Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 11/18/2009 - 14:13.

You are looking at the reason why there will not be a new ocean/Lake Eire container port for Cleveland, or any other Great Lake city. These owner/operated trucks get frieght from the Atlantic, or the Pacific, to anywhere in North America weeks earlier, and a lot cheaper, than any frieght which travels the St. Lawrence Seaway.
Hit control + on your PC to see the RealNeo rig.
And for the Cleveland connection, look at those front wheel rims! They are on every model of tractor and many cars, including Lamborghini.
Besides the shiny look, the ligher-than-steel weight of the wheel is particularly beneficial because the the wheel rim is unsprung weight (below the spring suspension of any vehicle) and is rotatating weight - the inertia of which must be handled by the braking system.
Reducing the unsprung rotating load of any vehicle improves ride smoothness (the wheel doesn't make the vehicle bounce) and increases brake life and reduces stopping distance.
The Alcoa one piece forged aluminum rim is made on Harvard Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio and is one product NEO can be proud to produce.
When will the hydraulic forge presses be shipped to China? I'll bet the consideration of that move is on the Alcoa managers' desks as we speak.
I don't know much about
I don't know much about wheels, but the picture sure is pretty. I love the big trucks. My uncle (mom's twin brother) is 76 years old and still drives cross country. My brothers drive and two of them are semi mechanics. My sister and I went to Enterprize Ala, a couple of summers ago to pick up a classic car and haul it back on a trailor. We broke down out side of Nashville, my brother jumped in his rig, drove down, loaded both vehicles on his covered wagon and rolled us right on home. Funnest trip I ever had. Air seats, way up high, stereo, good tunes, smooth ride, stopped and ate at the truck stops, bought good coffee, my grouchy sister went to bed in the sleeper and we just trucked on home.