BOCC HAVE to put it on the ballot? No. Are courts always right? Is the recent Federal Supreme Court decision to allow us to become a corporatacracy, right?
Would you be happy to snowshoe to get to retailers and restaurants? You might find this a deterrent. What about plowing? Should cities follow the shovel rule and say, "Fuck it, people should know that they can be killed or injured driving in snow. If we clear the streets, we might get sued - let it go."? No. But then in Ohio, cars rule. In this economy and in many areas, fewer people have cars. We clear a way for the cars. I guess maybe pedestrians are just second class citizens or maybe we are expected to have snowshoes just as cars are expected to have snow tires.
On my street, I was, for a long, time the only person who shoveled. Now almost all the neighbors shovel. We actually see each other in winter. Of course, the empty homes' walk remain unshoveled. It makes sense to me that the city could put people to work to clear those walks by enforcing their ordinance. But they don't because of the Ohio Supreme Court's rulings. They don't even enforce that ordinance when it drives students to walk in busy roadways to get to school. The empty homes on my street are the places that cause folks to have to enter the street. If the city required those California owners to pay a service company or a neighborhood kid to keep walkways clear, someone else would have a job.
Story Published: Jan 8, 2010 at 6:19 PM CST
Story Updated: Jan 9, 2010 at 8:45 AM CST
Clearing your driveway can be a dangerous activity.
Research shows an increase in the number of fatal heart attacks among shovelers after a heavy snow.
Eric Shangraw has some advise on staying safe.
Brandon Dempsey likes to shovel snow.
"It gives you quite a good workout," he says.
During Thursdays big storm, since he wasn't in school, the Washington Freshman cleared six driveways.
"It is just something to do on snow days. It makes you feel good. Helping other people out that need it," said Dempsey.
But Dempsey is 15, not 50. Experts say the elderly should seek out someone like him when clearing their walks.
Researchers say shoveling can be considered a vigorous activity for even a healthy college age student. Two minutes behind a shovel can make your heart rate skyrocket.
"It really just takes quite a bit of excursion. It takes a lot of power to move that snow once it gets wet. Working out in the cold particularly puts an extra stress on the body so really think twice about doing it yourself," said Dr. Jared Rogers with Methodist Medical Center.
Think about it three times if you're in your golden years.
"Pride can be a huge factor. Thinking we can still do things that we used to do. This is a time to put that aside and ask for some help. At the same time, as good neighbors we can offer that help.
If you're elderly, find someone else to do the outside work," said Joanne Thomas with the Central Illinois Agency on Aging.
If you're older, look for someone like Brandon to do the work.
Watch The Video
By Eric Shangraw
My family insisted my dad stop
My dad was shoveling into his 60s, and that was not smart. He should walk, but not shovel.
If you notice today the snow is melting. I believe we should disrupt nature, as little as possible in every way, including moving and dumping chemicals on snow as little as possible... play in it, but don't mess with it...
Don't waste carbon on it - don't salt our environment because of it, and don't be a fool and die over it.
If you come to 1894 Roxbury, don't bother the neighbors, wear weather appropriate attire, be responsible for yourself, and beware of the DOG.
Businesses should reduce their snow footprint, just as they should reduce their carbon footprints, and if we are going to waste carbon clearing pathways for vehicles to move with greater ease through the snow, the vehicles damn well better share the pathways with humans.
The best strategy for Cleveland to address the issue of snow and carbon is to encourage distant learning and telecommuting - if it snows too much to drive safely then people should be able to work and learn at home, and not go out at all.
Use Genersl Systems Theory to address these matters:
Ervin Laszlo [18] in the preface of von Bertalanffy's book Perspectives on General System Theory.. [19]
Ludwig von Bertalanffy outlines systems inquiry into three major domains: Philosophy, the Science, and Technology. In his work with the Primer Group, Béla H. Bánáthy generalized the domains into four integratable domains of systemic inquiry:
These operate in a recursive relationship, he explained. Integrating Philosophy and Theory as Knowledge, and Method and Application as action, Systems Inquiry then is knowledgeable action.[20]
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I am a believer - the stuff
I am a believer - the stuff will melt and nobody should be driving like they're running the Indy 500 anyway - and it is up to parents whether or not they send their children out to walk in the snowy streets. Of course, Cleveland is one of the cities that won't call off school no matter how slick and icy it is.
I am 66 and my husband is 70
I am 66 and my husband is 70 and we both still shovel our walks so people can safely walk on them. We take it slow and don't try to hurry or lift large amounts of snow. It takes us probably 4 times as long as a younger person but the job gets done eventually. Sometimes our nice neighbors on both sides of us will help us out and shovel our walk when they are out shoveling their walks; but we still shovel snow, just not as fast as we used to and we only do enough of the walkway to make it passable, we don't shovel our entire driveway.
The city has a shovel program for elders but we don't meet the income guidelines and we still don't have enough money to pay for someone else to come and do it for us; so we do it ourselves with the help of our kind neighbors.
paying it forward
>>Sometimes our nice neighbors on both sides of us will help us out and shovel our walk when they are out shoveling their walks;<<
could imagine you must have done the same when you were younger, and your good deeds are being returned to you. nice to hear about.
You are right. We did help
You are right. We did help our neighbors shovel when we were younger. Not the same neighbors though. Our children used to go out and shovel with us as did most of the children in the neighborhood; and they all did it for free. I remember we would all shovel our section of the street too so people would have someplace to park. The man next door to us shovels with his son and he is teaching his son to help his neighbors. It warms my heart to see the two of them working together.
Sure...send them a card...
....preferably one with small kittens and purple flowers on it. They will wonder what you are up to and you might get a good laugh in the process.
I have never known this small human gesture to hurt anybody, plus...isn't it fun to get mail! :)